Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 15, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A mixed bag today, as the Hortons welcome Eli into the family with a host of family stories, while Abby & Chad host the boring fundraiser at Club TBD.

But let's deal with the minor stuff - Ciara comes into the apt., Claire & Theo are nuzzling a bit, she reminds Claire that she wanted to talk to her. Theo has an exam, so leave, Ciara tells Claire that though she would never do anything to come between her & Theo, she does still have feelings for him. She has tried moving on, the online dating stuff, etc. Claire is a bit ticked, but seems o.k., promising to tone it down in the house with Theo when Ciara is around.

Then Claire runs over to the Pub, meets up with Gramma Marlena, having a total meltdown over Ciara's confession. Marlena is not happy with her tone, calms her down, talks reason. Ciara was only trying to be honest, to tell you how she felt, remember you cannot always think of yourself, what Theo, and what he needs. Claire jumps up, happy beyond, great advice, she runs out.

Abe comes to visit JJ in his office, knows about him being involved with Lani, she told him all about it, and while he thinks JJ is a great guy, he doesn't approve, thinks Lani should be with someone more mature. JJ says mean older. No, I said more mature. JJ claims he will be good for Lani, in fact already is, and will prove it to Abe.

Chad is going over the speech he wrote, Abby edits it, small t alk. Later, at the club, he is giving the speech, talks a bit about when he was in school, involved in sports, and goes into flashback mode....yes those newly created fake memories of throwing a baseball with Gabi. Warning.....there are a lot thru these scenes. Later he sits at the bar, going down memory lane, Abby comes up, nuzzling, wants to know why he is so distracted. He is muttering some excuses, she realizes he probably is thinking of high school, mentions Grace, and amazed he got through it all. He apologizes for not crediting her in his speech, wants to go talk to the reporter, somehow a cup of coffee is spilled on his pants, but she thought ahead, brought an extra suit, it is in DArio's office. He is trying to hide the pants as he goes off.

Lucas is with Gabi & Ari, who wants to see Chad. Lucas mentions having a crush on Chad, Gabi is startled, til she realizes Lucas means Ari. They have to leave now for pre-school.

And over to Horton square, where Julie has invited the Hortons to come meet Eli. These are good scenes, fun ones, with Hope, Jennifer, Eli, Doug, Julie, and eventually Lucas, & Ciara. They are all laughing, talking, mentioning skeletons in the closets. Julie takes him to show him the plaque, talks of Tom & Alice, his great-great grandparents.

They return to the table, Lucas talks of not knowing who his father was til grown, he was mad at his mother, but eventually forgave her. Julie remarks that at least he got to know his father, Eli won't have that. Hope says not necessarily, and they all start telling family stories.Julie explains how David & Valerie first met, fell in love, different times when interracial couples were not accepted. But to David, love was love.

The rest eventually chime in with family stories, with Jennifer passing out some of Alice's famous doughnuts, as they talk of how Alice rescued Roman with a doctored variation of them, how Marie had to be told she could not be engaged to her brother (unknown to everyone), how Tom wrote and read poetry under the name Norm dePlume, Eli is really having a good time. It was explained to him how Hope is both Julie's sister and step-daughter, how Jennifer was a hellion when young, ran away from home, how she was left on a bus by her mom when 3 yrs. old, and Tom & Alice raised her. They learn Eli is an FBI agent, he learns Hope is a detective, as is her boyfriend, a former FBI agent. When JJ arrives, another cop in the family. They really have a good time, lots of laughter, etc.

At one point Valerie comes by, sees Eli with Julie, he tells her of the party to get to know the Hortons. She is somewhat taken aback, glad he is getting to know them. He coldly lets her know it is invite only.

She leaves, is later crying a bit on a park bench, Abe comes along, figures something has not gone right, is reassuring and comforting, Eli will come round. He comments that it has to be hard for her, she always had him to herself, now there is other family. She is grateful for his support.

The Hortons finally break it up, every single one either hugging Eli, or shaking his hand, looking forward to more interaction with him, etc.

Claire comes back to the apt., Theo is there, they are alone. Claire says she had a nice talk with Gramma Marlena, who made her realize something. Claire knows she is a bit self absorbed, but Gramma made her realize she has to think about Theo and his needs. Theo is perplexed, ...what needs. Hey, you're a guy, you have needs. He still is puzzled, but she adds, I think it is time we sleep together.

(I hate even writing this, just too stupid for words...but...) At the Club, Chad is in the office, stripped down to his shorts. Now I have no idea why his shirt and tie had to come off just to change his pants & jacket...but o.k. He is bending over to put on the pants, and of course the door opens and there is Gabi. His back is to her, she starts to turn away, doesn't, he stumbles, falls, with the pants around his ankles. She rushes in, kneels, is he o.k. They are giggling, laughing aloud, who knows what......Abby appears in the doorway, just watches with somber expression.
To those in the NY area......have learned Days is to be pre-empted on Friday, as the NBC station will be covering the St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Is the parade still a go, since the huge storm? Please message me if there is any news about this.
Thanks Poirot. Nice to see those Horton family memories (besides the incest mention). I do wish that Jennifer's donuts being handed out were some of JJ's special!:rotfl: Heck, that even could have been a funny Horton story to tell him!

The rest of the show was boring filler. Sucks, because with snowy weather across the north, some good TV would've made things more interesting.
You know, they could have filled the entire episode with Horton family stories (and there was no sexual encounter between Marie & Mark.......but they WERE engaged) and would have been a great, fun episode. Eli was enjoying it all (I do like the actor) so just think about Mike Horton being brought up as Mickey's son, then finding out he is really Bill's son. Sort of like Lucas & Eli both. LOL

Anyway, it was nice they did that, Eli said he needs a diagram of the family tree. LOL

Hope could have mentioned being Princess Gina, and the art forgings, all the amnesia victims, Yes, filler for sure. You know, saw a pic this morning of Doug shaking hands with Eli, and did not see that in the show this afternoon. So, they edit out things they promote, thus, could have done without the teen stuff.

Once again, I am going to moan about the Days characters dressing as tho it is June in Salem, when it is mid March. It is still WINTER. As for Gabi, someone needs to tell her that wearing a dress 3 sizes too small is NOT at all attractive or sexy.
O.K. I said I would not comment, as I may appear too critical these days, but I can't help myself. Poirot, you are so right about Gabi's dress !! I thought the same thing : who wears such a tight dress ? She probably could not even breathe right. And on a week day, no less ? Heck, I wear jeans, sweaters, ordinary pants, flats... But what do I know ? And what is it with the temperature on Days ? Bare shoulders in March, really ? These days, with this winter storm, I add a couple of scarfs, stockings, gloves, a hat, my coat, my boots. Like many of you, I am sure, we've had some pretty heavy snow coming down on us. And for a week now, the temperatures have been so low, about -15 to -20 degrees celcius (about -4 Fahrenheit). Though I should not complain : today, we are up to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. :eek: Snow at least does that !!!!

Yeah, ridiculous. Not only the storylines, but the clothing.
To those in the NY area......have learned Days is to be pre-empted on Friday, as the NBC station will be covering the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

If that is the case, then the show will probably air on COZI-TV at noon.

Hope could have mentioned being Princess Gina, and the art forgings, all the amnesia victims, Yes, filler for sure. You know, saw a pic this morning of Doug shaking hands with Eli, and did not see that in the show this afternoon.

The show also could have had Claire show up after Ciara and Hope could have introduced her granddaughter to Eli. This would have a been fun continuation of her explaining how she is Julie's sister and stepdaughter since Claire and Ciara are the same age.

I liked that all of the Hortons were on today even though they weren't all in the Eli scenes. Why didn't Lucas bring Ari with him? Wasn't he watching her?

And would it have killed them to do the reunion in the Horton living room where all the photos are instead of the middle of HTS? Who brings real plates and cups out like that?

I also hated how Julie mentioned Rafe when they were talking about family cops yet didn't mention JJ. He didn't get mentioned until he actually showed up.

Unless a plot twist is coming, huge missed opportunity by not having Rafe and Eli know one another from the FBI.

The Chad/Gabi stuff is just too stupid for words. Countless fake flashbacks but we can't see real flashbacks from Horton stuff that actually DID happen.

And can Marlena please get a story? Like Paul, she is brought in just to prop or support others.

The Ciara/Claire would have been so much better with Shawn and/or Hope in the middle of it.
Count me in about thinking the Chad/Gabi scene being ridiculous! Sooo predictable as well. And I also noticed how tight Gabi's dress was, holy moly!

I like Eli so far, at least he was introduced to the family, would have been nice to have them all there, but at least Hope was there, as an actual Horton instead of attached to Rafe's hip.
Gabi and Chad need to stop having run-ins. The flashbacks are ridiculous, Abby walking in on compromising positions has gotten old, Gabi showing up wherever Chad is silly. Either have them deal with the feelings or don't. Just stop with these scenes.

I wish Valerie was allowed to stay at the Horton gathering. It would have been nice for her to hear the memories as well.
Thanks for heads up about the Parade, BBJB.....if the storm was a bust, why all day coverage and speeches by mayor, and seeing plows clearing away tons of snow? Odd.

If COZI shows Days, I don't get it, naturally, so again, unless someone who sees it earlier can write it up.......will not be up til around 3 p.m. Central.

I have to say, I fully expected to see flashbacks of Horton scenes, especially Tom, or Alice scenes. Norm dePlume, Alice with a plate of donuts, or bringing Roman the goodies in jail.

Much preferable to those inane created flashbacks of Chad's. Heck, in high school, Chad was dating Mia, wasn't Gabi dating Will?
Why didn't Lucas bring Ari with him? Wasn't he watching her?
I wondered this, too. I found it startling that none of the other great-great-grandchildren were at Eli's Horton coming-out ceremony, especially since two of them appeared today!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only Horton great-great grandkids are Scotty, Claire, Arianna, Thomas, and now Eli...right? At least that we know of...!
Thanks for heads up about the Parade, BBJB.....if the storm was a bust, why all day coverage and speeches by mayor, and seeing plows clearing away tons of snow?
The storm was a bust in New York City and Long Island. Those pictures of plows, etc. came from the Hudson Valley, Northern New Jersey, New England, etc. Our weather hyenas did their all-snow-all-the-time routine because there was significant snow in the more remote northern and western suburbs, both the mayor and governor held news conferences, and there was a daylong suspension of NYC surface transit (announced in anticipation of the storm). As far as the parade goes, a quick visit to official website didn't have any notices about changes, which isn't surprising because everything is back to normal in the City and there are no problems with the parade route.
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I wish Valerie was allowed to stay at the Horton gathering. It would have been nice for her to hear the memories as well.

I think Valerie should have been INCLUDED. Julie's remarks about Valerie were cruel and uncalled for. She had no idea herself what direction her son took, how his relationship with Valerie ended, and why Valerie felt she had to make her own choices. Julie not so strong on the empathy scale.
If Eli (he actually smiled for a moment!) was better informed about doings in Salem, he might want to flee back to where he came from. The smiling cop whom he sat with down today is a former felon, the vaunted Rafe is a washed-up FBI agent, that description of his late rolling-stone father was more than a little sanitized, college-age romances (which adults are way too involved with) are a study in dysfunction, and adult men have a demonstrated difficulty in putting on their pants one leg at a time. As for Tom and Alice having been a "moral compass," after hearing an unexpurgated history of the Hortons, Eli might be forgiven if he wondered how effective the two Salem icons were in giving moral guidance, or how much worse things would have been if they hadn't been around to tone things down a little.
Thanks Dr. BF........As to Lucas/Ari.......He had been watching her, but then Gabi said they had to take her to preschool. Evidently that is where she was while Lucas joined the Horton party, and Gabi decided to roll around on the floor with Chad.
:OT: In re: the NY storm and pre-emption. I heard a short interview with a tourist there, who was from Cleveland....Thought it ridiculous at all that was going on. She said, we have a storm in Cleveland, are all in school, buses running, business open. Tourists were all stuck in their hotel rooms because everything was closed. One from England remarked how the museums were all closed, nothing to do, no where to go. :back:

Anyone know why Gabi is dressed lowcut, tight, curvy, while in comparison, Abby looks rather dowdy. ?
The Chad / Gabi / Abby stuff is just plain stupid.
...and more than repetitive and predictable.

Anyone know why Gabi is dressed lowcut, tight, curvy, while in comparison, Abby looks rather dowdy. ?
Barb, I hope you meant this tongue-in-cheek. In the Abigail thread, someone mentioned that she looks dowdy, and I said it's so Chad can see the difference in Gabi and his wife.

: who wears such a tight dress ?

And would it have killed them to do the reunion in the Horton living room
That was my thought exactly, Heather.

Heck, in high school, Chad was dating Mia, wasn't Gabi dating Will?
I could be wrong, but didn't Gabi go to another school because she didn't live near Salem?
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Gabi originally lived all the way over in "West Salem". Then she came to "regular Salem" around her junior or senior year. Remember the graduation party for Will and Gabi in the Pub?

When she first arrived, she stayed with Arianna the First in her room over the Pub.

She was played by a different actress when she first came to Salem.
