What if...(made my own SL)


Jul 22, 2008
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I wasn't sure where to put this, but since it was only speculation and a brief "what if" on my part, I put it here. Sorry if someone already had this idea, but here goes....

Sami gets out of witness protection, and she learns that EJ and Nicole are going to get married. She decides she really wants EJ (for the time being) and decides to come clean and admit that Grace is his. Well, ol' Nicole, being the smug and desperate person she is, plays along and tells her that they have to have a paternity test to prove it. Ofcourse EJ will agree, and so will Sami because she has no idea of Nicole's "baby-switch."
Well on the other side of Salem, we find out a little more about Rafe. Turns out, he's related to someone we all know and love....Mia! She's gonna end up being his sister or something.
Paternity test results are back...guess what? EJ ain't the papa of Grace. Sami is baffled, still. She had slept with no one else. Well, everyone in town starts talking about how they think Rafe is the daddy. Even Roman is gonna start thinking that, so to prove everyone wrong they get a DNA test done, and BOOM! Since Mia is related to Rafe and has the same DNA, Grace is going to appear to fathered by Rafe.
Ofcourse Sami and Rafe know that ain't so, because she was pregnant when she went in to witness protection, and they never slept together.
Rafe is going to end up saying something to Mia, and she's gonna find out what's going on and come clean, and Nicole is gonna be in some deep stuff.

This is just what I think would be a good SL. Like I said, sorry if someone already thought about it.
That would make an interesting story and I like it, but Lucas and Chloe already knew Sami was pregnant before she went into witness protection so there would have to be some investigating about the DNA.
I can't picture Rafe letting a 15 year old sister live alone in the world.