Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 6, 2015

They did not do a direct transfusion, and someone mentioned getting "the blood processed right away"....

Just an aside, but the hospital here only has a room number on the door....but then, no convenient windows to the corridor either, such as Salem Hospital . When in Illinois, the hospitals also had just numbers on the doors...but any of that could have changed.
When you enter the door of the hospital here, there is a desk, someone is sitting there, you tell them the name of the patient, they tell you the room number.

Actually, Maxine did prevent Paul from leaving a bit earlier, telling him to rest and drink the juice packets. We really don't know the amount of time that passed, Paul fell asleep, was dreaming, etc. When he ran into Chad, and was stunned by the news, it wasn't that he was woozy from giving all that blood. The shock was that Sonny had been seriously hurt.

Am glad I was not the only one who found the Brady/Melanie scenes at the end distasteful, and a jarring mistake in this episode.
Okay, watched it. Decent episode. But again, why didn't Nurse Maxine put the fear of Hades into Paul to lie down and stay put after he gave extra blood? We all know she's capable of it. Seems a little out of character for her, Maxine is the only competent nurse in the hospital most of the time. To leave Paul alone with a couple of Capri Suns or whatever? Not likely. And then he's free to wander the halls looking for Sonny's room...which just has Sonny's name plastered right on the door? Victor KNOWS what's up, he wouldn't have the staff sworn to secrecy at the very least?
And speaking of unsupervised...Mel and Brady...ewwwww. Thank goodness for fast forward.

I want to know how they are transfusing Sonny. It takes awhile for blood to go into the body and supposedly, he's had 7 units already. I don't think so.
I thought it was interesting how the name on the door said Sonny Kiriakis and not Jackson Kiriakis. That's his given and I'm sure legal name.

Loved the mentions of Alex, the twins, Justin, Sami and Eric today. It would have been better had Eric, Roman and even Rafe had actually been at the hospital too to support Will and Sonny. But I guess we should be lucky Lucas was actually there.

I too fast forwarded Brady and Melanie scenes as well as Daniel and Nicole scenes. No thanks. But I did watch the Melanie and Nicole scenes. Jason, you're right there was no reason for Nicole to be on the show today.

I'm almost disappointed that Sonny was going to be ok so quickly. It's like there was no climax to this story. It's only Feb 6. Now what?

On that note, I'm beyond disappointed in the pacing of this show. Storylines are either resolved too quickly or not quickly enough. No in between. We left off with Hope and Aiden on Tuesday in a seemingly cliffhanger. Where are they?!?

Sparkster, I agree the Kayla scene was very odd. I chalk that up to bad directing.

Don't even start me on John being in Chicago on assignment. It's like TIIC have a quota on how many vets can be aired per episode.