SPOILER !! Week Apr 1


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Dec 29, 2012
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Hmmm, so Lani gets interested in a baby named David (was that not the name of the baby she & Eli lost?)
Why does Claire still have that lighter, and how does JJ get involved?
I know there will be more and better spoilers still coming.....After all, April is the build up to May sweeps.....

Not sure if this is April 1 week....or March 25 week........but.........

Wonder how David comes to the attention of Lani. Abandoned? Mother is hurt or ill..in hospital? Runs across in square? Well, we are sure to find out in next couple weeks. LOL
I really hope this is not going to be another back from the dead story involving Eli and Lani's baby. Enough of that! Can't TPTB do something original? I hope it is just Lani seeing a little baby, or maybe one that would be the age hers would be, and named David and she gets caught up in memories. That would be perfectly normal. Oh, wait a minute, normal doesn't live in Salem.
Monday April 1st
Jordan asks Rafe for a huge favor; [Is she asking Rafe to take care of Arthur the cat, bring her a Brady Burger or Wanchai Ferry because the food in Bayview stinks, or to give Ben a job with the Salem P.D. so he doesn't have to work at the suddenly-dangerous DiMansion?]

Tuesday April 2nd
Will and Sonny search for answers; [Why? These two are notoriously bad at getting any answers. If they have questions, they should leave them to John Black and Black Patch.]

Thursday April 4th
Claire feels the heat when JJ questions her about the lighter; [She'll probably give the inquiring JJ one of her patented blank stares and then start babbling about her Internet followers.]

John pulls Leo off Diana: [Why? Let Leo finish off the hideous Medusa and then get Justin to plead him not guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity. After hearing about all of Diana's past misdeeds, the jury would not only find Leo not guilty, but would also suggest that Mayor Abe give him a civic award.]

Abe and Sheila grow closer. [If Abe is getting any romantic feelings for Sheila, he ought to wait until after the election to act on them. If things develop too soon, underhanded Eve and her tool, Jack, will accuse him of literally coddling/cuddling criminals.]

Maggie has a talk with Rex: [Maggie should be frank and tell Rexy that her boring, fickle, overheated, hard-drinking, loud-mouthed daughter isn't even good enough for the likes of himself.]
Thanks all!
Abe and Sheila grow closer. [If Abe is getting any romantic feelings for Sheila, he ought to wait until after the election to act on them. If things develop too soon, underhanded Eve and her tool, Jack, will accuse him of literally coddling/cuddling criminals.]
You sure called this one! Good thinking!:clap:
Spoilers from https://soaps.sheknows.com/days-of-our-lives/spoilers/

Monday April 1:
JJ is troubled by the lighter found in Claire’s jewelry box.

Tuesday April 2:
Will and Sonny try to find answers to Will’s unexplained medical issues.

Wednesday April 3:
Brady encourages Gabi take her revenge against Stefan to a whole new level.

Thursday April 4:
Rafe returns from California with surprising news.

Friday April 5:
Sparks fly between Abe and Sheila.
Eve drops a bombshell at Jack’s rally.
Spoilers from https://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/spoilers-for-the-week-of-april-1st-t40749.html#p1981001

Monday, April 1, 2019
Claire is upset when Eve informs her about the change of plans.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Eric gives Brady an answer to his ultimatum.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Stefan’s attraction to Chloe grows, but she keeps him at a distance.

Thursday, April 4, 2019
Tripp and Haley struggle to maintain their cover story.
Hope tells Ben about Jordan’s secret.

Friday, April 5, 2019
Ted makes a move on Hope.
What is Rafe doing out in CA........
So.......Will & Sonny look for answers as to his medical problems....guess no one in the hospital is able to do that :sarcasm:
Claire actually held on to that lighter, and evidently keeps her jewelry box out on the kitchen counter or something. Amazing!
SPECULATION ONLY: So, if these spoilers can be believed. . . Jordan asks Rafe for a favor this coming week. Based on next week's spoilers, that favor involves looking for something in California. Could be a baby who was put up for adoption which would be the stupid and obvious way for the lazy writers to go. What I like is that Rafe must have at least communicated this secret to his wife and doesn't try to hide whatever it is, because she runs to Ben to tell Jordan's secret.

Maybe Jordan knows that she and/or Ben were adopted by Clyde and his wife and that Ben is NOT doomed to have serial killer/abusive genes genetically. Environment, yes, but maybe this might help him (and have the possibility of introducing new people not related to the rest of Salem)?

And Will having medical problems must mean that Marlena is released from the hospital so they have to have someone fill the bed. Maybe (more speculation), his problems are a parting shot from Leo as he leaves, or maybe they are the result of his memory recovery treatment?

Eve telling Claire about the change in plans? That sounds like they were going to stop the wedding, but I am thinking that Eve now wants them to get married so it will be better for Jack to get them both arrested once the marriage is determined to be fraudulent, so she wants them to get married. No idea what Claire is planning, but I wonder if they have the wedding before April 4 since the spoiler indicates that they are struggling to maintain their story.