Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 8, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Gabi is playing Sami, Jr., replacing a picture of Stefan with her own on the desk in the DiMansion study. She's dictating a statement to Abe but has passion flashes of Stefan. Rafe enters as she is pitching a literal fit, they talk about her phony softball history, and her lies leading to marrying Stefan. Later, Rafe's recapped the cops' case against Stefan. Gabi continues to believe in Stefan's innocence, pointing the finger at Nicole. Rafe thinks she likes Stefan, and that she's lucky Stefan has no friends to bail him out. Rafe is also glad Ted is dead.

At the Pub, Kayla tells Hope she's sorry about Ted. Later Hope absentmindedly finds the $100 in her purse and recaps for Kayla. Later, she flashes back to the garbage incident.

At the Kmansion, Rex and Maggie talk about Sarah's love for Eric. He learns that she knew about it, and that Sarah never came home. Rex storms out, Maggie calls to warn Sarah.

In Eric's bedroom, Sarah and Eric wake up together. They fret about Nicole and feel bad about living the lie that led to Rex marrying Sarah. They concur that their connection feels right and this has all apparently been foreplay. Later they are cooking and have an angry but predictably boring confrontation with Rex.

Nicole-who's-really-Kristen fantasizes that she has no mask and Brady's forgiven her. He remarks that their lovemaking was different. She claims it was because no piece of her heart belongs to Eric anymore.

Kate wakes up in her hotel room, shocked by Tony who spent the night near her at her request. She is processing Ted's death. She tells him that Kristen's alive and kidnapped her & Ted, resulting in her persistent dread that she's next. She asks for his help, because, as Kate says, "You and I go back far, Tony, but you and Kristen go back farther." (Ed. Note: What? Oh forget it.) Tony claims he has no clue how to get in touch with Kristen. She declares that he's lying, speculates that Nicole and Kristen teamed up in the warehouse, and Tony's working for Kristen.

Back at Eric's apartment, Sarah laments going to work, since everyone loved Rex there.

At the hospital, Rex tells Kayla he's quitting.

In the private area, Hope is rummaging through the garbage when she finds the necklace. Rafe happens upon her, asks what she's doing.

At the DiMansion, Gabi is redoing her statement. She tells Stefano's portrait that she may still have a heart, but also her killer instinct. Stefan enters, says he hasn't either.

Nicole-who's-really-Kristen gets up to take a shower. Brady lies for a moment in bed, then flashes back to Kristen's tattoo-kissing-scene (when he slept with her the last time she was in town, after Marlena was shot at the wedding), has a flash.
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Note to Ed....Way back, Tony & Kristen were engaged, Stefano had arranged it. But after the wedding, Kristen learns she actually married Andre, who was constantly imprisoning Tony and impersonating him.

Thanks, Jason......Rex sure decided quickly to leave his job, did he not? Tony did good job of covering the fact he knows Kristen is alive, and is fake Nicole.
Truly hard to believe Brady did not feel that fake skin.....but I do like that he noted it seemed different. And if fake Nicole did not want Brady to see her "scars" etc. then why is he joining her in the shower with NO protest from her. Can she really get that wig hair all wet while it is on her? Dr. Rolf was truly a master scientist/magician. LOL
A shame Days uses so many "filler" scenes.........(Hope & Kayla, Eric/Sarah conversations, Rafe/Gabi chat) Yes, they were filler, as the characters just jabbered the same stuff we, the audience, already saw, heard.
But that was later rewritten to say it was really Andre while Tony had been held on the tropical island for years and years. With the rewrite, it's hard to keep track of when he was Tony, when he was Andre or when he was Andre-pretending-to-be-Tony.
I thought I said it was really Andre Kristen married way back. However, this thread is about today's show, so perhaps we should stick to that. Besides, yes, who can possibly keep track of when it was Tony, and when it was Andre with all the rewrites and retcons.
Glad Kate admitted why she was so nervous (that she would be next). As to Gabi......Perhaps the lady doth protest too much??? Ha!
Originally you hadn't added that comment, but I agree it's hard to keep track of Tony/Andre/Andre-as-Tony.

I liked when Hope was talking to Kayla and acted all shocked that someone would think she could've possibly gotten so mad that she shot and killed Ted. Uhhh, like you shot and killed Stefano??? Oh, right, she thinks he's alive and in hiding somewhere thanks to Patch and Shane. But Hope dear, still doesn't change the fact that he goaded you into pulling your gun and unloading it into his chest.
Some cringe-worthy moments today ... Sarah and Eric are horrible. I rolled my eyes so hard I almost passed out when Eric told Rex "I'm not going to judge you" about Rex's hangover. Like, dude, you just slept with your brother's wife. Nice that you still feel in a position to judge or not judge others. :rolleyes:

AND "Kristen" and Brady in bed. I can't suspend reality much more to keep buying that Brady doesn't notice a similarity between naked Kristen and naked "Nicole." Slight redemption for his having a flash at the end. I hope they explore that in the coming days instead of teasing us. This is a truly ridiculous, hole-ridden storyline. No - that wig would not look like hair when it was wet. And there would be issues around the eyes and on her neck with the mask.

The rest was not that interesting, but I'm glad to see Gabi and Rafe interacting. It's like the writers forgot for months that they are almost each other's only family.

I liked the scenes with "Tony" and Kate. I'm going to say "Tony" until we know for sure if this is Tony and not Andre.
I liked the scenes with "Tony" and Kate. I'm going to say "Tony" until we know for sure if this is Tony and not Andre.
And even if it's proven to be Tony, they can later rewrite it to say it was really Andre, which stinks. I hope at some point, Andre shows up too, so we'll know for sure it's Tony.
Thanks for the summary, Jason. This sounds like way too much Sarah and Eric, and Kristen-Nicole and Brady, but if Brady is finally getting a clue, maybe it's worth watching, for that, at least.

Gabi's arrogance is hard for me to endure but it's hard to imagine she'll be able to stay on her self-made pedestal for very long. Maybe I'll enjoy watching her fall.

From reading the summary and the comments, it does sound like Tony and Kate are the best part of the episode.
Was Gabi wearing a wig today or did she color her hair recently? It looked much darker and not as pretty as it usually is. Also, her little dress today was kind of ridiculous.
Thanks for the summary, Jason. This sounds like way too much Sarah and Eric ....
Any Sarah and Eric is too much Sarah and Eric. If only Stefano was around to ship them both off to some secret island.

Meanwhile, should Rafe really be worried about Zero and calling him "dangerous." He seems to be confusing Stefan O. with Stefano. Stefano was dangerous, but Zero is simply a pathetic punching bag.

Finally, the D.A. thinks there is a strong case against Zero? Whoever this is, he/she is just as dumb as Chad's one-time father, Charles Woods. Eli merely finding Zero with a gun in his hand, next to a dead body doesn't make a case. Any decent defense attorney (not Justin) would shred any case that the D.A. has like it was wet tissue paper.
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Thanks, Jason.

A new day in Salem.

Wow, Hope paid for coffee at the pub... of course, this was done so she could use the
$100 bill she found in the park.

I'm glad Brady had a memory of Kristen after bedding "Nicole". He also mentioned things
were different this time with her.

The makeup Kristen is wearing must be great. Brady couldn't tell she was wearing a mask.
Kristen didn't seem to mind that Brady was interested in joining her in the shower where
he could see her naked body.

Do people put pictures of themselves alone on their desk? I think Gabi should have put
Arianna on the desk instead of herself.

I laughed when Rex said everyone knew about Sarah and Eric, but him. Then I laughed
when Rex talked about Saint Eric and committing adultery.

Will Rafe work with Hope to figure out who the mystery woman was and why the necklace
Ted gave her was in the trash?
Do people put pictures of themselves alone on their desk?
Many years ago, I worked in an office and a new girl was hired. On her first day, she put a large, beautifully framed picture of herself on her desk. I thought, gee, a little into yourself, aren't you?? Turns out, she was an identical twin and it was a picture of her sister. :rotfl:
J.S., that is so funny!

It didn't take me too long to watch this episode, since I skipped most of the lovebird scenes. I've tried to keep liking Eric, in spite of all his gloom, but I'm finding him pretty deplorable at this point.

In another thread I said that Will and Sonny remind me of young teens pretending to be grownups. Now I have to say Gabi seems like a cartoon character--a little girl playing grownup. I wish they'd clean up some of this silliness.

Without any Xander today, I guess I'd have to say Kate and Tony were the best part for me.
In another thread I said that Will and Sonny remind me of young teens pretending to be grownups. Now I have to say Gabi seems like a cartoon character--a little girl playing grownup. I wish they'd clean up some of this silliness.
It really is silly when they have the young characters, who barely graduated high school, supposedly doing corporate takeovers and running large international companies.
Ok all caught up! Gabi is ridiculous. I laughed when she said "well there's more to running DiMera than I realized". Really? More complicated than Gabi Chic? The picture of herself was ridiculous. Should be her daughter! Of course she has probably forgotten she has one! Oh that's right, everything she does is for Ari. Yeah, right. And would the DiMera board really let her just take over when she hastily married Stefan, then tosses him out?!! I would think they'd have some issue with it.

And wow, yes indeed Sarah was still wearing her wedding rings when she was sleeping with her husband's brother. I loved all Rex said to them and I'm with him being flabbergasted that they are in bed this quick. Kind of hate to see Rex go. I like the actor. But Sarah, when Eric said he was thinking and she immediately says about Nicole? Geez, insecure much?

I still find Kristen's obsession with Brady icky. But seriously, she slept in the mask! I'm assuming she doesn't usually and I just can't see it staying in place. This really needs to end so I hope that Brady actually had an epiphany!!