Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 8, 2016


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Note: My channel/cable was terrible today and kept cutting out. Even some of the subtitles were cut out. Please note some things might be missing.

In the square, Dario is on the phone, confirming that the "goods" are sewn into the lining of the knockoffs. Gabi happens upon this, asks what's up. She lays into him for driving away Blanca, he doesn't hassle her about her guys, wants to know what's up with Chad. Gabi reveals she returned to JJ, Chad is over. Dario thinks this is fine if JJ makes her happy, but he still wonders about her & Chad. She quit working for him because she wants to branch out. As they depart, Dario drops the handbag. Gabi suspects this is a gift for her, this is the hottest handbag around. Dario goes along with this, makes her promise she'll act surprised when she gets it. She talks him in to letting her take it now. Dario looks worried.

In prison, Doug and Julie are visiting Hope, and apparently Roman has agreed to meet Hattie. (Note: My atrocious cable/station was blipping in and out during the teaser.) Chille comes over and tells Doug and Julie that she's thrilled to have "this little lady" at Statesville.. Chille announces she's protecting Hope, even though Hope can protect herself. Chille also thinks Julie could hold her own, LOL, then leaves; Doug and Julie learn that Deimos put Chille in to protect Hope, and to make amends.

Abby is in the Horton Attic, remembering a romantic time with Chad as she browses pics of Thomas on the Tablet. She then mournfully fondles the stuffed lamb.

At the police lab, Shawn-D is working on the Stefano emails when Chad arrives, wanting an update on the case. Rafe arrives with Dr George Kline, Stefano's personal physician. Rafe reveals that Stefano was denied a new life insurance policy because he refused an examination by the insurance company's physician. This stymies Chad, and the doc defends Stefano's decision. Rafe counterpoints that the company doc would not have committed fraud, there was more than just diabetes in Stefano's health log. Kline bluffs, says patient confidentiality won't let him say more. He moves to leave; Chad orders him to come clean. Rafe threatens Kline, they will pursue fraud charges on him. Kline admits Stefano coerced him into lying; Stefano was terminally ill with colon cancer when he tried to take out that policy. Chad absolves Kline, doesn't want to press charges but wants medical records released to the cops. Kline departs; Rafe suspects it was suicide by cop. Chad's not ready for this, leaves.

Nicole dreams of Chloe agreeing to be a surrogate for Nicole and Daniel's baby. She wakes up, sad, missing Daniel. Nicole mourns for him again (she's in bed with Deimos). Deimos offers to help, wants to hear about her dream. She talks about how deliriously happy she was with Daniel, but they couldn't have a baby, and she couldn't adopt because of her record. Chloe offered to be a surrogate, but the procedure failed. Daniel died before they got another chance. It would have meant so much to have a piece of Daniel, etc. Deimos suspects Daniel is appearing in Nicole's dreams "more than usual" because of Chloe's baby. He suspects she might have lied to Nicole; Nicole says the timing is off, it couldn't be their baby. Deimos offers to let Nicole heal over the loss of Daniel. She thanks him, didn't think she could care for someone this way again. She goes to shower; Deimos gets a call that "they got him" and bolts.

Doug and Julie return to the Horton house, their hearts are breaking for Hope. They're glad she's making scary friends, though. They decide to decorate and get lights; they move upstairs, Abby bolts. When Julie enters, she notices the cold, then latches the window "some fool" left open. Downstairs, Doug opens the door and finds the lamb; when he shows it to Julie, he reports a thud which sounded like someone dropping. Julie fears there was an intruder. Later, Doug's cleared the outside and Julie reports nothing is missing. They suspect the lamb was on the window and it fell out when Julie closed it. (Apparently this is the lamb that Abby left out with the milk and cookies for Santa.)

At Statesville, Hope makes an ornament and talks with Hattie about the future. She also delivers the news that Roman will look into Hattie's case. Hattie is nervous that Roman is planning a visit.

Deimos's caller has Philip, shirtless, tied up. He jabs a needle in his arm.

In the private area, Chad tells Gabi about Stefano's plot and says Stefano wasn't the man he thought he was. (Ed. note: Give me a break with this amnesia, Chadwick. :angry::angry:)

Rafe visits Hope, tells her this is "great" news about Stefano. Justin thinks it will help in her appeal.

On the docks, Dario is meeting with a hip thug and they go over the bag's secret compartment. Abby is crouched behind some boxes, watching. The hip/thug removes a microchip, orders Dario to get the other bag. Abby makes a noise, Dario finds her. He wants her to return to Chad, she says if Dario blabs, she'll blab about his suspicious behaviour.
Stefano was terminally ill with colon cancer when he tried to take out that policy.
You'd think they'd have found that during the autopsy. I know Quincy MD would've or Melinda on Law and Order SVU or Ducky on NCIS. :rotfl:

Dario drops the handbag. Gabi suspects this is a gift for her, this is the hottest handbag around. Dario goes along with this, makes her promise she'll act surprised when she gets it. She talks him in to letting her take it now. Dario looks worried.
This scene was kind of funny (Dario's reaction).

Wonder if Hope will give Ciara the ornament to hang on the Horton tree? :rotfl: It WAS pretty tacky. Looked like a preschool project with clothespins, glue and glitter.

Having Dario discover Abby was a surprise. Don't really remember these two interacting in the past.
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So Stefano was dying of bone cancer? Well there were a few scenes that made it seem like he knew he was on borrowed time-telling Andre he was tired for example. It makes sense to me that he would go out on his own terms. But on the flip side I'm still not seeing how this really helps Hope out that much. She still pulled the trigger.Then again this is Salem after all. And I gotta say Chad is it really that big of a shock that your father would do such a thing? I mean really?

Speaking of Hope I gotta say and you can call me crazy if you want but I'm kind of liking the prison story. The looks on the faces of Doug and Julie and not to mention Hope's, it looked like Kristian Alfonso (Hope) was trying not to laugh-when Chili introduced herself were priceless. I am also liking Hattie. I don't deny that there is a certain cheesiness factor to these scenes but personally I don't mind a little bit of cheese now and then especially if its mozzarella or provolone. Yum! Why yes, I am part Italian why do you ask? LOL

Dario and Gabi: I liked those scenes. I haven't liked the way Dario has been used but I don't mind him as a character. Yes, I was angry with him over hiring the thug who threatened Gabi but if she can forgive him so can I. I got a kick out of the scenes where Gabi saw the purse, she was like a kid in a candy store. LOL Also I'm glad that she hasn't given up the idea of a business. I was afraid that she might have taken all the arsenic that What's-His-Face was spouting at her the other day to heart. I've said before I'm not big on business stories especially after the snooze fest that was Kate, Nicole and Theresa running Basic Black. But I would kind of like to see Gabi try to make a go of it just so I can have another reason to root for her. :)

So the bags hide microchips? So the Hernandez boys are up to something bigger then just knockoff hand bags which is what I and other people as well suspected. I am mildly intrigued as to what this "project" might be. Industrial espionage perhaps? In the post where I joked about the Hernandez smuggling in handbags I said it was either knock-off hand bags or counterfeit Girl Scout cookies. Well I turned out to be right about the handbags so I'm calling it, the microchips contain the Girl Scout cookie recipe. Bank on it.

Dario and Abigail: I saw clips on YouTube of the original Dario and Melanie when they were dating and they would hangout with the couple of Chad and Abigail, Will and Gabi and Sonny. I don't know what if any one-on-one interaction Dario and Abigail had with each other at that time. But they do know each other. As far as what happened today goes what can I say other then sigh. Another person other then Chad knows Abigail's alive. At this point the whole town will know before he finds out. This is really moving past ridiculous could they please move on.
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As many have said, Nicole should run for her life. Today, she was getting more than cozy with a man who'd kidnap his nephew and have him injected with "truth serum." What's next, downloading all of Philip's memory into a searchable database? Even Stefano might now be finding Deimos a little much. Speaking of Stefano, for the umpteenth time, anywhere but Salem all the information that Rafe and Shawn have happily collected is legally irrelevant to the charges against Hope. Intentionally killing the terminally ill is still murder and killing somebody who wants to die is also a crime unless a jurisdiction allows assisted suicide. Over at the prison, Hope seems to be getting on very well with her new "friends." Maybe they should all have a Santa pageant. Chili could be Santa and Hope and Hattie could play elves. Finally, Eduardo & Son, Inc. now seem to be paddling in a deep pond. How about giving long-suffering Roman a big bust for Christmas -- one that will send Eduardo, his goatee, slimy Dario, and his grey leather jacket to prison for a long time.
thanks so much, Jason....could Eduardo be helping spies? Actually be good guys, helping the government? Could info be secretly brought into the country, thereby protecting any undercover agent from being followed or something, in trying to drop off information.
Thanks, Jason.

According to closed captioning, Stefano had colon cancer.

Was anyone surprised that there was something in the purse? Are all of the purses
coming with chips or only certain shipments? I wasn't surprised when one fell
out of the bag, Gabi was going to get it.

Hattie is so excited Mr Roman is coming. Will someone hang some mistletoe before
he gets there? :)

When Deimos talks to Philip, will he finally put two and two together and realize
Chloe's baby is Nicole's.
According to closed captioning, Stefano had colon cancer.
That's where I got it, too, but it's also what I heard. Most of the dialogue I couldn't hear was only partially legible (but at least guessable) on captions. I did see some people refer to it as bone cancer though.

I too liked the Dario/Abby discovery. Not what I was expecting.
Why was Abigail running around town and hiding behind boxes in questionable locations?

And in a light summer dress with no stockings in December

Another person other then Chad knows Abigail's alive. At this point the whole town will know before he finds out. This is really moving past ridiculous could they please move on.

I can't wait to see the fireworks when he does find out how many people knew before he did.

Intentionally killing the terminally ill is still murder and killing somebody who wants to die is also a crime unless a jurisdiction allows assisted suicide.

I think you may have hit the nail on the head. However Shawn mentioned suicide by cop so I honestly don't know where this is going.

I'm baffled by the microchips. I also wonder if the business is a red herring and they are really doing something good. It wouldn't surprise me if Eduardo has been ISA all this time.

I'd rather see Dario friends with Abby than Nicole. At least he tried to do the right thing.

Doug and Julie and their color coordinated outfits were all kinds of adorable.

Hattie is a hoot! I know it's not practical to keep her long term but I wish we could. Can't wait for the Roman stuff. I hope Kate gets involved too and gets jealous.

That's ok Hope. Shawn didn't want one of your kindergarten ornaments anyhow.
Oops, in reading these last several comments, I just remembered I fell asleep last night while watching, and didn't finish. I faded out about the time Dario discovered Abigail hiding. Going to have to go back and watch that. As I watched last night I also was thinking (hoping) maybe Eduardo is working on the good side in all this.

How is Abigail going to get out of the cold, now that Julie locked the attic window from the inside? Maybe Jennifer or JJ will be at home when she returns, but still, Doug and Julie are likely to be there.
Jennifer will give Abby a disguise and just waltz right past Doug and Julie. They'll never even know it's Abby. :rotfl:
