7/4/2017 - Donuts on the Fourth!!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Oh, what a beautiful morning...no rain, bright sun, gonna hit 80 so they say. Hope all enjoy the day, however you spend it. I will be hearing the fireworks for sure, tho all the trees get in the way of seeing anything.

That little bear cub yesterday.......several years ago, in town, a mama had shagged her cub up a tree just on the outskirts of town. Those cubs stay up there as they are trained to do, unless hunger makes them come down, so this one was up there over a day. When it came down at last, it just meandered down the street, crossed a busy 4 lane state highway, kept going straight to the supermarket. Well, with automatic door openers, that bear was inside in seconds, walked straight into the liquor dept. Well, those employees got the customers out, and brought down the steel gating they use at night when closed up.

Called the cops, DNR, while the grocery store got evacuated. The store cameras revealed the travels of that little bear. Up and down a few aisles, looking around at the bottles, then found the doors to the big cooler in the back, in he goes, walks around just a bit, then climbs up a couple empty shelves and goes to sleep right under the Hamm's beer sign. It was hysterical.

Yes the DNR came, took him to the forest several miles away, released him, but it was the talk of the town for weeks. And of course the store took advantage, I think they still sell sweatshirts & T shirts featuring the visit of the bear. LOL Too funny about the Hamm's beer sign (they always feature bears in them)
Happy 4th of July friends to the south. Enjoy the day with friends and family, be safe and be proud of the positive contributions your country adds to this world.

Poirot - nice video and great harmonies.

KT - how is Remmy? That would have been scary for sure. Hope she is doing ok.

Had a great weekend camping. Beautiful weather and very relaxing. We are in for a hot spell that is supposed to last through the next few weeks. On Saturday we are having a cul de sac party and a kickoff party to the Calgary Stampede and the daytime high is supposed to reach 35*C (95*F). This whole week is to be in the high 20's to low 30's. After the cold winter we had this year, I'll take the heat. We are actually sleeping in our basement cause the upstairs bedrooms are way too hot.
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Happy Fourth of July to my fellow Americans.

This should be a day to reflect on the bravery of our forefathers.....not only the well-to-do who spoke out for independence, but also for the poor farmers and hunters who gave their all for the cause. If the Revolutionary War had a different ending, they would've been tried and hanged for treason.
Poirot, thanks for posting the video. I miss hearing those songs.

After I worked in my flower bed yesterday, I saw today's forecast. Rain. Then I went out
and mowed the rest of my yard. Not an easy job, but it's done for another week.

Very noisy last night with fireworks. I told Goldie we were lucky most people stopped on our
side of subdivision again at 10. I told her tonight it will be worse. During the night,
God had
his own firework show with rain. It was a nice morning for walking. Today Goldie made a
rabbit hop. It's supposed to be cloudy, rain this afternoon, and be in the 70s.

Poirot, thanks for the bear story. God does have a weird sense of humor.

Muzzaman, I'm glad you had a nice camping trip.

I hope everyone has a great day. If you're having a holiday event, don't forget to invite
people who are alone.

Good morning. It's a sunny day, for a change. If the neighbors set off fireworks, as they usually do, I'll be able to see some tonight. They live three houses and some trees away from me, but the good fireworks (bottle rockets, etc.) are easy to see above the tree line.

KT - how is Remmy? That would have been scary for sure. Hope he is doing ok.

Remmy is fine. I looked up a bunch of stuff online that night about dog seizures, which I read aren't usually life-threatening. It was scary, though. Oh, and I envy all your wonderful camping experiences!

Have a happy day everyone.
Has anyone else tried this? It may not be anything new to you, but it is to me. A fire ant stung me on the top of my foot, just where my flip flops touched the spot. It was hot, itchy, painful and I couldn't find anything in the medicine cabinet to put on it. I decided to use vaporizing rub (generic for Vick's Vaporub), since it is cooling, and I got instant relief. The pain has not come back and the spot is healing with one application, just a dab. I wonder why this stuff isn't marketed for insect bites/stings? I could make them an ad, lol.
Happy Birthday America!!

As it will be 111 today our July 4th celebrations are indoors. Sweet memories from the past of our outdoor park family get togethers and homemade foods. Still we are all proud Americans who love our country and I want to pass that legacy down to our children.

Poirot: smiling that your day is so beautiful - summery - and you've waited so long for that 'perfect' day. Hope your 4th is beautiful through sunset into fireworks at night.

Muzza: love your new avatar. Thanks for the kind words about our country. Your life is adventurous and I admire that about you!

AGuy: exactly - what you said about the song! Next, Lee Greenwood's Proud to be an American for me.

RS: Ditto on the admiration and honor for our founding fathers and all who served to create a nation of freedoms! Their wisdom, sacrifice, and dedication cost some of them their very lives, and most of them silent loss of family, friends, and property. We are so blessed

Kat: hope you & Goldie can watch A Capitol Fourth safely inside and have a lovely day. Kudos for thinking of those alone.

KT: I need to buy some VaporRub after your experience. Some spiders here are tiny when they bite but especially children are stressed by the inflammation and pain. Thanks for such a smart tip! Hope you & Remmy enjoy the fireworks from a safe distance.

Robin: too bad you couldn't celebrate the 4th with your extended family. Time for sunglasses, hats and cooling towels here. Mr. Gus will be dancing to see you home again!

Happy 4th of July to all my Spectator friends!
I am so sick of the fireworks already. My cat just came home this morning and was starving. Some of my neighbors have been shooting them off for the last week!!!

They all sound like bombs or dynamite. Just makes you jump as they're blasting off. It's not too bad in the daytime, but they start again around 10:00 at night. That's when it's dark here, and continues until almost midnight!! I worry about fires up here as there are so many huge trees up here. It will go on probably for the rest of the week.

Guess I'd better go find something for breakfast. I wasn't hungry when I woke up.

I'm going to spend a quiet day, hopefully, with my girls (chihuahuas) and watch NCIS on USA all day!! Love that show.

Hugs to all.
Newt: neighbors shooting off flares, fireworks and sounders happens here too. An extended family owns 3-4 homes near us and they started last night, will continue until 2-3am this morning and every night until their supply from Mexico is all used up. I tried Thundershirts but only one dog seems comforted by them and the cats hate them.

Trying to wrestle a cat into an unwanted Thundershirt is an experience. So sorry your 'girls' are scared and your cat frantic. We try to protect them but sometimes we just struggle. Hoping you enjoy your NCIS binge watching with your pets safely snuggled in your lap tonight. I think all of us pet lovers will be trying to snuggle comfort our pets tonight.
Although I watch NCIS faithfully.... tonight, after it, will be watching a Capitol 4th, on PBS, from DC. I usually watch it, the concert is followed by fireworks there, ...and tonight will be a great concert as far as I am concerned, since the Beach Boys, the 4 Tops, plus Dan Akroyd & Jim Belushi will be on. Love the Beach Boys, especially.

And I bet, (tho have not checked) that Yankee Doodle Dandy will be on TCM. LOL

By the way, those of you with Direct TV, I just discovered what has to be a fairly new channel, a family channel, devoted to reruns......One Day at a Time, Bewitched, Flying Nun, Matlock, Perry Mason, TJ Hooker, Hart to Hart.......it is channel 323. I guess with all the reruns, and reality show nonsense, I hunt around a lot, and just stumbled across it.
newt, does your town have a firework law? In my town you can only shoot them off from
8 AM to midnight, July 1 through July 5. I call the sheriff's office when people don't
follow the rules.
Noel, et. al., a beautiful tv ad for this holiday:

The song is on iTunes, also
Poirot, what a cute story about the bear cub! A little sad though, about how the mama leaves them.

Squirrel, that's a good point about the common folks who also sacrificed and suffered as our independence was gained. Not everyone wanted to be a part of the revolution but it is often impossible to be neutral in situations like that.

Kt, I wonder if the Vicks would help with mosquito and gnat bites. Both those make me swell up and the bump itches for a week or more. I'll have to try it, though the smell would probably give me a migraine.
OC, I didn't use but a tad of Vick's on the ant bite, not really enough to smell. It WAS on my foot, though. That might make a difference if you have a bite closer to your nose. It may be worth a try?

It's 95*F here, feels like 103*. Robin or Noel, do you have the heat index in such low humidity? This curious mind wants to know, lol.
AGuy: love that ad! Thanks for sharing.

KT: right now it is 111F and rising. We get a "feels like" temp rating based on humidity and dew point. All they really need to say is "hell" above 120. Tomorrow onward it is higher daily.
On radio, someone was talking of how some of those who fought and gained our Independence suffered because of doing so. i.e. John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year, he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later, he died from exhaustion and a broken heart.