Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 8, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A few surprises today, a couple of disappointments. Rafe is on the phone with a cop, who tells him the key found at the site of Serena's murder is for the gate at DiMera mansion. That cop is at the hospital, Abby overhears. AT the cop shop, this signals a huge confrontation between Rafe, Justin (who is acting like a big blowhard) and Roman. Justin wants Chad arrested more than ever, Roman agrees that the evidence is still all circumstantial.
At Club TBD, Hope meets up with Eric, who has just come from Serena's funeral. He is all down in the mouth, spots Chad, is ready to tear into him, Hope suggests they leave. Over to the cop shop, where they walk in on the big confrontation. Everyone gets calmed down, Rafe thanks Hope for backing him up. Justin has left, Eric bemoans Serena's fate to his father, all sad & mopey because the last serena knew, Eric was mad at her, which is how she ended up drinking, etc. Roman tries to talk sensibly, comfort him, has to leave. Eric then prays, wondering why God's plan is all this misery. A tear rolls down his cheek.

JJ comes home, finds an envelope on the stoop, inside is a bullet. Paige comes up, all frantic, he cautions her they are probably being watched, go to the park, meet him there. (Oh, yeah, much more private spot where no one can see or hear). In the park, they go back and forth about the danger, she wants him to tell Agent Watts, he refuses, is afraid for his mom, sis & Paige. He will take down the big guy, his way. He cautions her to be careful, she leaves. Agent Watts calls JJ, wants this over, ended, taking too long. JJ promises he is very close.

Steve is arguing with Victor about whether Bo is really with the ISA, or it is something else. He did not write those letters, never was in Tahiti. Vic says maybe not with Merchant Marine, but did go there with Hope. Could have mixed up his memories. Steve finally convinces Victor they have to do some further checking, see if Bo was really in ISA. And so, next Steve meets up with John at the Pub. They exchange big hellos, get down to business. John tells of running into Bo, that Bo said he was on assignment with ISA, gave him a letter for Hope. Really nothing else. Steve hints around, sounds like John will do a bit of questioning within the ISA, as Steve is no longer involved with them.

Rafe questions Paige again, when he runs into her in the square. Chad happens by, sees them, hides behind the corner of a bldg. Paige really cannot tell Rafe any more than she saw Serena leave, saw Chad come out, he seemed very angry, and was very drunk. Rafe leaves, Chad comes out, stops Paige to ask her what she told Rafe. She only says "the truth", tells him to stay away from her, leaves.

Aiden is on the phone promising someone again, and next, he has come to see the great Stefano DiMera. It is important. He needs some money now, but Stefano will not give him any until Hope says I do. Aiden protests, says that since Stefano brought him there 18 mos. ago, he has toed the line, worked hard, done all the right things, Hope is over Bo, and though Hope has not said yes, she will. Stefano gives him a hard time, refuses not even a tiny bit of what he promised him, insisting Hope has to say I do first, and reminding Aiden what he knows of his background. Aiden is defeated.

Hope has picked up little Ciara from school, they are HOME, Hope wants to talk to her, about Aiden. But Ciara is one smart little girl, figures Aiden asked her to marry him. Hope wants to know what Ciara thinks, but Ciara says at first she thought Mr. Jennings was yuck, as was Chase, but they are really nice and she likes them, tells her mother to say yes, what is she waiting for. Hope wants to be sure Ciara is o.k. Oh, but she is, asks where the ring is, then is disappointed it is still in the box. She starts jabbering about the wedding, can she be in it, wear the earrings Sami gave her, is all excited. Hope smiles, yes, yes, yes.
Later, Hope is alone, looking at a picture of her, Bo & Ciara. She sets it down, and starts remembering her life with Bo (flashbacks), from when they were young, to eventually the day he left, where he said he would not be gone long. She is reading the letter he sent, where he will be back as soon as possible, signed, Love always, Bo. She holds the letter and begins to cry.

At the beginning, we once again see the man on the floor on the cell, dirty, torn clothing. Someone comes in to take the tray, kicks him a bit, the man moans. We see the dagger tattoo on his shoulder. And near the end, the man groans a bit, it is dark, but he turns over, it is Bo.

Paige calls JJ, tells him she has something to tell him, come to her dorm room. JJ leaves, arrives at the dorm, door is half open. He comes in, calls her name. He goes into the bathroom, calling her, then sees a foot sticking out of the shower. He pulls back the curain, and there is Paige, sprawled on the floor of the shower, a red tie around her neck.
Oh, almost forgot. Abby calls Chad to go tell him about the key being found. He tells her how he doesn't remember what happened that night, but she states that she knows he did not do it, talking of how he risked everything by telling her what Stefano was up to, and then getting disowned for it. No he could not kill anyone. Ben is meanwhile wondering where she is, fighting off tracking her, but gives in, and when it is Club TBD, he calls there, using a British cockney accent (good one) to pretend he has to deliver something to Chad, but only learning Chad is in his office.
No big surprise Aiden is working for Stefano. Was hoping for a bit more originality but I'll go with it.

I loved Ciara mentioning that she could finally wear the earrings Sami bought her if Hope accepted the proposal! LOL.

And, why would Eric go to Chad's club after the funeral and mention he can't stand the sight of the guy?? Um, then that was probably the wrong place to go. Duh! His character needs a major revamp.
Just how big of a piece of evidence is the key to the DiMera front gate? Doesn't everybody and their mother have their own key? I mean, everyone waltzes through the front door of the DiMansion, so is the gate ever really locked? :rolleyes:
So I see they are setting up Chad to look like the guilty culprit again but I still don't think it's him. However, after today I had a really horrible thought cross my mind...what if Rafe is the killer??? He witnessed the altercation between Paige and Chad in the Square and probably overheard Paige on the phone telling JJ to meet her at her dorm. He just rejoined the force and is getting flak from Justin and even Roman about the investigation. I hate the thought of him being the one but who knows?

Gee, Aiden working for Stefano, who didn't see that coming? How original writers. They really threw this character under the bus and now it looks like they are going to keep running over him. I see no way out of this now. I feel bad for Hope. I'm going to need more explanation from Stefano as to what his motives are. The only thing I can think of is that when Bo left town wasn't he off to go undercover to investigate Stefano so they could finally nail him with something? Maybe Stefano found out and has had him held prisoner and as part of the revenge plot brought Aiden in to swindle Hope. I don't know. I'm not sure how I feel about all this.
Ciara is going to grow up and become this generation's Nancy Drew. LOL

Hope has a huge trust fund, but Aiden has his eye on that, unless the windfall he talks about on the phone is the money he is getting from Stefano.

It is amazing how Hope's trust fund seems to prosper, grow, and continually have more in it than ever. She has donated very large sums to charity at times, bought the FancyFace 2, and there is still plenty there to make some eyes see dollar signs.
I think that's a good possibility sportzgirl. Many have speculated from the beginning with that story that perhaps what Aiden told Hope wasn't really the truth. It could have also been part of a more elaborate plan to get Hope to fall in love with him on Stefano's orders. Doesn't it make you wonder how Stefano found Aiden in the first place since he lived in the Pacific Northwest up until he came to Midwestern Salem. It's just weird. Like I said in my previous post, I need more explanation here. LOL.
It is amazing how Hope's trust fund seems to prosper, grow, and continually have more in it than ever. She has donated very large sums to charity at times, bought the FancyFace 2, and there is still plenty there to make some eyes see dollar signs.
Plus, when Bo thought she was dead years ago, he gave it all to charity!!!!!
Today featured people doing what they do best:

Eric: suffering from emotional anguish;
Justin: playing the ambitious blowhard;
Stefano: manipulating people's iives for obscure reasons. (Even if Aiden married Hope and she then died, a majority of her estate would likely go to Ciara (who'd spend a good chunk of it on earrings));
Ciara: perceptive about Hope's private life and expressing an interest in expensive earrings;
Ben: stalking Abigail (this creep has serious trust issues);
Rafe: being patient, perceptive, and honest (which is highly unusual in Salem).

On other subjects, 1) the murder of Paige is clearly another crude attempt to frame Chad; 2) what's the deal with the key -- was it on a key chain?; how many are floating around?; is the gate lock so easily accessible that a key copy could be made?; how old is it?; 3) has Stefano got Bo locked up in some Alamanian dungeon so the Aiden will have the time to romance Hope?
I think that's a good possibility sportzgirl. Many have speculated from the beginning with that story that perhaps what Aiden told Hope wasn't really the truth. It could have also been part of a more elaborate plan to get Hope to fall in love with him on Stefano's orders. Doesn't it make you wonder how Stefano found Aiden in the first place since he lived in the Pacific Northwest up until he came to Midwestern Salem. It's just weird. Like I said in my previous post, I need more explanation here. LOL.
We just have to cross our fingers and hope that Meredith Jennings wasn't another one of Stefano's offspring. :rolleyes:

Couldn't you see him blackmailing his former son-in-law into doing his dirty work??
During the Melaswen tales, Roman & Marlena were handcuffed together in the same room, with a TV, on which they were shown live remote scenes, of passionate John & Kate. This was Andre's enjoyable form of torture. I just hope that is not what Stefano intends, if indeed he is the one who has Bo locked up and beaten.
Looks like Paige was killed in the same shower where EJ and Abby romped.

And, isn't it unusual that Paige has a single dorm room with a private bath? I thought college dorm rooms were doubles/triples/quads and shared a common bathroom down the hall?