Days of Our Lives - Tues., Mar. 8, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Eduardo receives the same text message that John has, answers the door, it is John. The men talk about the kidnapping of Marlena & Arianna, and they have no choice, but to give themselves up to save them.

Rafe & JJ are talking about what they have discov ered so far about Ben's escape. Something about an ATM machine, shuttle to airport, bus line (near the psych hospital) and 5 miles from there his trail goes cold.
A frantic Gabi comes in , babbling away to Rafe in Spanish, finally changing over to English, cannot find Ari & Marlena, who were supposed to be in the park. No answers to cells, not at hospital. Rafe gets her calmed down, JJ will go with her to where Marlena & Ari were supposed to be in the park.
Eduardo goes down to the station to see Rafe, ask if he has seen his sister, has to talk to her, this is about Arianna, tells him to keep an eye on her, & finally has to tell Rafe that he was an assassin, brainwashed when a teen, that a bunch of young people were taken trained, then sent out to be ordinary citizens, but had to come when called. It is why he left their mother, and Paige's mother, too. Rafe is having a fit, Eduardo tells him he will handle it, just watch Gabi, but Rafe says whatever goes down, I am going to be there, too.

Jennifer arrives at DiMansion, Abby does appear nervous, Jen starts railing about her living in this dark, depressing place where so many horrible things have happened. Abby shuts her up, I am happy, I have the man I love, my beautiful son, and this is the only thing of Chad's DiMera heritage he wants to keep.We are going to make it bright, loving and have a good home. Jen is sorry, she hugs Abby, her baby girl is getting married in a couple of days, she just wants her to be happy.
Later, Abby is checking her wedding dress, holding it up in front of her, hears a noise, gets scared, Chad comes in, she tells him. Chad checks the hall, foyer, whole area, has the servants check the rest of the house. This is why he did not want her to know about Ben, he did not want her jumpy like this. One thing about this house, it is like a fortress. She is safe.

Deimos is sending a text to Kate, thanking her again for a lovely day yesterday, they will have to do it again. Knock, Knock. It is Petrov. Deimos is surprised, but Petrov came to collect something, did not want to wait for Deimos to deliver it. Deimos turns over the envelope with the serum formula, gets a bit suitcase full of money in return. Petrov thank him, has been waiting so long for this. He leaves, Deimos is counting the cash, knock, knock. Suitcase under the bed, John comes in, looking for Petrov. Deimos plays dumb, no idea what he is talking about, John persists, says he knows all about the bank account with Petrov putting money in. Deimos protests, none of John's business. John doesn't care who Deimos is in bed with, either here or in business but has to see Petrov. Deimos still denies. John leaves, first saying for Deimos to tell Petrov he won. He also warns that if Marlena or the baby are hurt, there is going to be a bloodbath.

Gabi & JJ are in the park, she spots a little stuffed toy of Ari's gets into panic mode. Something has happened.

At the Johnson home, Kayla is on her computer, Steve on the phone, as they try to assemble evidence of Ava's trickery, unstable state of mind. Kayla wants Steve to tell all he & Ava talked about, what she said, etc. There has to be something. Steve is trying to spare her, assures her there was nothing Ava said. She asks about that key he they found, he doesn't know what it is for, commenting that Ava had a tattoo of that snake on her back. (evidently the key or chain is in the shape of the snake). Kayla says there was one painted on the wall in the room where she was held prisoner. Steve is going there, no Kayla cannot come. He turns and tells her that the most dangerous and memorable thing he ever did was to kiss her, really kiss her for the first time. to tell her he loved her,

Eduardo is in his room, takes a lock box from a suitcase, is very hesitant about what he is doing, but his hand on top opens it, a gun inside. He clearly doesn't want to do this, but takes out the gun, the clip, inserts it, finally pushing it in, grasping the now loaded gun in his hand.

Joey comes in, learns where Steve went, wants to go after him. Kayla doesn't let him, Joey asks if she has forgiven Steve for what he did. She asks if Joey has, and of course. Look what he is doing for me, for us. Kayla insists that his dad & her are trying to get enough evidence against Ava so Steve won't go to prison.

And Steve is now in the room where Kayla was held. He looks around, muttering, oh, Sweetness. He sees the huge snake painted on the wall, runs his hand over it. He finds something, pulls that key from his pocket, inserts it into the area of the snake's mouth, and voila, a door opens. Out comes the flashlight, there is a desk, cluttered, he moves the light on the wall, which is covered with pictures of Steve, articles. He turns, on the opposite wall is another huge snake painted, with flames coming from it's mouth. As he moves the flashlight down, the flames are directed towards a pic of Kayla, with a red X across her face. He hears a noise, Kayla has arrived, he tells her not to come in, but she does, has her own flashlight, sees all the pics of Steve (gad the entire wall is covered). She asks if he has taken pictures. Yes. She turns, flashes on the other wall, the snake, the flames from it's mouth down to her picture. In red, on the pic is written "gone forever". She comments - "just in case I didn't get the message. Steve is holding her, but you are here, you survived!
If I were afraid some lunatic was coming after my baby, the little one wouldn't be out of my sight for a second, especially if I lived in a "fortress" that leaks like a sieve. The mere thought that anybody believes, much less says, that the Dimera mansion is a fortress made me laugh out loud.
I'm glad they released pictures of the shrine since it was filmed in the dark.

I laughed when Jen and Abby kept talking about the creepy mansion.

So Petrov is alive and has the formula. Does he have the same sickness?
Did he actually get the real formula or something else?

Poor Ari, of all the times she was with Marlena. Just in time to get kidnapped.

Nice to see Thomas and a picture of Ari. A lot of characters on today's show.
That place gets more foot traffic than Horton Town Square.
Does it ever. For the DiMansion to be a fortress, Chad must have made a lot of major changes in a very short time. If so, one more change would be to ban Jenny from the premises. The last thing that stressed-out Abigail needs at this point is her pill-popping mother barging in and yammering about her daughter living in the former heart of darkness. Elsewhere, the situation of John and Eduardo gets curiouser and curiouser. Why are those fools at Winterthorne still interested in these two members of the over-the-hill gang? As seen on TV and the movies, the super secret agent stuff is a game for younger men, and if either of them tried to imitate Jason Bourne by riding a motorcycle over the rooftops of Tangiers, Morocco, they'd break their necks. Finally, Deimos's associate, Ilia Petrov, certainly doesn't worry about trying to be inconspicuous. Even Roman's cops could spot him in an instant. He looks more like some overage hippie who sits at a card table in the Town Square asking people to sign a petition to legalize marijuana in Salem than a major criminal who's out to steal Victor's secret serum. P.S., kudos to the people who did the set for Ava's weird, sick shrine to Steve. (When did she have the time to do this?)
You may call me a cock-eyed optimist hopelessly blinded by my never-ending faith in and love for my fellow man if you want; but I don't think Deimos has anything to do with the kidnapping of Marlena and Arianna. I think his business with Petrov was strictly concerning the serum. At least I hope so mainly because I don't see him as the go-to-boogeyman type. I think the majority of his villainy is going to be focused on the Kiriakis family.

I've seen people say they thought of Gary Busey when they saw Petrov, actually just seeing him from the back I thought of Anders Hove the Danish actor who played villain extraordinarie Caesar Faison on "General Hospital." I vaguely remember the character from watching the show with my mom in the eighties when I was a young whippersnapper. I remember him shooting Bo while helping Stefano and Andre make one of their many getaways. Anyway he may have been a major threat at one time but now he just seems kind of pitiful. I'm also not convinced he's behind the kidnapping just for that reason. They've made a lot of his connection to Winterhaven and "The Agency" but seeing him today I couldn't help thinking of red herring which is strange because I've never eaten that in my life.

Aw my poor sweet Gabi :cry::cry::cry::love::love::love: I just wanted to give her a big hug and a peck on the cheek. But I didn't do that of course because I know she was just on on the TV. All I would of gotten is slightly numb lips from the static on the TV screen so that would have silly. *rubs lips*
Gabi forgot that Rafe's Spanish is atrocious. That made me laugh.

So does the "safety" of DiMansion, probably the most easily infiltrated place in all of Salem!

Ava was a sicko, but what a great job on the set!

I'd be OK with John offing Deimos, but like Troy, I'm reasonably sure he's just got his hands in multiple pots, and isn't responsible for the kidnapping. Otherwise, Deimos is untouchable.

Eduardo is perfect. He should be on more. I also like Pill-Popping Jenny, but I'm sick of Abby.

I love cop JJ. Not so crazy about overprotective brother JJ.

I'd really love the show to surprise me and have Ben leap out from behind a bush and stab Chad. Just something that I'm not expecting.
It would be interesting to me if Chad actually knew where Ben was or was somehow involved with his escape. I know this probably won't happen but he seems a bit too calm for me. Especially knowing what Ben did to him and Abby.

I like seeing Rafe and John for that matter in cop mode. It would have been great if Steve were included instead of being wasted on Ava. I love Rafe but he is much more enjoyable without the forced "relationship" with Hope. I also liked that he and JJ went from working on the Ben case to working on the Marlena/Ari case. That has been something that's been lacking in the storytelling. I do hope we see Belle and Eric and Lucas tomorrow. They should be shown too.

Really nice touch with the Bo and Roman photo on the mantle at Steve and Kayla's house. I've never noticed it before.

That shrine: WOW

Add Petrov to the list of gullible idiots in Salem who just take a piece of paper and believe what someone else is telling them is on it.
What was up with Gabi running into the police station ranting in Spanish? Sorry, but it just came off weird. I'm glad Eduardo finally told Rafe the truth about his past and his involvement with Arianna being kidnapped. So far I like the way this story is playing out. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

I love the relationship between Abby and Jennifer but I don't like that they're both keeping major secrets from each other. I was hoping Abby would have at least told her mother about Ben escaping. And this drug addiction thing with Jennifer is getting out of hand. I agree about Abby not letting Thomas out of her sight. Good grief, if my kidnapper had escaped from a mental institution I think I would have taken my son and gotten out of the country or at least gone to a safe house or something until he was found.

That shrine was super creepy. I'm hoping this is one step forward to getting both Steve and Joey exonerated for killing Ava. Let's just move on here. I'm still not happy about all that's transpired but I'm ready to have it done and go on to the next phase.
Good grief, if my kidnapper had escaped from a mental institution I think I would have taken my son and gotten out of the country or at least gone to a safe house or something until he was found.
I'd have been on the first plane to England to stay with Grandma Laura Horton. Or at the very least, hidden in Alice's attic with Tommy Horton. :rotfl:
Marlena was kidnapped by Orpheus and also by Stella Lombard. Plus, Kristen kidnapped her and stashed her in one of the DiMansion secret basement rooms back in the 90's (when Marlena figured out Kristen was faking her pregnancy).

Eugene kidnapped her, too.
Marlena was kidnapped by Orpheus and also by Stella Lombard. Plus, Kristen kidnapped her and stashed her in one of the DiMansion secret basement rooms back in the 90's (when Marlena figured out Kristen was faking her pregnancy).

Eugene kidnapped her, too.
Did NOT know about Eugene!! I can't believe I forgot Stella - one of my favourite storylines!! And the Secret Room, which I watched on youTube last year!! I didn't know Orpheus kidnapped her, but he's been on my mind lately because I've been watching my Frasier DVDs.

So that puts the total to 12? I think the next one's free!