Yep, breaking news, no show yet...2/24/20

Thanks, Poirot.

The beginning of the show they replayed the end of Friday's show. It went on too
long because they included the flashback of Maggie talking about the accident
to Will.

Surprise, surprise, surprise, Gabi is the match for Mickey and she wants to use her
bone marrow as a "get out of jail" free card.

Will told Ben if one of Victor's other wives caused that accident he would tell
everyone. Does that include grandma Kate? :)

Today we saw little Ciara pop out of Ciara. She told Rafe her dad talked about
how DNA and it might not be correct. Will national DNA record find a match
of David's dad before Ben's death day? Probably, it's Salem.

Line of the day goes to Sonny again when he talked to Gabi about going to trial
"what are you going to do? Download an app and make the people deaf?"