

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2013
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I just posted this is the Daily thread but though it needed its own topic. Today we learned that Xander Cook or Alexandros Kiriakis is the son of Victor's brother.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? I am so angry! Is there anything that TPTB CANNOT screw up????? All they had to do was make Xander Sonny's half-brother and Justin's son! Instead he is either Justin's never before mentioned brother or the son of a never before mentioned brother of Victor. He could have been Justin's kid and still have been a bad seed. And I'm guessing he is not long for Salem either based on his final scene. What a waste!

So much missed storyline opportunity here by making him a long lost Kiriakis versus one of Justin and Adrienne's kids. And with all the mentions of growing up with Daniel and Brady today, it's like Serena's introduction all over again.
I don't think they grew up together, since Daniel is older than Brady. Just that they shared vacation time on that island together when much younger.

I really prefer that this guy is NOT Justin & Adrienne's son, in fact, am quite glad. He is a shady character who has long been involved in illegal activities, money laundering being one, hiding under his drug company. He has stated having been in jail, has been in Africa for some time, having met & befriended both Eric & Serena there.

He obviously has been in cahoots with Uncle Victor for some time, helping Victor with some underhanded activities. We know how both Stefano & Victor never want their own hands to get dirty. I am glad to know that Victor never turned complete goody two shoes after marrying the sanctimonius Maggie.
Just like how Brady spent "years" away at boarding school even though we saw him in Salem with John and Marlena up until their first wedding. Now I guess he spent time with Xander and Daniel on a Greek island too. :rolleyes:

Edited to add: I really think Xander is not long for Salem. Especially if they are keeping him as this bad seed. Shades of Colin Murphy.
:OT: i do remember how happy I was to see Colin Murphy, that the Bradys were getting some additional family in Salem. What a letdown that was:back:

Am sure Heather is right about the length of time Xander will be spending in Salem.
Poirot, I can't agree more about Xander doing Victor's dirty work...I think that's where the $200,000 they have been talking about comes in as well. This guy is just a "sweet-talking" thug and Victor doesn't keep him on a tight leash, just keeps close enough to use as "wanted/needed". It's those old-time family ties that bind.
Well Daniel is Victor's godson, right? So I guess it isn't too far fetched to think that he may have spent time with Vic on that private island off Mikonos but I can't remember Daniel ever mentioning that he knew Brady before he got to Salem. But why, oh why, does Xander have an Australian (I'm guessing that is what it is) accent is what I want to know!
The name thing sure threw me! I kept wondering why, if he was Alexander, he didn't have some interaction with Adrienne. That said, I don't think it really is that unusual for more than one person in a family to have the same or similar names, since they could be named after the same person.
LOL, My best friend's parents came over from Italy, as did other family members, and there are more Joeys, Joes, than I can keep track of, among the cousins, nephews, etc. LOL

Brady & Daniel did NOT grow up together, they just all were together one summer vacation on that Greek Isle.
So glad he's not Alexander "Alex" (as Sonny referred to him) Yippy ... cause he's not likable.

Geez all these same names . Reminds me of my family tree ...mass confusion too many kids named after grandfathers, uncles, brothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters AAAAAAH :eek:
I don't even believe they were together that one summer. Xander was around 11, Brady a little older, and Daniel has to have 20 years on Brady - as it turns out, paying attention is very bad today!!

While families do tend to name members after each other, name recycling on soaps is very bad, and even more confusing within families. There's really no reason they couldn't have named him Mikkos or something, other than to aggravate those of us who are paying attention. It is my considered opinion that this was an intentional move by hacks who knew they were on their way out to make fans hopeful for a minute or two.

And what a shame that he's the dirty Kiriakis Victor needs, but whom Victor doesn't respect. Here's hoping he and Nicole don't realise they were married back before Trent Robbins in order to recycle yet another overused story point.