Will's article


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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Do you think he went too far writing this article? Will he regret writing it and what will he do when he finds out how he got the job?

I think he did go too far, I don't know why he thinks precious, sweet Abby is so innocent. I also think Sonny is going to regret what he did.
I haven't seen the show yet so I don't know what the article actually says, but what is being hinted is pretty damning. Will he regret writing it? Depends on DA PLOT.

Should Will have written it? Sure, yes it's about his mother, but I personally don't see an issue with him ratting out his mother.

He didn't have a normal childhood, he had a Soap childhood. Again it goes back to DA PLOT. I don't think, nor have I ever felt that Will thinks Abby is an innocent, but again, this is my opinion. He feels she doesn't deserve the level of bile being spewed from his mother.

Sonny having regrets? Again depends on DA PLOT. Hard to say which way these writers will twist in the wind with this.
What Will doesn't get is that his expose article is doing the same thing his mother is doing. He is going to publicly humiliate and destroy his mother for doing the same to Abby. This makes Will a complete hypocrite.

If Sami is wrong, then Will is just as wrong for doing the same thing. Well, except Will's public airing isn't just a couple of rants in a couple of places in town. Instead it's going to be circulation in thousands of locations in thousands of magazines and has the potential to go national. So Will is a hypocritical little turd.

Oh and yes Will is going to regret it. But now that the magazine lady is going to publish Abby's name, he's going to regret it for the wrong reasons and end up not learning the right lesson.

And yes Sonny is going to regret it as well. Even more so when it's revealed that the job came from Sonny. And just where the hell is Lucas?
What Will doesn't get is that his expose article is doing the same thing his mother is doing.
Actually, Will has gone way past what Sami is doing. Sami's rabid anti-Abigail campaign has been limited to Ms. Perfect's friends and family, who are all standing by her. She did not arrange for a plane to fly over Salem trailing a banner saying: "Abigail Deveraux is a cheap tramp." She didn't buy airtime on Titan TV for ads that say: "Abigail Deveraux is a harlot. Tell her so if you see her, and if she applies for a job do not hire her." In contrast, Will's hatchet job on Sami will reach a wide national audience of people who don't know Sami and probably never heard of her. If he wanted to do an expose on his mother, he should have waited until she died, as was the case with Mommie Dearest, which was published about a year after Joan Crawford's death or Gary Crosby's book, Going My Own Way, that included criticism of his father, Bing Crosby, which appeared six years after the famous singer's death.
As I just stated in a similar thread, Will had better watch out for Karma and keep his butt to the wall. I really don't think Sami cares that the article was about her, especially now that it will reveal Abigail's name. It's the fact that Will wrote it that makes Sami furious and probably hurt that he would do that to her.
When did Will got so outrageously self-righteous? Isn't he the guy who shot EJ and then let his Dad take the rap? Sheesh!
I thought Sami's final speech to him was spectacularly on point but I expect it'll be a long while before he realizes how right she was.
It seems from some of the conversations amongst Kate and the Dumb Dimera Duo (wedding bliss and all) that the only reason Sami didn't hire an airplane or television air time or any other means of mass communication is that she didn't want the company board to know what was going on.

There has been more than one conversation about keeping the board happy and not letting them find out, so I don't give Sami any props for "just" telling Abby's friends and family. I don't think for one minute that she wouldn't have done the stompy mcyelling scrunchy face thing while telling the whole town/state/country/world otherwise.

The only reason she outed Abby in the article is because she knew she couldn't keep it quiet anymore, so as usually for her, someone is going to pay (I'd say Will in addition to Abby and probably Sonny before she's finished with this round).

No doubt she will need Junior to help her do damage control; I just hope they don't do the "we're happy, the article was a lie, we're going to fight it together because we're soooooo in love" bunch of baloney or I may have to stop watching (I REALLY hate to regurgitate and this pair always makes me want to).
Just last year Sami killed Bernardi who was trying to butcher Rafe which all started out because she was trying to get the information that would implicate Will as the one who shot EJ. Will must remember what his parents have done for him for even Lucas was helping Sami steal the evidence. So yes I believe Will went overboard on the article.
I'm sorry but I find it almost laughable that Sami told Will this was the single most hurtful thing a family member has done to her. Really?! This from the woman who has gone on ad nauseum for the past 20+ years about how her mother cheating on her father has ruined her life, and Carrie and Belle were the good sisters, and Eric the golden child, and blah blah blah. Will writing a truthful, while scathing, article is the worst thing ever? Um, ok.

I do think Will is going to regret writing it and likely be upset with Sonny for helping him get the job in the first place. Unfortunately, Will seemed to forget that he was dealing with his mother here and she apparently decided to out Abigail in the article. This is going to have some rippling effects I imagine.
Will did not have a real-life, loving, great childhood like most of us, so I have to overlook the whole "he shouldn't have embarrassed his mom" thing. Sami used him as a pawn for most of his childhood, ruining his family life, and walked out on him during his most vulnerable moment because she could only think about herself.

And while she tried to help him with Nick, it usually only made things worse (such as Gabi's panic attack when she got pregnant and went to the hospital, and when Gabi almost took Arianna away) and Will always told her not to interfere. Sami doesn't listen, she only cares about herself and being right. Will gave her a case of "tough love" that is much needed.

Sami is a judgmental hypocrite and an awful person. Will never said that Abby was in the right, innocent or any of those things, so I don't get why Sami and many people here keep insisting on that. He DID tell Sami not to go any further because she already did enough to Abigail and would only hurt herself and the kids in her revenge plot.

Will he regret writing it? Maybe a bit, especially once Abby's name comes out: that was not his intention. Bt when he learns Sami was behind it and threw him under the bus, he will think he was justified in the end.
There has been more than one conversation about keeping the board happy and not letting them find out, so I don't give Sami any props for "just" telling Abby's friends and family. I don't think for one minute that she wouldn't have done the stompy mcyelling scrunchy face thing while telling the whole town/state/country/world otherwise.
Sami doesn't get any credit for not going viral with her anti-Abigail campaign, but if she had, who outside Salem would care? In a world where there are regular reports of glamorous celebrities cheating on glamorous celebrities with other glamorous celebrities, would anyone in the wider world care one iota about the EJ-Abigail affair. In contrast, Will's article on Sami's over-the-top behavior does have some catchy news value. It's no hard to imagine people in Chicago, New York, or L.A. saying: "Hey, did you read the article about the batty woman CEO who was outed by her own son?" In addition, outside of Salem, any story about Abigail would evaporate like most of yesterday's news. However, for the Bradys, the Will article will remain as another low point in family history. (As for Mr. Shin and his cronies, they don't seem like sensitive types. All the ups and downs in the bizarro DiMera world, including the divorces and arrests of EJ and Stefano, never fazed them in the past.)
There has been more than one conversation about keeping the board happy and not letting them find out, so I don't give Sami any props for "just" telling Abby's friends and family.

There is the difference between the two. Sami had enough foresight to consider her moves, at least to a point, before acting. Will is shooting wildly in the dark. Then again, Sami has more experience than Will does in these situations, haha.