Days of Our Lives - Mon., Apr. 24, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, April 24, 2017

Abigail & Chad stand in the square, where she explains again and fully, that this does not impress her, that when she returned, she was confused, really did not know who she was, but does so now. Chad pleads, talks, but Abby is adamant. She deserves a husband who can give her his whole heart, Chad can't. She loves him with all her heart, they had a great life together, created a wonderful baby together, his vows he wrote were so heartfelt and meaningful, she will never forget them. She puts the paper in his pocket, and leaves.

Eli & Gabi are apologizing to each other. Eli first, explaining he talked to Sonny, who told him so much that Julie left out, reciting all that Nick did. He judged Gabi too quickly, it wasn't fair, he is sorry, and figures he has a lot to learn about his rather complicated family. They decide to go for lunch, spot Chad & Abigail as they are on their way, which is a bit of a downer for Gabi, tho she holds up well.

Deimos is on the phone telling someone to keep looking, a beautiful blond with a man and 2 kids should not be that hard to track down. Maggie comes in, hears some, says nothing, Deimos sees her as he hangs up, she is leaving the room. He makes a comment, she quotes a line from the AA serenity prayer, but of course then turns back, saying Deimos knows even if he finds her, she is never going to take him back. Maggie goes on about how much Nicole loves her baby, and that Deimos, if he loves her, should realize that. Then she asks him to think of how he felt when someone took away the thing he loved most.

Later, Deimos gets a call, the person has a good lead, is positive it is Nicole, Deimos says to do nothing right now, until he hears from him.

The teens are all involved in Earth Day, Theo doing something in the park, (just love that it is still chilly, but they don't even need a light jacket). Theo is doing something, I don't know what, Wyatt comes along, Theo is rather cold towards him, Wyatt wonders why. Big flashback to these two guys first discussing Ciara, Theo showing Wyatt a picture, he thinks she is hot, Theo mentions she is his best friend, wyatt wants to date her, Theo finally agrees to help.

Ciara appears, wants to know why the 2 fellows are not being too cool. But they soon are talking about Earth Day, conserving resources, pulling the plug on computers, TVs, etc when not in use.

Claire & Ciara are lunching, with Claire gushing about Wyatt, how happy she is for Ciara, knows they have been at odds, but she is family, loves her, they are good. Yada, yada.

Eli gets a call, goes off to the side, Gabi sees Deimos come in, go to bar, have a drink. The steam is rising as she watches him, she gets up, confronts him about setting up her father, making sure it was his son who had to arrest him. Deimos, as usual, does him "suave" denials, even when she brings up him poisoning her & Abby, making Chad choose. Deimos gets snide, thinks Gabi & Chad found love among the frozen legs of lamb. She is furious, pushes him, yells at him to leave the club, calling for security. Eli returns, holds her back, Deimos finishes his drink, says he will consider it "on the house", grins, takes off, with Gabi yelling to never come back.

Eli is sorry the call took so long, was work, he has to go, can't have lunch. She says that is o.k.

Up in Canada, Brady & Nicole are playing house, or domestic bliss, or something. She had Tate in the bathroom, turned steam room, to aid in his croupy cough. He is sitting, holding Holly, she is asleep. He puts Holly to bed, she changes her damp top, they get a bit smoochy, knocking at the door...can't be Scooter & Hillary, they pulled out this morning. She doesn't want to answer the door, people should go away. Eventually, Brady finds out it was the guy with their new fake I.D.s, , but Nicole has been thinking, likes where they are now, doesn't really want to leave. Scooter promised not to tell who they really are (to Hillary) & Nik promised not to tell his wife of the lewd advances Scooter made to her. O.K. they will stay put, keep the fake I.D.s just in case.

Now she talks of how he has always been there for her, been her rock, she really does love him, and not as a good friend, or because he has Daniel's heart. In a few seconds, they are off to the bedroom.

Abby went to visit Maggie with Thomas, is offered muffins Maggie made for after the vow renewal, made a mountain. They decide to take some to the cop shop, the hospital, somewhere else, off they go. At the cop shop, Maggie is surprised they went so fast, Abby opts to stay and wait for JJ, Maggie leaves. A cop comes in, puts a flyer on the desk. And tho none of her business, she waits til he is gone, then takes it, reads, conveniently a notice of a position opening up. Guess you apply on line, because she takes her phone, and pokes at it, then asks Thomas if she should send this, she probably will get the job, their lives will change. He coos, she takes it for a yes, off it goes.

Chad runs into Theo at the Pub, thinks he is looking down, Theo thinks the same of Chad. Theo claims it is this biology test, he is probably going to flunk it. Both awkwardly attempt to give advice to the other one. (sorry, I missed the latter part of their conversation)

Chad runs into Gabi, as if that wasn't going to happen :)sarcasm:) she mentions seeing them earlier, looked intense. He says he blew it, did a big thing for her, was wrong thing to do, it is over. He has feeling for them both, and she won't have that. Gabi figures it will take time, she herself has a couple brothers to deal with on occasion, is meeting new people, is getting her business off the ground, and is doing fine.

He is glad for her, wishes her all the best, hopes she does meet someone who will make her happy. She leaves, the show ends with single pics of Chad, Abby, Gabi. Not sure of Eli was in there, or not. Looked like 5 or 6 pics.
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Thanks for the summary. Not really sure what to say about the episode, or whether or not I liked it. Didn't feel as though much happened, even though quite a few characters were on the canvas today. I guess that in itself is an achievement.
It seems pretty obvious that Abigail doesn't really love Chad though she keeps saying she does. And if he is free now, why would he and Gabi not try to make a go of it? Maybe when they get past the making out part they will find out they don't really have anything in common. Just seems dumb to me that if they truly love each other they wouldn't at least try. Abigail and her "new life" are kind of annoying.

I always liked Brady and Nicole but I ended up liking Brady and Theresa too so I'm torn now. They really need to age Holly. That was clearly a newborn size baby Brady was holding today. Just make a bigger fake bundle.
Back in 1969, Simon & Schuster published a slim volume entitled Quotations from Mayor Daley, which contained memorable statements of Mayor Richard J. Daley. Perhaps, Salem University Press ought to try publishing Quotations from Abigail Deveraux, which could include her most puzzling utterances, including today's gems.

1. "Do you not know me." The answer here for Chad and many other Salemites is that unfortunately they do.

2. "I don't even know what normal is." As Abigail's recent behavior illustrates, this is 110% true.

3. "I remembered who I am." Which Abigail is this -- Ms. Perfect, Austin's stalker, EJ's paramour, the would-be incinerator of Ben, or the Shady Hills patient?

4. "I deserve a commitment that can't be shaken." Apart from why Abigail deserves this, is her aspiration even reasonable? After all, such top Salem couples as Tom and Alice, Shawn Sr. and Caroline, Maggie and Mickey, Bo and Hope, and Steve and Kayla all had their problems.

5. "I hope you [Chad] can understand." This is a tall order considering that many posters on this board also can't understand Abigail's actions.

6. "I want my life back." Which life is this -- professional virgin, stalker, no-show employee, man-stealer, etc.
That is one teeny baby. Holly is what, 3 months old now, and is still that small??
Holly was born on Christmas Eve, so she's 4 months old. She was a bigger newborn than she was as a blanket-wrapped bundle in Brady's arms today. Remember that huge "newborn" they used who could hold her head up and look around?!

I mean, I know they can't use newborns, but casting people usually go with babies who were preemies because they are smaller. The babies who played newborn Holly looked like they were 4-5 months old.
Today's episode was okay, I suppose, even though it basically was wash spin and repeat.

The highlight to me was Gabi and Eli. I don't know why but I'm just a sucker for a couple that talks at the same time. I don't why it just makes me smile.

Even though Gabi lost the first two rounds in her feud with Julie and is currently 0-2 I'm not worried, though it was a close one and I know she'll come out stronger then ever *waves giant foam #1 that says "Gabi"*, but something good came of it. She came to the realization that she hadn't really been playing fair with Eli and admitted it. Could this be a sign she's coming out her Chad-related funk?That maybe she'll give a real relationship with Eli a shot? I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

Gabi confronting Deimos: I just realized it's been at least a week since we last saw the Mediterranean Menace can I see a show of hand of all those who missed him? Anyone? *taps mike* Is this thing on?

Anyway when I saw the spoiler I was hoping for more but on the other hand, I loves me some feisty Gabi. So I enjoyed it as brief and overall pointless it may have been.

Finally can I just say that a day without Gabi and Chad saying good-bye and wishing each other well would be like a day without oxygen. We couldn't survive it. *sarcasm*

And just to show that that I am aware there were other things going on:

So Theo was the one coaching Wyatt? Well that was an unexpected twist, I suppose. Although why Ciara can't just have a relationship with a nice guy is one of those mysteries like Stonehenge and the statues on Easter Island.

I will say today was the first time in a long time I was not annoyed by Claire and actually liked her.

I guess I should say something about Chad and Abigail: Good for her for staying strong and buckling under the pressure of scones and Miamosas. I mean that sincerely it's good to see that she's holding firm about making it own way and not accepting any less then all of Chad's heart. It's just that whole story is well, you know... *sigh*
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Thanks, Poirot. Not too much to say about this one.

I'm glad Claire and Ciara made up and that Claire wasn't the
one who helped Wyatt.

Someone needs to remind Theo that in Salem secrets come out.
Some sooner, some later.

We have to hope Wyatt isn't a bad person and won't hurt Ciara.

Interesting to see Nicole finally close the curtains. There probably aren't too
many peepers in the woods unless it's an animal :)

I wonder if Abby will get a job at the cop shop. Great benefits if she does
I'm over Abby. She needs to see Chad dating and kissing another woman. It will serve her right. She is back to being Ms. I'm Perfect and you are beneath me.