Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 7, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, october 7, 2015

The show got a bit confusing for me at a few parts, but the wonderful flashbacks were worth it. Kayla, Victor, Maggie, Hope & Roman watch Caroline, anxiously waiting to see if the serum will work. Roman leaves the room, Kayla sits talking to her mom, remembering a time when she was about 5, got mad at her mom, went up on the roof or something, how Caroline didn't hollar at her, telling her to come back in, but instead crawled out on hands & knees to grab Kayla's wrists, get her inside, and then hug the daylights out of her. Caroline is dreaming..of when Kayla gave birth to Stephanie, they are in the hospital. But in present time, Caroline is not responding, Kayla gets upset, Maggie suggests a walk, leaves with Kayla, Hope goes out to call Rafe, check on the search for Chad, Aiden comes along, gives her a lot of support.
Meanwhile, Victor has sat next to Caroline, reminding her of what a fighter she is, how he fell in love with her, loved her so much (wonderful memory dreams of much younger Caroline & Victor kissing passionately) and thanking her for giving him Bo. Another flashback of Victor & Bo with Caroline, her talking of being with her 2 favorite men.

Steve is still in that cell, still looking around, figures if a guard was still around, must be something to hide, he finds a camera in the wall, then another room full of file cabinets, computer, monitors. He sits down, and sees the video clips of Bo being tortured all different ways, being stabbed, and finally placed in a body bag which was zipped up and dragged off. Steve is in tears, no, no, no, oh, Bo.

But we are seeing Bo in that room with the lightning zaps, still on the table, strapped down, unconscious, being given an injection, twice the amount which should be given, and if he dies, he dies, says the man.

Caroline is having dreams of Bo being in danger, being hurt, becomes very agitated, Victor calls for help. In the park, Kayla & Maggie have a nice talk, with Kayla asking Maggie if it bothers her how much Victor cares about Caroline. Maggie says if there was no Caroline & Victor, there would not be any Bo & Hope, or any Ciara. So how could it bother her? (Hmmm, no Shawn D????)

JJ is down at the docks with the ever threatening Clyde, who beats around the bush a lot. But JJ has called Roman's phone, so Roman can hear what is going on. Roman uses the hospital phone to have the cop shop trace the phone's whereabouts, finally learning he is on the docks. JJ is doing his very best to get Clyde talking, but clever Clyde keeps saying he doesn't know what JJ is talking about. Finally JJ starts talking of ideas to increase business for Clyde (he mentions Kyle several times, and that Clyde "got rid of him", starts talking of university students, certain ones, big shot sales people, restaurants, those who need a pop to get up, and another to come down. Clyde almost leaves, but listens.
Meanwhile, Roman has had squads go to the docks, no sirens or lights, both ends, and he himself goes down.
JJ is goes on and on, telling Clyde he has to reduce his presence, only have 1 or 2 in town know what he is doing, and have a #2 man in place. Clyde insists he has never had a #2 man, and never will, and then gets super ticked off at JJ, no one tells him how to run his business, etc. etc. etc. He has JJ by the shirt front, up against a wall, and Roman's voice bellows out...."FREEZE". Hands in the air. Clyde mutters to JJ, "you ratted me out", finally lets go, giving JJ such an evil look. JJ rushes behind Roman, as the hands behind your back order is given, cuffs put on, Roman tells the uniformed cop to take Clyde to the station and repeat the Miranda rights, and then proceeds to say them aloud to Clyde.

In Caroline's hospital room, Dr. Salinas is giving her an injection, Steve has arrived, motions Victor out to the hall. Maggie, Hope, Kayla all watch Caroline anxiously. Out in the hall, Steve tells Victor of finding the cell where Bo was being held, tells of the guard who tried to kill him, of what he found in the cell, then the video of the torture, and breaks the news.....Bo is dead. Victor is shaken, tells Steve not to tell Hope, it has taken her so long to get her life back, she does not need to go thru any more over Bo now.

Kayla is urging Caroline to squeeze her hand, but Caroline finally opens her eyes, seems back to normal. Kayla wants her to tell her 5 words beginning with M, then with C, Caroline does with flying colors. Everyone is very happy, she talks of dreams, pleasant ones, and then of Bo. All happy to get Caroline back.

In Mexico, Bo is on the table, his body beginning to have convulsions. One guy is yelling he is going into cardiac arrest, another guy trying to help, then bedlam as Bo breaks loose, is off the bed, attacking the one man, bloodies him, down the guy goes. The other one gives Bo somewhat of a beating, but Bo grabs a laser or something, the guy is screaming, a few karate punches, down he goes. Bo yells.....I'm going home, and runs out the doorway.
Great show today! It featured ALL vets except for JJ and Lani and Dr. Salinas. We also finally got some movement in the Bo story. I hope his escape is not a red herring though.
Steve must have flown the Concorde from Mexico to Salem:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:unless he was teleported!
Roman has been on everyday this week and not just as a pop up character either. Funny how he was wearing the same jacket in the flashback with Bo. :rotfl:

The scenes with Caroline were amazing again. I like how it seems that Victor of all people is in a legitimate love triangle. Very poignant. Great seeing Maggie like this too rather than going around Salem propping the Mighty Jonas. I still think the show dropped the ball with Kimberly. It would be nice to see Jeannie T and Eric there too.

It's about time Clyde got caught. Though I wonder if it will stick. Plus I'm starting to worry about JJ.
Loved the Caroline scenes, and the look on Clyde's face when he was getting cuffed. The Bo stuff, ugh. The goons said he was no good to them if he wouldn't talk and to let him die. I am interested to see if we are supposed to believe they have had him for years or months or days.

Really really hope we aren't supposed to believe they have been holding him for years just hoping maybe one day he might talk. Bo faking cardiac arrest, getting shocked, have a double does of whatever shot into him (and that was just today's torture!), and he can jump up, beat up 2 guys, and run out? :rolleyes: I know its a soap, and I put to much real life thought into their actions sometimes, but come on, be a little more realistic writers.
My favorite exchange of the day:

Dixeland Dirtbag (paraphrasing): You DON'T ever talk to me like that little man. I have seen punks like you come and go and I'm still here and I am UNTOUCHABLE.

Roman: Don't move you are under arrest.

I just wanted to jump up and cheer!!

That entire exchange with JJ and the Southern scumbag reminded me of the episode of "The Simpsons" where Sideshow Bob became the mayor of Springfield in a rigged election and Bart and Lisa just hammered on his ego calling him a "Pawn of the Republican Party" until he blew up and revealed everything he had done calling his plan a "Machivallian masterpiece." I couldn't help notice that JJ employed the same tactic so I imagine he must have watched that episode in preparation. LOL

Bo, I understand that these people have held you captive for a large period of time; tortured you; stuffed pills down your throat; and fed you mold. But don't you understand it was just business? There was really no need to take it so personally. I mean some people are just so touchy.
Love that hopefully this is the end of Clyde? But JJ totally had his phone out. That didn't make Clyde the least bit suspicious? I'm just glad he's caught.

This whole Bo story is just so dumb. All this over that serum? And Bo would die before telling them whatever it is they want to know? All just seems so dumb. ....... I'm just glad he's "going home!" Finally no more torture scenes.

Oh and on a completely different note - Go Cubs!!! :clap:

deleted spoiler in non-spoiler forum....Poirot
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My favorite exchange of the day:

Dixeland Dirtbag (paraphrasing): You DON'T ever talk to me like that little man. I have seen punks like you come and go and I'm still here and I am UNTOUCHABLE.

Roman: Don't move you are under arrest.

For a so called country boy Clyde has apparently never heard of "counting your chickens before the eggs hatch" or "being too big for your britches".

While I feel this was too easy, I think Clyde's downfall will stick. Especially since the Dimera's are also gunning for him. In fact they will probably use this as a way to start Clyde's complete destruction.

Can't wait to watch later.
So........I thought that perhaps Roman had set this up in advance with JJ.......but instead, stupid JJ went off on his own. O.K. the rebel characteristic that both Bo & Steve have, will agree to that. And I am really glad Roman so quickly provided backup for JJ. Yayyyy.
I did not like Clyde refusing to admit or comment on anything JJ was saying. That did not bode well. I definitely am glad Clyde has been arrested......but I honestly think a good attorney could get him off on "reasonable doubt". And that is because Clyde never admitted anything, not even using the word "product". Now maybe the cops will get others to come forward.......and yes, JJ was very specific in his "ideas" for increasing business. So that may tell the tale. As Roman had already pointed out, JJ's record as a drug dealer could be used to call him a disgruntled employee or something.

I am looking forward to the reaction from Ben, if there is any.
I don't think our favorite Hillbilly from Hades is done quite yet but I do think we're finally seeing the beginning of his downfall. Like I said a week or so ago when he finally does get his comeuppance the party will be at my place. I've already ordered the streamers and cupcakes that look Minions from the movie of the same name. :clap:
It was great to finally see trailer park trash Clyde in handcuffs, he looked like a dirty raccoon when he was read his miranda rights. Of course I sure think it will barely last 24 hours knowing Salem.

You'd think Bo would've broke out the way he did a lot sooner lol he made it look easy considering being tortured for a period of time.

I am happy for JJ he has come a long way. Perhaps now he will join the police force as a career.
Wow, Roman made an arrest. I'm surprised he remembered how. I hope
the arrest sticks.

Victor must have a supersonic jet because Steve got home so fast.. or
maybe it's one of those odd time things again.

Kayla noticed Roman was missing. Did she notice he was gone awhile
when he talked to JJ at the house on yesterday's show?

I'm glad Caroline's miracle drug worked. Too bad she had to dream
about Bo's torture. I hope we never have to see those scenes again.

The green stuff Bo got turned him into The Hulk. I hope he can get back as
fast as Steve did to Salem... or will Bo have to be on his own adventure
and get back to Salem just before Hope's wedding....Only in Salem.
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The scenes with Bo did not bother me. On 24 Jack Bauer did the same thing (jump off a gurney post terrible torture; fight off the bad guys & even kill one with electric-charged paddles. Homeland & other shows ditto. It's just a plot device to show Bo suffer; persevere & outsmart his captors. Peter Reckell (Bo) gave a good performance.

The scenes with Caroline had me in tears & the flashbacks touching! :cry:
A few comments about certain characters:

Bo's kidnappers: Among the biggest fools ever to appear on Days: Steve is free to pick through their computer records unmolested, and then the battered Bo rises up to overcome his vicious captors. Stefano would be shaking his head if he knew about such criminal incompetence.

Clyde: Another fool. The drug kingpin must not have watched enough movies about crime lords -- actually answering JJ's summons to the piers and then not thoroughly checking for any recording/transmission device. Apparently, creepy Clyde has been in Salem too long. He's acquired the Salem brain.

Bo: As others have mentioned, he did his own version of the Incredible Hulk. Perhaps, he should check to see if Dr. Salinas has a serum that will cause him to turn green when enraged.

Victor: He's got quite a jet -- something that could get Steve from Mexico to Salem in minutes. Has Victor told the U.S. Air Force about this technology?

Roman: How often do police commissioners participate in street arrests? He's either been watching old episodes of McMillan and Wife or he's secretly trying to impress socialite Giselle van Hopper.