Where were you on this day?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
50 years ago today I had just put my year-old son down for a nap, so I had the radio turned down very low. With the radio in the kitchen and me in the living room, I couldn't really hear what was being said. But I suddenly became aware that the "tone" of the voices had changed. I knew something had happened. I turned up the volume and learned the president had been shot. I was glued to the radio for the next few hours -- with tears running down my face. Later, I had to go to the store for a few groceries. I remember looking at people's faces and wondering "Don't you know what happened?" because people seemed to just be going about business as usual. I felt numb.
I was in 5th grade. The principal came to the door, and asked our teacher to come into the hall. She returned, and was sobbing. She had a hard time trying to tell us what happened.
When I got home, my Mom was crying while ironing. She had the tv on, and allowed us kids to watch the coverage with her because she didn't want to be alone. (Today would be her 95th birthday.) When there would be a break in news coverage, we prayed a decade of the rosary. We must've said the entire rosary at least 20 times before we went to bed.
I wasn't even born yet, but I had the opportunity to go to Dealey Plaza last year, and it was... well, there aren't really words. Surreal, creepy, haunting, solemn, yet still every-day-normal... those words attempt to describe it. The Sixth Floor Museum has a really nicely done documentation and tribute. Something about the place made me feel as if I had been alive to remember it. It was touching... moving... definitely an experience I am glad I was able to have. It feels strange to be "glad" about it... I guess, to me, it's such an important moment in our history, and I am glad to have been there in person to pay my respects.
I was pregnant with my first child. I didn't live in Dallas until three years later, but that day I was in Dallas visiting my aunt and looking for a job. I think we heard it on the car radio, then went to her house and turned on the tv.
I was in 6th grade in art class....Sr. Rose Angeline came on the loud speaker to tell us that the President was shot and to pray for him...then a few minutes later she came on to tell us he was dead. We were all sent home. We never left the TV for 4 solid days....
I was home with 4 pre-schoolers down for their naps. I had TV on and was scrubbing my kitchen floor. I know exactly where I was. Then Sunday, When Ruby shot Oswald, I was in front of TV, rocking my 4 mo. old. Literally saw it happen. Saddest 4 days.
I have recollections of being in kindergarten, too young to really understand what was happening, and after the announcement was made, we were dismissed.
This was before my time but I've been interested in this since I was a kid. I've read a lot about JFK and family. Every time I go to Boston I visit the JFK Library(3x now) and I went to Dealey Plaza/Texas Book Depository in 2010. I highly recommend both if you're interested in learning more. There is also a little bit about JFK at the LBJ Library in Austin, TX.

CBS.com has been airing the entire broadcast from that day all afternoon--I was listening in earlier as they announced his death. I'm sure it's still just as impactful as it was 50 years ago.
I have watched so much coverage already. Last night, watched a documentary with nothing but actual news footage, and a voice over, til 1 a.m. I am dragging today. I have watched a whole program devoted to the comments and memories from the people involved at the time, secret service, assistants, plus historians, all minute by minute. Misunderstandings galore afterwards for the trip home and the swearing in of the new President. The Kennedy loyalists aboard the plane, resenting Johnson even being on board. Bobby Kennedy boarding the plane in DC and ignoring Johnson completely. Everyone drinking on the way back. Well, back some time ago, on a trip to Texas, stopped in Ft. Worth, decided to take a ride to Dallas, got there, parked the car, walked a bit, found a place where there was a map of sorts of the area we were in......and egads, I was in Dealy Plaza. I looked around, there was the book store bldg, and I turned around and there was the highway behind me. It was very eerie. There was no museum or anything back then. Everything on the news was there and I was in the middle of it. And the odd thing...right across the street was the huge police station.Honestly, I just had to get away from there. Left and went back to Ft. Worth.
The funny thing was......I wanted to see the bldgs. in downtown Dallas that were shown in the intro to the TV series Dallas. Never did see those.
I was a sophmore in highschool, and like lovin_safe, the news came over the intercom and everyone was beyond shocked. Someone rounded up a tv for my classroom and we all watched the news unfold. Then on the way home, the ride on the bus, a very somber affair. Dead quiet, I'll never forget that. Then when me and my brother got off the bus and were walking home, I said to him "I feel so insecure" and he told me to "shut up", he was such an jerk!!! That day was in slow motion for me.

I was brushing my teeth in front of the tele watching the news, getting ready for work when the second plane went into the tower on (9/11). I nearly fainted. It was the same feeling. Like a sucker punch. (Blind sided when JFK got shot)

edited to replace disguised cursing..JS