SPOILER !! Spoilers week Jan 18


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Dec 29, 2012
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Monday January 18:

Vincent Irizarry debuts on Days

Hope confesses to murder.

Tuesday January 19:

John comes face-to-face with his mother.

John finds himself in a dangerous situation after a stunning betrayal.

Wednesday January 20:

Rafe and Hope share an unexpected kiss!

Thursday January 21:

Nicole learns Brady has been dreaming about her.

Friday January 22:

Belle is tempted when Shawn admits he’d like to give their marriage another chance.
Hope confesses to murder........to who?

LOL, Finch......yes, am sure Belle cannot keep her tongue from wagging, for sure. She won't tell mom, dad, but will spill it out to.....well, who knows who else?
I'm sorry, but this version of Belle is insufferable. I don't like her at all. I see too much of Sami in her and... Well, you all know how much I loooooved Sami, right ? :sarcasm: Frankly, Belle can go away. And this version of Hope too, for that matter.

I'm interested in seeing Brady deal with everything though. And Nicole too, of course.

I wonder who betrays John ?
Monday January 18:
Vincent Irizarry debuts on Days [I say hooray for the actor, but I'm not looking forward to a 2D Kiriakis villain]
Hope confesses to murder. [Lock her up, throw away the key. Move on.]

Tuesday January 19:

John comes face-to-face with his mother. [Another high-profile guest star? Please be Vicky Wyndham if so.]
John finds himself in a dangerous situation after a stunning betrayal. [It'd be fun if it turns out his mother is Grandmama Hernandez.]

Wednesday January 20:
Rafe and Hope share an unexpected kiss! [:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: This makes sense, since she buried 2 husbands less than a month ago.]

Thursday January 21:
Nicole learns Brady has been dreaming about her. [:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: Where was this news 2 years ago?]

Friday January 22:
Belle is tempted when Shawn admits he’d like to give their marriage another chance. [Really not liking how these writers handle actors who aren't available.]
I somehow feel will be disappointed with John coming face to face with his mother. I feel the writers will make it lame and not worthy of a scene.

Belle being tempted when Shawn offers a second chance? Emphasis on the word "tempted". Perhaps Philip maybe a obstacle.

Hope did shoot Stefano on Friday's episode so she likely confesses to his murder.

Deimos arrives in Salem. I think he is the one framing Hope and was behind Bo behind tortured.
I'm kind of interested in seeing Vincent Irizarry as Deimos.

Rafe and Hope kiss? Gross.:sick: I'm hoping that she rebuffs him afterward.

Shawn wants to forgive Belle already?! WAY too soon. So she isn't going to have to pay for her actions? Ugh. Belle should be begging Shawn to take her back. It sounds like this is being written totally backwards and I hate it already. Anyone think that Phil will know about the stolen money, but not Shawn? Ugh. It would be better for Belle to tell Shawn than Phil, but I'm not convinced she will. I'm not here to see Shawn fight Philip over Belle when she just cheated on him. NOPE.

(copying you Jason as I like your style )
Tuesday January 19:

John comes face-to-face with his mother. [Seems like another story, like Eric's drinking, we are to jump into the middle of.]
John finds himself in a dangerous situation after a stunning betrayal. [Cue Eddy to "betray" John and their 3 second long "friendship/trust" is my guess ]

Wednesday January 20:
Rafe and Hope share an unexpected kiss! [:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: Someone else said they hope Hope rebuffs Rafe. I say , I wouldn't put it past Crazy Hope to kiss Rafe, play on his feelings, to try and get him to help her.]

Thursday January 21:
Nicole learns Brady has been dreaming about her. [Is this Passions or Days? I am not going to like it if they go this silly route "feelings Daniel's feelings" ?]

Friday January 22:
Belle is tempted when Shawn admits he’d like to give their marriage another chance. [Easy to say you were willing to do the hard work Belle, but no follow through?]
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Monday January 18:

Hope confesses to murder. [Never fear, Hope. Big-name Salemites often literally get away with murder. That said, you'd better hope that Belle, who now seems to be the only lawyer in Salem, is smarter than she seems.]

Tuesday January 19:

John comes face-to-face with his mother. [Are you sure this mother is the real deal, John. After all, everyone once thought that loony-bird Colleen was your mother.]

John finds himself in a dangerous situation after a stunning betrayal. [Betrayed again, John? No sweat, you've been betrayed before and always bounced back.]

Wednesday January 20:

Rafe and Hope share an unexpected kiss! [Great career move, Rafe, kissing a deranged, suspended cop. If you don't watch out, Lani will be passing you in the detective pecking order.]

Thursday January 21:

Nicole learns Brady has been dreaming about her. [Nicole, it's obvious that having the Love Doctor's heart is already having an effect on Brady.]

Friday January 22:

Belle is tempted when Shawn admits he’d like to give their marriage another chance. [Run for your life, Shawn. She cheated on you once, almost had a dalliance with Zombie Chad, and is a trifle too cozy with Shaggy Phil. Go home, and find yourself a nice Maine girl.]
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Thanks but no thanks Dena Higley

Jason, I agree the reason the Shawn-Belle stuff is loopy is because they don't know how to handle unavailable actors. That said, the storyline still makes no sense since we never saw Shawn's side of the story. They shouldn't have cut Jason Cook (Shawn)'s scenes because I believe they were critical to storyline movement. Now everything feels too sudden and out of left field.

Brandon Beemer (Shawn) returns Jan. 19, 1 day after Deimos debuts.
Yeah, BAD move for them to cut Jason Cook's (Shawn) scenes with Belle him confronting her about the cheating. That was executed horrible and if the writers read this forum know we know it was noticed. It was already portrayed in the 50th preview then to cut it out of the real episode was absurd and disappointing!
Okay, so is this saying the Hope shooting Stefano was real???? Is it going to turn out that Hope is going all psychotic again? The amazing part to me is that they let her back on the Salem PD time after crazy time. But then again, the Salem PD are rather 'special'.
Yes, it was real. Hope used her own gun, which had real bullets in it. In the preview photos and video for next week, she tells Rafe she "killed him", and he is helping her move the body, wrapped in a blanket.

I am guessing again, that the woman John meets as his mother, is either not truly his mother, or is the person who gave him to Stefano to brainwash years and years ago. Or maybe she tries to do him in, as Eduardo was supposed to do????