Days of Our Lives - Thursday, Jan 29th, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Episode #11,006 Director – Albert Alarr

The show repeats most of the closing scenes in various stories, so bear with me. Sami is being urged by Dr. Baker to just push once more, etc. and finally gives birth to what Dr. Baker describes as a beautiful baby girl. Sami is anxious to see her, but Dr. Baker has the look of doom and gloom as he orders the nurse to bring the umbilical cord cutter. Sami wonders why her baby is not crying, demands to see her, but Dr. Baker rushes out of the room with the baby. Now Sami is crying, frantic, Sister Theresa trying to calm her down. The nurse comes in, putting a sedative into the IV, warning Sami that if she gets out of bed she could hemorrhage. Sami doesn’t care, she wants to see her baby, something is wrong. She goes on a huge “it’s all my fault” trip, talking about how she always lies, lies to everyone, did so repeatedly because of the baby, but now God is punishing her. Sister Theresa assures her God does not use innocent babies to punish people. The sedative goes to work, Sami is calming down, starting to doze off. Rafe comes in, she is so happy to see him, hugs, he tells her all is o.k. she is safe, he is safe. Oops, just a fantasy, it is only Sister Theresa next to the bed. Sami cannot rest, she insists she has to see her baby, despite Sister’s protests, but finally agrees to stay put, if Sister Theresa will go check on her baby herself.

Chloe sits in the Pub, having coffee, flashing back to the lust encounter between her and Daniel, tapping her phone, debating on calling him. She again listens to his message wherein he says he cannot come between what she has with Lucas & his family. Finally, she calls Daniel, leaves a message saying they have to talk, iron out some things. Maggie has entered, hears the tail end of the message, asks if she & Lucas are having problems. Next comes a really nice conversation between the two. It is rather long, but Chloe claims to love Lucas, complains about Sami in his life a bit, and also that she might not be ready to settle down, and handle all that comes with marriage to Lucas. She mentions talking to her mom on the phone (would it not be wonderful to see Nancy & Craig again??) Maggie is giving Chloe sound and sage advice. Chloe worries that Lucas thinks she is this perfect being, and she is not. Maggie agrees that people do come off the pink cloud, but then realize their love is stronger than ever. Maggie leaves, then Chloe does, too.

Over at Daniel’s, he debates calling Chloe….nope, it is over. Knock, knock, and it is Kate. I have to say the woman is downright annoying tonight. She apologizes for once again dropping in without calling, doesn’t like where they left things, is worried about Daniel, something is bothering him. Daniel tells her in no uncertain terms that she is the patient, he is the doctor, they no longer have a private life between them, they will see each other by appointment only as doctor/patient, etc. Kate drones on about him, his psyche, he decides to order a pizza, asks what she likes, she ignores him, goes on and on. He tells her she is a prosecuting attorney doing a cross examination, & to cut it out. He picks up the phone, calling for the pizza, and she just does not stop, going on and on about what makes him tick, until he finally blows up, telling her to just shut up! He then tells her he wants alone time, she realizes he is kicking her out (about time), does finally leave, but stares at the door, wondering what is bothering him.

The killer is at the window, looking across at the convent, happy to know that is where Sami is hiding. Rafe has managed to free his hands, unties his feet, while the killer’s back is turned, and denies that is where Sami is hiding. The killer says Rafe is lying, and now that he knows where Sami is, no longer any need for Rafe, takes out the gun, points it straight at Rafe, close up. Rafe leaps up, grabs the gun hand, and the two men struggle all over the apartment, but Rafe manages to knock the gun away, it goes flying. Ah, but el creepo throws a few punches and kicks, Rafe is down, and the killer grabs a kitchen knife. Rafe struggles up, the two circle each other (reminds me of high school wrestlers initial moves, lol). The killer takes a swipe or two, Rafe ducks, and now they are up close and personal, struggling over the knife. Rafe manages to get some control, not before he is injured himself, but the killer gets stabbed. He staggers, holds his stomach, bloody hands, and out the door he goes. Rafe collapses on the floor, seems to have been limping, and we next see the killer’s feet, in snow, as he staggers, then falls near a staircase. He appears to be in the park, there are trees and a park bench.

Nicole has come into the clinic, with Mia’s baby in a huge carrying bassinet. (Wonder where she got that thing???) She hears Sami yelling about her baby, something wrong, etc. & gets a puzzled look. Finally she takes the bassinet, & sneaks into the room where Dr. Baker is working on Sami’s baby. He tells her to get out, she persists in asking questions, he keeps telling her to leave, shouting at her. She is babbling about this being EJ’s baby, what is wrong, can she help. Dr. Baker tells her to pray. She finally leaves, then outside the room, talks to Mia’s baby, does a bit of praying for EJ’s baby. And yes, she never refers to it as Sami’s baby, it is always EJ’s baby. She finally hears baby cries from the other room, and goes back in. Crisis over, the baby is breathing on her own. Nicole is delighted to learn it is a girl, and before you know it, she is spilling all to Dr. Baker. How Colleen is really Sami Brady, the baby is EJ’s, as they were in a relationship before Nicole, but she never told EJ, has been in witness protection.. Dr. Baker spots the other baby, Nicole explains it being Mia’s, that she delivered it, etc. etc. Dr. Baker holds the baby (and hey, folks, it is sooooo good to see real live babies here, not blanket dolls, lol), and as Nicole babbles…..does a variation of Bogie’s Casablanca line…..”of all the clinics, in all the cities in the world, she has to come into mine”, rolling his eyes. Too perfect.
Now Nicole has a plan. She will not expose the Dr. as long as he keeps her confidence. She promised Mia her baby will be well taken care of. Dr. Baker is getting a glimmer, asks Nicole if she intends to tell EJ she had twins. Nope. Change in plans, and tho she doesn’t think much of Sami herself, she is a good and responsible mother. And if she was going to leave her baby in a convent & orphanage, she would make sure that it was well taken care of, and be in a good home. So these two babies are going to live happy, healthy lives. She has picked up Sami’s baby and is rocking it in her arms, as it cries a bit. Is going to give EJ his own child, and they will raise it together, and be very happy.

Kate can be so conveniently dense just like she is conveniently in the neighborhood checking on Daniel a LOT!

I am surprised Maggie didn't say more about what she witnessed.

Good, we're almost done with the killer. Get him to the hospital then get him to jail!

I really do hope that Mia is Nicole's daughter like someone else speculated and she just gave her first grand baby away to Sami. That way consequences are served on both the deceivers.

Thanks for the write up Barb!
Kate can be so conveniently dense just like she is conveniently in the neighborhood checking on Daniel a LOT!

I am surprised Maggie didn't say more about what she witnessed.

Good, we're almost done with the killer. Get him to the hospital then get him to jail!

I really do hope that Mia is Nicole's daughter like someone else speculated and she just gave her first grand baby away to Sami. That way consequences are served on both the deceivers.

Thanks for the write up Barb!

Amen Nurse Hamster! I think that would be TOTAL justice to Nicole! I hope Mia is her daughter also! There went grandbaby girl to Sami and not Granny Cole!
Maggie and Chloe have quite a long conversation.......and Maggie did not know that Chloe was leaving a message for Daniel.........she thought it was to Lucas. Thus her asking if they are having issues.

I honestly had a problem with Nicole.....who was oohing and ahhhing over Mia's baby, cooing, etc. and all the promises to Mia........and the blink of an eye, she does a 180. Heck, she seemed as tho she already had really bonded with Mia's daughter, but she was only too ready to switch. She does say something to the effect that EJ deserves his own baby.......and "is not as stone cold" as Nicole is. Egads!
Thanks for the write up. Poirot. I found lots of good lines in this show. The best was Doc Baker. Of all the Clinics.... Just loved that one. Two things about the births bothered me. With Mia she tells Nicole that she is fine not even bleeding, just a few cramps. (Not bleeding would scare me. It is normal to have lochia after birth. No lochia where did the blood go.) With Sami. Doc Baker putting on the oxygen was right, but Sami should have been placed on the left side as this increase the oxygen to the baby. Also telling her to push at 9 cm. Big mistake. The cervix is not fully expanded and will swell as the baby is trying to go through. The baby will not be able to pass as now the opening is much to small. It will also do a lot of damage to the cervix. Many a c section has to be done because the Mom pushed to soon. Oh well just the obs nurse in me.
There is no way she could have told EJ that she had twins. She showed him the ultra sound that showed one baby. At that stage it would be impossiable to miss a second baby. Only thing she could do is say that they are adopting Mia's baby and that She gave birth to Sami's.
Now THAT is something I would have liked to have seen, I think I mentioned something to that effect some time ago. However, that would mean telling Sami hers had died.....and I don't think we all could deal with that.

:OT: You know, some months ago, there was a horrible accident, students were killed, badly injured. One girl was in a coma for several weeks/months. She finally came out of it, could barely speak at first, but finally managed to ask for her parents.....who were standing right there, having kept a constant vigil at her bedside. Long story short.....mistaken identity. These parents...their daughter had died.......and the other parents, who thought they had buried their beloved daughter, now learn she is alive. This was in all the news media.....:back:

I just do not want this sort of scenario for Sami.......OR Mia. I hope this story does not get too upsetting for all concerned.

Just one thing. I will give kudos to Ali Sweeney, who had to portray Sami giving birth to a baby girl, who then had breathing problems..........when she was still pregnant herself with a baby girl, and not due to deliver for another month. That really had to be difficult for her.
:OT: @ Poirot. I read that story. The two girls looked so much alike and the ID's they had by them had gotten mixed up. They only know that something is wrong when the therapiest asked her to write her name. Said that the family with her were pretend and wanted her real family.

I really do hope that Mia is Nicole's daughter like someone else speculated and she just gave her first grand baby away to Sami. That way consequences are served on both the deceivers.

I've been watching days since I was a fetus myself (lol) but tend to skip out for a few months or even years at a time. When did Nicole give up a baby? I would guess it would have to of been 15-16 years ago but with "rapid-aging" and such I'm really lost... If it's a thread already covered maybe someone could just take pity on me and e-mail me the thread? Thanks!!

There is no known loss of a baby, or even that Nicole ever had one. Just speculation by posters. Some like to think that perhaps, when Nicole was married to the now deceased Trent, that she had a baby that was either taken away, given up for adoption, or was told it was dead. There is NO basis in fact for the speculation.
I think when she miscarried Dr Baker questioned if she had given birth before due to an exam but maybe it was just routine questioning. She had also some sort of feelings or thoughts she couldn't shake that I think someone wanted her to talk to Marlena about. Not much that is concrete but a physician could tell if someone had given birth before due to a cervical exam. Let's just say that the way the lines were delivered it led me to believe that the possibility existed.
Re fraggle's post:
ditto what she said: ".... When did Nicole give up a baby? I would guess it would have to of been 15-16 years ago but with "rapid-aging" and such I'm really lost... "

I'm missing that background info too. And, also, who are Max and Melanie's mothers? Wasn't there speculation that Nicole was Mel's mother?
I think when she miscarried Dr Baker questioned if she had given birth before due to an exam but maybe it was just routine questioning. She had also some sort of feelings or thoughts she couldn't shake that I think someone wanted her to talk to Marlena about. Not much that is concrete but a physician could tell if someone had given birth before due to a cervical exam.

I think that was on the writers bench. So are the days of our lives. Don't remember it happening on the show. Could be wrong.
There is no known loss of a baby, or even that Nicole ever had one. Just speculation by posters. Some like to think that perhaps, when Nicole was married to the now deceased Trent, that she had a baby that was either taken away, given up for adoption, or was told it was dead. There is NO basis in fact for the speculation.

Oooh...ok. Thanks!! I was beginning to think I had some sort of amnesia too. Just because it was never talked about before doesn't mean they won't make it happen now. *If* Mia was Nicole's daughter (or some relation) that would have made the whole DNA testing thing interesting (before the baby switch). Nicole wouldn't have been an exact match but wouldn't the test have shown some genetic tie to her? (I'm a housewife not a scientist so I'm shooting blind here) Personally I'm sick of the baby-switching story lines, but it beats the heck out of the "is he/she really dead" ones. Thanks for the guys keep a bored pregnant woman busy with stuff to think about!! hehe

I think Nicole is genuinely concerned about Mia's baby. She is focused on EJ's baby never calling her Sami's baby. Nicole really wants what is best for EJ (in her mind) and that is his own child. I think she bonded with Mia's baby and cares about that baby but Sami's baby is going to be better for EJ. Her saying that they were going to be a happy family sounded "forced" like she's not 100% sure this baby switch is the right thing. Not that it's going to stop her of course.
"and denies that is when Sami is. "

Shouldn't that read, "and denies that is where Sami is." ?