Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 23, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Hmmm, for all that goes on, one would think this was a Friday. Abigail sits with her mother at the Pub, trying to convince her not to plead guilty, go to prison, etc. Abby is bound and determined to take responsibility for everything her alters did, despite Jen's efforts to point out she was not in control. Jen brings up Stefan raping her, talks of her own rape by Lawrence Alamain, but Abby insists that because she remembers things, it was her.

Meanwhile, Chad is trying to get Melinda Trask to let Abby plead to a lesser charge. Melinda is in top form, insulting, throwing digs about Abby sleeping with his brother, they go back and forth. Chad points out Trask is embarrassed over sending an innocent woman to prison, so now is taking it out on Abby. He mentions Abby not being of sound mind, Marlena would testify, Trask throws in how Abby almost killed Marlena, Viv and Kate, they go back and forth, round and round. Chad points out that with Trask sending innocent woman to prison, refusing to let her out, while sending a mentally ill woman there as well..never get re-elected. (Trask says Abby has no permanent address, so is a flight risk, therefore will send her to Statesville to await trial). Finally, Chad convinces Trask that she won't be doing herself any good, so gets her to agree to lesser charge, recommend psychiatric help.

Sonny talks to his mom, tells her of dating Leo now, who quit Titan, wants to have a relationship, Sonny happy to move on, etc. He leaves, runs into Leo in the square, all smiles and a kiss, promises to find him another job, makes a date for this evening, dinner at the house, stay overnight. Leo agrees. After Sonny leaves, Kate comes along, Leo tells her deed is done, he has recordings, video, all they need. Kate seems to not have the $$$ to pay Leo, but no worries. When she gets in at Titan, all will be well. Leo asks about Vivian's death, Kate says an accident, not to worry, no charges against her. Now she has to go empty her desk before Stefan gets there.

Stefan looks at all the packed luggage in the foyer of DiMansion, goes into the study, spots a wedding pic of Abby & Chad, picks it up, looks, throws it down, then picks it up, seeing the glass broken right across Abby's face. Doorbell. He answers, tis Rafe, has a few questions about when his mother was shot. Stefan already had given his statement, but Rafe just has a couple more. Stefan says he was not in the room, heard the shot, came in, Kate standing over his mother, who was bleeding all over the carpet, right here. Rafe wonders if he heard any arguing, or anything, while he was upstairs, no. Stefan resents being questioned, realizes Kate will probably get off, Salem P.D. Always favors family & friends. Rafe finds that statement pretty funny, coming from a man who is not going to be charged with rape of Abigail. He tells Stefan he has made 2 mistakes. First, railroading his sister into prison, and next,” crossing me” . He leaves.

And we see a cot, a blue cot, with Vivian lying on it, a blue sheet covering her. Her eyes flutter open, where am I?

Kate has gone to Andre's office, the door not even shut tight, as she just pushes it open. She enters, looks around, she hears Andre's voice in her head,recalling Andre telling her he fired Gabi (black & white) and suddenly back to color, he is seated at the desk. She is startled, but he says she is only imagining him there, and the conversation continues, about him telling her of firing Gabi, her being betrayed, him saying he is sorry, and that she would have done the same. No, she never ever would have betrayed him. He brings up Vivian, but suddenly he is no longer there, she snaps back to being alone, sits down.

Will is now with Adrienne, excitedly telling her about Rolf's diary, the blank pages he discovered written in invisible ink, has to decipher them. He shows Adrienne the journal, wonders if he might get his memories back. She mentions Sonny, he notes that he & Paul are together now, she knows that. But if he did get his memories back, and he remembered him and Sonny, he just might feel differently.

Chad arrives at the Pub, greets Jen, and Abby, doesn't tell them where he was, or anything about the deal with Trask. They leave to go to the courthouse.

Sonny is with his mother, she gives him a registered letter that came for him. Sonny figures it must be from Leo, who was going to send him letter of resignation. He opens it, his smiling face changes to a frown, is from a lawyer, Leo is suing him for sexual harassment.

Kate sits behind the desk, leans back and remembers, in a flashback, what happened with Vivian. They struggle over the gun, Kate gets it away from Viv, who doesn't think Kate would ever pull the trigger, is too weak. Think again, says Kate, who is several steps away, as she fires the gun.

Stefan comes into the cop shop, talks a bit to snarky Trask. He mentions Rafe coming over to the house, she has to leave, Kate gets off, no evidence to the contrary over her statement, then makes a crack about him for sleeping with his brother's wife. Stefan sees Viv's file on the desk, her picture, stops and says something about her death, he won't let her down, her death will count for something.

Back to Vivian on the cot, rather groggy. She looks around the sparsely furnished room. Door opens, she looks, is shocked. “YOU”!!
So Vivian is still with us? Great.

Could someone please bring Jack back then, for a bit? ALIVE and not a dream.

And who knew Sonny had a mother??

I'd rather watch these scenes with Claire and Ciara than anything with icky Stefan. Heck, I'd rather watch paint dry than anything with Stefan. What a waste of an actor.
And we see a cot, a blue cot, with Vivian lying on it, a blue sheet covering her. Her eyes flutter open, where am I?
I knew it was too good to be true. It's like picking your nose and trying to get the booger off your finger.

The only person who really dies in Salem is Jack.
But he does it so well....and so often. :)
Glad that Vivian is still around, but then again, it was hinted at when we saw her in the morgue and someone shoved a needle in her chest ala Will. Perhaps it was Leo????
For a change, it was really a busy day in Salem, and the absence of Lani, Trippy, and Ciara was a welcome development. :)

Rafe: Instead of chasing after the high-and-mighty Hope, he was dishing it out: lounging in a DiMansion living room chair, giving Slimy McSleazy the lack of respect that he so richly deserves.

Chad: He was also on top of his game -- hitting charming Melinda where it hurts: her political future. Usually talking to a D.A. without an attorney present is a major mistake, but Chad did far better than Justin could ever have done. Perhaps, Chad should consider Salem University School of Law's quickie J.D.course. Lord knows, Salem needs a better attorney than Justin.

Vivian: She's alive! This character is quite entertaining in small doses. And if Vivian does return, the woman who plays her, Louise Sorel, should be given a story line that she likes. Such an old pro deserves this.

Leo: He has assumed the role of Salem's village idiot. What makes him think suing a Kiriakis is a wise move?? Sonny can lawyer up and if all else fails, there's the lethal Xander lurking in the background, ready, willing,and able to do his thing. He then compounds his error by taking the story of his specious lawsuit to Will, who'll dig deep and expose Leo for the backstabbing little sneak that he is.

Abigail: She has to be one of the most maddening women to ever live in Salem (in some ways she's almost worse than Sami). :angry::angry::angry:She's now absurdly insisting that she has to be punished for the actions of her alters over which she had absolutely no control. This makes even less sense than her past nonsensical claims that she couldn't be married to Chad because he had feelings for Gabi that dated back to the time everyone thought the former Ms. Perfect had died in a plane crash.
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Thanks for the summary. I'm halfway finished watching and I'm having trouble getting through it. It's putting me to sleep. My favorite part of yesterday's show was that Leo didn't appear in it. Today, I'm having to skip him. I just can't take him. At least I got a laugh from your description of him, DrBakerFan--the village idiot!
Ugh so Vivian is still alive somehow. No one ever dies in Salem. Except poor Zack Brady.

I do like that Abigail wants to take responsibility for everything all her personalities did. I'm just not sure I see her and Chad surviving this. Hate to say it, I think Trask is right. The woman he loved is gone and she's not coming back.

Bet Sonny feels like the biggest idiot. But it did seem that Leo actually liked him, but guess not if he's doing this.

And now Kate is really just a cold blooded killer. Though Viv isn't dead. What a conundrum. :rotfl:
Think again, says Kate, who is several steps away, as she fires the gun.
Good for her. Though in reality I'm finished with Kate, Vivian deserved no better. Also I don't like how she's stiffing Leo, who's now sure to be a pariah in Salem since his crime wasn't rape or drug-related.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed the end with all the cliffhangers. It's not Friday, but today
is the last day of May sweeps.

Leo wants to give Will a story. Will Will do it since it will be about
Sonny sexually harassing Leo?

Will Sonny finally realize Leo used him? Hopefully, someone will figure
out the texts were faked.

Is Kate losing it? She imagined she was talking to Andre.

We learn Kate killed Vivian in cold blood. Not really, since Vivian is alive.
I didn't understand why they didn't wait until the final scene to show Vivian. I don't think it added anything showing her in the middle like that. My guess is it was Rolf.

This show really needs to revamp its entire wardrobe and hair departments. Jennifer and Rafe looked great and everyone else looked awful. I needed eye bleach for Kate's outfit.

There had really better be consequences for Kate this time. I hope Vivian and Stefan get revenge on her. She still should be tried for attempted murder.

Chad confronting Trask without a lawyer. :rolleyes: I also thought Trask looked very Gabby-like in that black dress and hairstyle. Too soon.
Can we get back to stories of romance and mystery? Why has Days become Invasion of the Body Snatchers or a new show: "Meet Me in Melaswen" where only the dastardly can be revived? Why is it Trask can't make a case against some real no-good-niks like Stefan?

Oh yes, the whole Theresa Jeannie bringing down a drug lord. What father lets his daughter become a concubine and possibly killed for the good of the planet? Not the Shane Donovan I remember. Can we give these unplanned pregnancies and rapes a rest? It's like watching Law & Order SVU. You end up feeling dirty after watching.
Gotta say, I definitely do not care for SciFi........Don't watch the movies, TV shows, or read the books. Days does not need this. If they wanted Viv alive, then put her on life support, have her in a coma, take off life support, but she doesn't die.

And it is odd how awful wardrobe & Hair do has become. Days needs to hire those people from What to Wear, who seem to have much better sense of style, hair, etc. than those who attend to Days' actors. Tis odd, that in real life, Lauren Koslow (Kate) is a no frills type person, and yet Kate is so gaudy. Maybe the personnel needs to visit the rest of the country, see how real people in the Midwest, South, East........Yep everywhere but L.A. ....dress. LOL.

I will say that it does seem that some actors get to use their own personal choices...but...

I think that shot of Viv in the middle of the show was done to counterpoint the talking of her death.

Here is my "thing" about that drug....Vivian lost a lot of blood. She was in surgery, which means cut open as well. She died because she had lost too much blood. So, does that drug restore blood? Does it mend wounds? Heal the internal organs injured by the bullet? Inquiring minds really want to know?
I'm pretty sure the writers themselves don't even know what the darn drug does. And they don't need to know, because they think we are all gullible fools who tend to forget storylines from one week to another, heck, even on the same day (thus flashbacks of scenes in same episode). So why would they even bother to try and make sense?

I know, I seem pretty negative, and I'm sorry about that. I just think Days would be so much more enjoyable if a little research was done to write good, riveting storylines, like there used to be. So, @Moira, I completely agree with you, where is the romance, where is the suspense, where are the good stories?