Days of Our Lives - Wed., June 28, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Looking for love in all the right place, or should we say wrong places but perhaps the right couples? The Martin house party continues with Deimos thoroughly enjoying the results of his drugging the attendees. He flashes back to doing so, smiles, says "let the games begin". Everyone acts a bit off kilter, not quite drunk, but definitely not themselves, kudos to the cast. Eli sort of wanders around a lot at first, just observing everyone. Gabi talks to Sonny, who is looking for Paul, she laughs a lot. Lani tells JJ she sort of feels like she did when Snake first gave her the Halo, but that is impossible. They wonder if perhaps they have the same illness as Paul. Gabi's phone goes off, Lani jumps as it is barking animal, but only Ari calling Mommy. Gabi makes fun of Lani, a cop, for jumping at the sound, JJ gets in her face about it, they are arguing, Sonny breaks it up, tells them to kiss and make up (twists the phrases at first). JJ kisses Gabi's cheek, they sort of hug, Lani watches, gets ticked, Sonny goes looking for Paul, Deimos decides to help him and follows.

Now Deimos has grabbed Sonny who is staggering a bit, and they get into a hassle, Deimos's fake beard comes off, then the mustache. He is roughing up Sonny, both snarling at each other, but Deimos is intent on grabbing the amulet, which he finally does, telling Sonny he is going down, and Deimos will get everything back.

Upstairs in her room, Chad & Abby sit on the edge of the bed, talking a bit ditsy at first, not remembering why they are there in that room. Abby looks at the rings Dario placed on the table, says they are renewing their vows. She takes flowers from a vase, yes, that is what we are doing. Chad agrees, but first talks of her walking out on him. She is sorry, (these are lovely scenes), both declaring to love the other, never having stopped. Chad wants her for his wife, she wants to be it, is sorry for the mistakes she made, acknowledges them. Neither wrote vows, but speak to each other from their hearts, Chad takes the one ring from the box, slips it on her finger, new ring, new beginning. They kiss passionately.

Rafe & Hope are in the town square, she is acting sillier than he is, but both rather giddy. She makes a grammar mistake, knows better, loved to diagram sentences in school, decides she needs to sit down, so plops down on the floor of the square, so does Rafe. More rather silly talk, declarations of how they love each other, kissing, and they are making out on the floor of the square, finally noticing passersby. They scramble back up, Rafe is so happy, wants to see her every day, is proposing. She cannot marry him.....not yet. He thinks because of Bo, she says she will always love Bo, but does love Rafe. No, she cannot marry Rafe until Deimos pays for what he has done to everyone else, and to Bo.

Lani needs air, she realizes JJ is still in love with Gabi, tho he might not admit it. Eli goes out after her. Gabi is complaining that everyone is leaving, no one there. She grins, and cracks....."And Then There Were None". (Title of a famous Agatha Christie mystery) JJ plays some song on his phone, asking Gabi if she remembers it. Yes she does, they danced in his room. He takes her hand, twirls her, they dance. (Gosh I truly hate how couples have to just sway in one spot.......and there is this huge room, no one else there, lol)

In Eric's room, he brings water to Nicole, who doesn't seem to want it, but Eric is shaking, rather unsteady, is worried that he actually got champagne instead of cider, doesn't want to go thru that all again. Nicole thinks he only drank a small amount, it should not be bad, but he starts talking of what happened to....he stops. She says you mean Daniel? Yes, and he looks up, Daniel is standing there. And Nicole sees him, too. Now there is this long conversation, with Daniel telling Eric that he has to forgive himself, he is a good man, a caring one, who is good at helping others. Nicole seems to hear all this, as St. Daniel then says she has to forgive Eric, she is tearing up, shaking her head no, rants about losing Holly. Daniel assures her she has not lost Holly, will get our daughter back. Nik is melting, if St. Dan says so, she will do so.....for him. She is up close, and they kiss, and kiss, and then it is not Daniel she is kissing, it is Eric, who is kissing her back. They break apart, she goes to splash some water on her face.

Downstairs, Deimos has grabbed the amulet, takes off, throwing his wig atop Sonny, who is on the floor. Lani & Eli are kissing outside, hear a woman scream, and take off to go back inside. Gabi says she saw Deimos running that way. Gabi, Eli & JJ go on the Chase. JJ turns and says to Lani that if he finds Deimos he will kill him. Chad & Abby open the door to the hall, Deimos runs past evidently we hear footsteps. Chad is going after him, tells Abby to stay put. He takes off, she says like hell I will, follows. Nicole comes out of the bathroom, calling Eric's name, he is not there.

The screen has written across it......."One hour later"........and there is Deimos, spreadeagled on the floor, a knife plunged into the center of his chest, blood staining his shirt.
I posted "the waiter did it!!" in yesterday's post then quickly deleted it when I realize Deimos was still alive at that point.

I also chuckled when he threw his wig at Sonny. I don't know why but it was funny to me.

I liked all the couple interactions today, too bad I am pretty sure none of them will remember.

Ghost Daniel should just come back and talk to everyone into doing "the right thing" or whatever!
Deimos did say they would not remember tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see if anyone has even remnants of a memory.

I really hated Eli walking around, looking so forlorn, lost, at his party that he was hosting!

But as I said in the summary, kudos to the cast, who really did a good job acting off kilter. :)
Kudos to the cast indeed.

It is amazing that I actually liked the interactions between the characters better today then when they are sober. What does that tell you ?

I could go for Gabi and JJ again.

Abby and Chad : I don't know, I FF Abby now, I find her insipid. But I have the show on DVR so I may try to watch the scenes again.

Eli and Lani : Yes

Hope and Rafe : I didn't watch, I plan to later, but I already like them together. But I know I'm in the minority.

Sonny : His interactions were funny with the others, but I still can't take this guy seriously when he tries to act all tough. Nope, juste not working. Oh, and get a haircut !

Nicole and Eric : Aside from the Daniel worshiping (although if in this case, it allows both Nicole and Eric to move forward, good, let's get this moving along), the actors were amazing. And Dan the Man does look good without the beard or scruff. Eric : take notes. And Nicole has chemistry with everyone. Her and Eric today were... wow !

Bottom line, I will actually rewatch the episode, no FF this time. :eek:
I could go for JJ and Gabi too. I think the last couple that I liked was JJ and Paige. Well at least the actors are still together. :rotfl:I liked Gabi and Eli but Eli and Lani are pretty good too. Chad and Abby renewing their vows I'm sure is gonna put a crimp in Chad/Gabi.

I am hoping Rafe proposing will snap Hope back and see that it won't work. I just cannot get behind that couple. I do think it was ridiculous that the "bartender" was the only stranger in the place and they paid him no attention at all!! Not even when they were 2 feet away!!

I am hoping Nicole can forgive Eric now. Weird that they could both see "Daniel" . I was glad that at least today Lani did say it felt like when she was Halo before. But then it was just glossed over.

Hmmm Deimos is the candy man, he's out there, probably looking to hurt people but no one puts 2 and 2 together. I'm hoping we have good story coming up now with his murder.
Deimos made a big mistake by using his Halo 2.0 as an instrument of revenge: nobody died or went bonkers. Nobody even passed out so he could steal the tacky amulet and make an easy escape. Instead, he should have marketed it: 1) as a potion for the lovelorn to give to a former love with whom they want to reconnect, and 2) as an elixir for St. Daniel devotees who want the object of their adoration to appear to them. He'd have made millions. Speaking of St. Daniel, it's clear from his appearance that in heaven people shave and get regular haircuts. Finally, it might have made for a good scene if some passerby had called police headquarters and told Raines that Hope and Rafe were drunk in the middle of the Town Square.
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Finally, it might have made for a good scene if some passerby had called police headquarters and told Raines that Hope and Rafe were drunk in the middle of the Town Square.
That would've been great to see, especially if he channeled Roman and replied "what da' hell???" Followed by "Dammit, Sami!"
So comes the "who dun it". Gonna be interesting for me, an Agatha Christie devotee, plus Sherlock Holmes, & a few others.

Now, in that story "And Then There Were None" 12 victims, done in one by one, with the killer pretending to be a victim, and by the end, killing themself, leaving a journal explaining it all.

And in Murder on the Orient Express, one victim, but a ton of suspects, only each one is guilty of helping the victim to his death. He had multiple knife wounds, each administered by someone else, but he had been drugged first so was not aware. Mr. Poirot was puzzled by the knife wounds, as obviously, they were administered in different ways, by not always the same object.

But here we will have all these people, drugged, not remembering probably, and no alibis, with the victim stabbed and laying in full view. Such fun, huh?
Well, FINALLY, an episode that I enjoyed. Especially the rather quick demise Deimos. Now, who done it?

I doubt anyone is going to be in any great rush to find out. Sonny? Paul? Maybe ole Vic skulked in and did the deed himself. He did remind Sonny that if he took over Titan, he may have to sink to lows he didn't expect!! Just goes to show, that darn amulet is one bad news piece of jewelry!

PS: Loved Rafe and Hope's semi romp in the square!
Thanks, Poirot.

A good episode. I loved how they got "And Then there was None" in with reference to the Agatha
Christie book.

Today's episode could be called "Flowers, Flowers Everywhere" or "Night of Flowers"

Poor Eli, he was alone counting the flowers on the mantel. Abigail found flowers to use
for the renewing of vows. Rafe found flowers when he proposed to Hope.

I wonder how much everyone will remember what happened? It was interesting to
see all the different couples together. A few couples that some fans want together.

I enjoyed seeing Gabi and JJ together.

So Deimos finally got the amulet. An hour later he's dead. Who has the amulet now?
And who killed Deimos? The suspect list is everyone who was at the party and others
who weren't there.
All I can say is I wish today had been for real. I cheered seeing Deimos with the knife in his chest. I bet JJ is gonna be charged for the murder, because he said if he found him, he would kill him. Several people heard him.
Yesterday there was a room full of guests at the Martin House. Today we only saw the group from the island, Abby, Rafe and Hope, Eric and Nicole, and Deimos (I'm not counting Daniel as he is a ghost and will not be a murder suspect). What happened to all of the other guests? Did Deimos only drug the drinks of his enemies? Even if they did not have the Halo, did they all run off after they saw how strange everyone else was acting? Even the town square seemed pretty deserted when Rafe and Hope were there. Also there was the waiter yesterday who drank Paul's drink after he set it down and went after Deimos. I wonder what happened to him?

The interactions among the group were entertaining today. It's strange how most of the right couples were together today, and letting out a lot of their frustations toward each other. I really liked JJ and Gabi together and feel that had we been able to see their story earlier more people would be behind that couple. I do think it might be too late for Eric and Nicole as a couple, though I would not mind them being written as friends, and I would still like Chad and Abby given another chance when neither is acting like a jerk or an idiot.

So long Deimos. Your demise has been a looong time coming. As I mentioned before, that amulet is like the One Ring (from Lord of the Rings). It's evil, but everyone who possesses it covets it. Chad and Sonny were well rid of it. I hope the mystery to find the killer gives us a great story.