Days of Our Lives - Mon. Sept. 14, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 14, 2015

JJ is home, flashing back to all that transpired between him & Clyde, and tells an anxious Jennifer all about Kyle being dead, Clyde being the drug kingpin, and his killing Kyle. (he first turns the radio on, loud volume). Jen panics, they are whispering, but yelling the whispering, as she demands he tell Roman & Agent Watts, but he tells her no. She is insistent, he finally says he will just tell them he quits. He warns her she is in danger, she doesn't believe him until she shows her the bullet in the envelope he found on the doorstep.

Clyde comes to visit Ben, who is rather down in the dumps, tells his dad about Paige being killed. Clyde talks being sympathetic, but doesn't really seem so. He actually came to give Ben an early wedding gift. Seems he has BOUGHT a house for Ben & Abby, a 4 bd.rm. 3 bath, 1/2 back yard, with a sweeping view of the river. Ben is overwhelmed, Clyde talks of putting down roots in Salem, Ben & Abby raising all kinds of grandbabies he can spoil, sending them to prep schools and Ivy league colleges.

D.A. Justin is once again throwing his weight around, really getting on Rafe's case about nailing Chad for the murders. Roman is with Chad, who is being released. Rafe has his sign papers to get his personal belongings back, Justin throws in his digs & barbs, Roman comes in insisting that Chad go home in a squad car, for his own protection, there have been threats. They leave, Justin once again gets on Rafe's case, though Rafe is pointing out there really is no evidence. No witnesses, no security camera footage, no one seeing Chad anywhere near either woman, or around the dorm. Later, Roman & Rafe talk, he wants the case wrapped up, wants Rafe to get evidence of some kind.

Abby reads on her tablet about Chad being arrested, calls the station, learns Chad has been released, goes to DiMansion. She asks, but Stefano says Chad not there, try the jail. She lets Stefano know Chad could never do this, defending him, just as Chad arrives. They all get into it.....a rather senseless conversation, as Chad thinks maybe Stefano set him up, Stefano acts as though Chad could be guilty, while Abby thinks not. She gets Chad on the side, he tells her of not remembering anything after drinking heavily, never happened before. She notes there as to be a reason for this.
She is gone, Chad confronts Stefano, who is telling him he doesn't have to leave. Chad is believing any of it, Stefano cannot pull the family card on him, he would sell family down the river in a heartbeat. He reminds him how he sat on all the evidence that would have cleared Sami, would have let the mother of his grandchildren go to prison, just because he was ticked at EJ over business. Nope, Chad is not buying any of Stefano's pledges. Stefano gets an odd look on his face, seems to barely be able to speak, Chad asks him what is this now. Stefano gasps out "I love you, son", before collapsing on his chess table.

Jennifer is on the phone, answers a knock at the door. It is Clyde, who introduces himself, felt it was time they got to know each other, since they will be family soon. He invites himself him, Jen is gracious, but wary. He goes on about the kids, wants to know if he can help with the wedding expenses. No, they are all fine. He tells of buying the house for the kids, wants them to be happy, worry free. He finally leaves, but not before mentioning JJ, her boy, how healthy & happy they all are, and how she should enjoy it (while she can?) (Sorry I got a phone call at this point, missed a few minutes).

JJ is wearing a zipped up hooded sweatshirt and sun glasses (you know, Salem's favorite disguise), is in the park, looking around furtively. Some rough looking guy comes along, stops at a bench to tie his shoe, JJ keeps his back to him. The guy leaves, JJ calls the cop shop, but cannot get hold of Roman. Over at station, Rafe is on the phone trying to locate ties matching the one used on Paige, Roman comes along, they talk, he wants Rafe to find where they come from. Justin has stuck his nose in, maybe custom made. Rafe says no, Martha says cheap polyester. Justin thinks taking the word of an employee on fashion is a mistake, until Rafe throws the forensic report at him, which says "cheap polyester. "

Ben sits in his apartment, checking Abby's whereabouts, and is stunned and upset to see she is at the DiMera mansion. She comes home, to find him just sitting, looking downtrodden, she got his text, what is the surprise. Ben stands up, saying he saw her. He holds up his phone, tells her this is a tracking ap, I know you were at the DiMera mansion, and that you were there before. Abby is taken aback.
JJ DOES go to the police station and I think asks to see Roman???

Yes, indeed, he asks to speak to Roman.

:OT: I just love the disguises the characters use on Days : Sami with a hat and sunglasses, Hope all dressed in black, now JJ looking shady with his hooded sweater and, yes, the sunglasses. So effective ! And that does not attract attention at all. :sarcasm: And I don't know about you all, but when I saw him dressed like that, he kind of reminded me of a younger Sylvester Stallone. I was expecting JJ to start running toward some stairs while punching air ! :rotfl: :back:

Seriously though, I liked the show again today. Wow ! I think Chad is amazing ! Both the actor and the character ! Bravo. And his chemistry with Abigail (boy she's stupid, isn't she, still denying her feelings ?) is amazing !

I don't care what happens to Stefano. Nor do I care about Ben. And Clyde is just too creepy for words, now.

And, call me crazy (but please don't !), but with all this talk about Jennifer going to see Roman, I wonder how a pairing between these two would turn out. I mean, it could work, no ? Anyway, carry on...
Thanks for the summary. I was holding out some hope that Justin might calm down and quit being so obnoxious, after getting back on track with Adrienne but it sounds like he is still being nasty. If this behavior spills over into his reunion with Adrienne, I don't think they are going to get very far with a reconciliation.

Wonder what Abby's reaction is going to be to finding out Ben has been tracking her? If she overlooks it and stays with him, she is in for a world of misery!
Line of the day goes to Rafe for saying about blowhard Justin: "What a tool." Another tool was, who else, stalker Ben admitting to there being a tracking app on Abigail's phone. Isn't putting a tracking app on a girl's phone the sign of true love? Elsewhere, JJ wasn't exactly clicking on all cylinders. If you want a secret kept, the last person you tell is Jenny. And his hoodie and sunglasses disguise wasn't all that great. He sort of looked like a dime-store ninja. Over at the police station, it was good to see that the mighty Rafe was checking out the murder ties. Since they're both cheap polyester, it could be proof that Chad is innocent. After all, Stefano would never allow cheap polyester into the DiMansion. Even Harold's black ties are surely high-quality silk.
Guess there is not a Wally's World in Salem, because if it is cheap polyester, that MIGHT be the place to go. Admittedly, I have never seen ties there, but I don't look for them there, either. LOL
I need someone to explain to me like I'm Brady, why Justin is gunning after Chad so hard. Even Rafe, who has every reason to hate the Dimeras, doesn't think Chad did and thinks Chad is being framed.

I need Ben to start questioning where all this money Clyde has is coming from.

Things That You Shouldn't Tell Your Heart Transplant Recipient Mother: That her only daughter's future father-in-law is the town's newest drug kingpin.

Is one of Stefano's children about to finally out-live him? Stay tuned.

I feel an us against the world storyline brewing for Chad and Abby.

Can someone clue Steve in about Clyde? I need him to find out about the creep threatening his brother's family.

Jen Jen's wedding gift to Abby should be a year of free therapy. Maybe she can get a group rate and add herself and JJ.
If I were to give JJ any advice, I would suggest that he try sneaking around in a less conspicuous disguise. I'm thinking something along the lines of a clown costume complete with a horn and a noisemaker. :rolleyes:

I'm sure all of you fondly remember *as I do* that whenever somebody would pose the question of whether the Demon Lord of the Deep South could get any "creepier" I would respond with "he could get creepier by five percent." Well I think he really hit that ceiling today with his scenes with Jennifer. I got goosebumps. He really needs to be taking down fast.

And finally I have to say that I am enjoying the growing "bromance" between Rafe and Chad. But on the other hand, Rafe and Justin are watchable as well. I guess this is what's known as "an embarrassment of riches." :)
JJ was so conspicuous in that outfit. Heck, I would be watching a guy dressed like that like a hawk. LOL
He might as well have added a ski mask! He would have been better off with a light color fedora, and light blazer or just a unbuttoned dress shirt hanging down, outside the pants. LOL.
I still want to know if all guys carry those backpacks or whatever they are. I never see any, so just wondered.
So many questions after today's show. First, is Abby showing?? If she is wearing padding, was it me, or was it bunched and ugly while she was talking with Chad and Stefano??

Why in the late throes of summer is Jenn wearing black and long sleeves? To keep sun rays off her porcelain skin?

I'll second the "Why didn't Ben question how someone could pay cash for a house"? And did Clyde give Ben the address off screen? How would Ben know where to take Abby for the big surprise???