Days of Our Lives - Mon. Nov 16, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, November 16, 2009
Episode #11209 Taped 10/2 Director – Herb Stein

Oh, my gosh, you absolutely cannot miss a single second of this show. Sami & Nicole face off, and I guarantee you, it is well worth the wait. WOW! But there is action on all fronts.

Bo returns home, calling Carly’s name, sees his laptop open (still on the site, I guess) and takes off. Down on the pier, Mia is telling Carly she can’t believe she dumped her whole life story on a stranger, tho she seems to understand. Carly replies that sometimes strangers understand better than one’s friends. Bo comes along, takes Carly aside, gives her a hard time about leaving the house, people after her, she is supposed to be in his custody, is in danger and has to hide. Carly gives Mia a hug, and leaves with Bo.

Vivian is standing in some shrubbery somewhere, talking to Gus, who evidently has been following Carly (we don’t see him). He sends her a picture of Carly hugging Mia, Vivian gets intrigued, tells Gus to forget the tramp, follow the girl.

Later, we see Mia at work in the Java Café, & she drops a mug, which breaks into pieces. As she begins to pick them up, another hand appears to help, and there is Vivian, smiling away, but I swear, she is talking like the little ol lady who enticed Hansel & Gretel into her candy covered cottage. Heheheh. She thinks Mia looks sad, wonders what is wrong, Mia says she must be a mess, as she is the 2nd person to comment on that. Vivian wants to know if the other person was a stranger, too..(weird conversation), but Mia is trying to get back to work, says her boss will be there any second, she is not supposed to chat, can she get her something……..double espresso. And Viv sets herself down, gets comfortable, for whatever it is she is planning.

Rafe is in Daniel’s apartment, telling Chloe to give him the baby, but Chloe refuses. He is trying to tell her that the baby is Sami’s, he has proof, Chloe is disbelieving, Daniel rushes in, telling Rafe I thought you were going to wait. Rafe replies it is too important, Nicole already ran off once, she could do it again. Now Daniel joins in, telling Chloe that Sydney is Sami’s, that Nicole switched babies, etc. Chloe denies that Nicole would ever do such a thing, no way, she just would not. The men go through the scenario, including the DNA proving Sami is Sydney’s mom. When it is mentioned that Nicole found out Sami was pregnant (after she actually miscarried) Chloe flashes back to how she, herself, is the one who slipped and told Nicole. She tells Rafe to take Sydney and go. He leaves, and she tells Daniel that it was her who set this whole nightmare in motion. Later, she has explained it all to him, but he assures her that it was Nicole who did it all, not her. Chloe knows she promised Lucas not to tell, then let it slip out. Nicole was her friend, pregnant with EJ’s child, and so was Sami, she thought Nicole should know. Daniel reassures her again.

Brady & Arianna are kissing, her cell goes off, tis Troy, Brady convinces her to let it go to voice mail….then decides to leave. He is going to try and help, find the drug kingpin, and where else but to the man who knows all about the scum of the earth, his granddad. He leaves, shows up at Victor’s, asking how Vic knew about Arianna’s drug dealing. Victor realizes Brady still has a thing for Arianna, and clams up as only Victor can. Brady gives up, returns to Arianna’s apt. with his laptop, planning to try and open his grandfather’s deleted files. Since he did it himself, they are still there on the computer. He manages to open something deleted two weeks ago, a file called Shipping orders, but it is in code. Gonna take longer than he thought.

Arianna leaves the room, goes downstairs to find Rafe & Sydney. He is looking for Sami, she has not seen her. Rafe says they were to meet there, she was going to make some calls. He knows Sami would have called him, figures something is wrong, and tells Arianna he is taking Sydney home to Sami’s. If she shows up, tell her where he is.

EJ sits at his desk in the all purpose DiMansion room, when Kate comes in, fixes herself a drink, babbling about the “who’s got the baby” problems. EJ has no idea what she is talking about, she says she had given Sydney to Chloe to watch, and some nurse called her, but then she switches over to talking of Stefano putting the hit out on Rafe, she wonders why. She also wonders why Stefano is so attached to that baby, reminding EJ he threw both Sydney and his wife out like trash. EJ has had enough, starts to leave the room, but has a visitor…..Chloe. She has something to tell him. EJ shoos the nosy Kate out, closes the doors, but Chloe doesn’t really spill the news, instead telling him this is about Nicole and Sami, and they should be the ones to tell him. (Well, then, what was the point of coming over???)

Bo & Carly have returned home, he is giving her a hard time about using his computer, leaving the house. She rants about being bored, perhaps taking up knitting, does he need a scarf or a sweater. Then she talks of knowing she is going to be back in ALAMAIN LAND (gee, is THAT the name of the country, :rotfl: ), how she closes her eyes and sees Lawerence’s as she killed him, how she is a doctor, yet took a life. Bo is understanding, tho, as to the WHY of it all. He gets a call, mentions Lawrence’s name, looks a bit perplexed, as he hangs up, telling Carly she is not going to believe this.

Nicole and Sami stand looking at each other in Sami’s doorway. Nicole bumbles around saying she thought Sami was worried about Rafe, she shoots back how she turned around and Nicole had vanished. Oh, the looks on Sami’s face is priceless, as Nicole claims she came for some papers she needed, found them, and will be off. No you won’t, replies Sami (and man, I wish I could remember all the dialogue, because it is fantastic.) Sami is spitting fire as she tells Nicole that Rafe is alive, he is not dead, her plan did not work. Nicole feigns ignorance, but Sami goes on, between clenched teeth, her face screwing up in anger, as she relates how Rafe told her everything. Nicole tries to make Sami believe that Rafe is lying, hates her, didn’t like them being friends, etc. Sami is relentless, going on how Nicole took her baby, no, no says Nicole, who tries to leave, but Sami blocks her way, angrily saying how Nicole came there to steal from Sami. Nicole counters with how Sami had given her the money to get away, and she still has to. Sami goes on how stupid she was to believe Nicole was her friend, how Nicole was so sympathetic when Grace died, how she watched her grieve and never told her…….”You had Grace”….Sami explodes, don’t you dare say Grace’s name to me, not ever, or I swear you will be sorry. Sami sweeps some stuff off a table, she is so angry. Nicole is insisting Sydney is hers, no she is not, you took her from me, admit it, say Sydney is my baby. Nicole says NO…..and SLAAPP, Sami smacks her across the face. Say it, Say Sami is Sydney’s mother. No, she isn’t. And SLAAPP again…….SAY IT! Nicole is tearful, as she barely gets out, “Sydney is yours”. Nicole goes on, crying, as she talks of losing a child, how she wasn’t supposed to be able to have children, but then got pregnant. She goes on how Sami seems to get pregnant so easily, has all these kids. Uh, oh, Sami revs up again, “what, you think I have so many children, I would not miss one or be able to count”? Sami knows Nicole loves EJ and was afraid of losing him, cuz he was marrying the mother of his child. Nicole denies this, saying EJ really loved her. Sami demands to know where Sydney is, Nicole says Sydney is hers, Sami will never get her. She picks up a heavy glass, seemingly ready to use it to hit Sami with, says she is Sydney’s mother, Sydney loves her.

The door opens, and there stands Rafe, with Sydney in his arms. Nicole drops the glass to the floor…. Sami turns, her face suddenly wreathed in smiles, as she looks at her daughter.

Please can we fast forward to Monday. I can not wait. This is going to be Awesome

I almost didn't read the day ahead today and torture myself all weekend lol. But I couldn't resist and poirot you didn't disappoint! I will have my popcorn ready on Monday! my husband and I have been waitin for this! Go sami!

Wonder what's the Vivian woman up to? Was she lawrences mom or first wife? I do not know any background of that story.
I wonder why rafe told Daniel first about Sydney?
Rafe told Daniel, evidently, because Daniel knew where Sydney was. And Vivian was Lawrence's Aunt.
Wow!!! This sounds amazing! I cant wait! I am so excited!!
Thanks for the wonderful write up!!!
Thanks for the WONDERFUL write up Barb!! I am so excited that the pot is finally at full boil....I know these 2 are wonderful actresses and this will be a very great episode, one to go down in history of the best.

What is the deal with Mia???? I just love Vivan and hope they do not change a thing about her, she was always good for a laugh. But what is she up too this time.
Wasn't John at one point an alamain? Anybody know where I can find a little history of the alamain family at?

So did Vivian raise Lawrence? I seriously need to brush up my days knowledge :)
Love Sami telling the psycho Nicole "you think I have so many children I would not miss one, or could not count!" HAHA!! I have gotten so ticked when I have read people saying Sami has too many children, why can't Nicole have one too? Nicole could have had one! Mia's baby!

Wonder at Sami saying it was Sydney who died and not Grace? Will she change the name? I hope so. It is not right Nicole chose Sami's babies name.

Now Nicole goes murderous in her mind again. She is truly a nut case, plus she was willing to let Rafe be murdered as well. She is just as much a killer as Stefano. She will be an interesting case for some psychiatrist. :smile:
Thanks Poirot!!!! You did a wonderful job and definately left us wanting more. I absolutely CANNOT wait until Monday to see Nicole & Sami......

Go Sami Go!!!!! So glad that the switch is all out now. However, this is Days that we are talking about and I have to believe that there is more to the story that we are not privy too yet.

I want to know the point of Chloe showing up at EJ's door. is something about to happen to Chloe as well since she helped to decieve a Dimera and this was the TPTB way to let us know that now EJ does know that Chloe was in on it (at least part of it) as well? Are they just trying to drive EJ further down the slimeball train b/c he will come unglued and be out for revenge on everyone that knew and kept it from him?
Love Sami telling the psycho Nicole "you think I have so many children I would not miss one, or could not count!" HAHA!! I have gotten so ticked when I have read people saying Sami has too many children, why can't Nicole have one too? Nicole could have had one! Mia's baby!

Wonder at Sami saying it was Sydney who died and not Grace? Will she change the name? I hope so. It is not right Nicole chose Sami's babies name.

Now Nicole goes murderous in her mind again. She is truly a nut case, plus she was willing to let Rafe be murdered as well. She is just as much a killer as Stefano. She will be an interesting case for some psychiatrist. :smile:

Well said!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:
Wasn't John at one point an alamain? Anybody know where I can find a little history of the alamain family at?

So did Vivian raise Lawrence? I seriously need to brush up my days knowledge :)

Yes John at one point was an Alamain.Lawrence was raised by his father although Vivian and Lawrence used to be close.Lawrence cut ties with Vivian though after she buried Carly alive.Have no idea if they ever made up though before his death.
Love Sami telling the psycho Nicole "you think I have so many children I would not miss one, or could not count!" HAHA!! I have gotten so ticked when I have read people saying Sami has too many children, why can't Nicole have one too? Nicole could have had one! Mia's baby!

Wonder at Sami saying it was Sydney who died and not Grace? Will she change the name? I hope so. It is not right Nicole chose Sami's babies name.

Now Nicole goes murderous in her mind again. She is truly a nut case, plus she was willing to let Rafe be murdered as well. She is just as much a killer as Stefano. She will be an interesting case for some psychiatrist. :smile:

I totally agree. I never felt right about Nicole naming the baby either, but at this point that is the name the baby knows and is really insignificant in the scheme of things.

As for this episode... wow! Did anyone else find themselves applauding when Sami was SLAPPING Nicole? :clap: I was giddy just reading it. I can't wait to actually see it. It is about time Nicole gets it. As for Chloe, can we say stuck on stupid? How can she be in so much disbelief over Nicole's actions? :confused: I understand they are friends and she has forgiven her for a lot, but how can she forget? The woman dressed as a nurse and gave her a skin infection. That is the type of thing not to be forgotten.
How can she be in so much disbelief over Nicole's actions? :confused: I understand they are friends and she has forgiven her for a lot, but how can she forget? The woman dressed as a nurse and gave her a skin infection. That is the type of thing not to be forgotten.

I completely forgot about that. Nicole can be pretty vicious. I am so glad this is all coming out. Can't wait for E.J. vs. Stefano.
Sami DOES mention Nicole naming Sydney, talking of how Nicole invited her to the christening, and had the nerve to name "MY BABY". Gad the scenes are terrific.

As to John/Lawrence, originally, John was the son of Daphne DiMera (via an affair), given to her sister to raise (so Stefano wouldn't know). Her sister & the sister's husband, Leopold Alamain, adopted him, raised him with their son, Lawrence. John & Lawrence thus shared common genes from the two sisters.

Lawrence was a bit jealous of John, there was a pool accident when the boys were young, John's death was faked and he was send to boarding school. Vivian knew this. Later on, in time, Vivian faked Carly's son's death, and raised Nicky as her own. That is about as brief as I can get. :) This IS a Days :back:

how does everyone live in walking distance to one another? does rafe suddenly have a car and a carseat that he got from chloe's to sami's in that short of time!

show sounds great though, can't wait to watch! thank you!
Oh my, after reading this, I absolutely can't wait until Monday rolls around. I can't wait to see Rafe hand Sydney over to Sami. I'm glad that Chloe remembered telling Nicole that Sami was pregnant with EJ's baby. Now, she can feel guilty about befriending Nicole all of these months. I still am hoping that EJ becomes a really good guy and he and Sami reunite. I think they make an awesome couple and I love seeing them together!!!
I almost didn't read the day ahead today and torture myself all weekend lol. But I couldn't resist and poirot you didn't disappoint! I will have my popcorn ready on Monday! my husband and I have been waitin for this! Go sami!

Wonder what's the Vivian woman up to? Was she lawrences mom or first wife? I do not know any background of that story.
I wonder why rafe told Daniel first about Sydney?

Kassie..that is so cool that your husband watches Days with you. Thanks Poirot. I can't wait for Monday's show.

Thank GOD...... I am so Glad the Nicole gets slapped twice I think a third time would have
been a charm... She deserves so much more but those are just my thoughts.