Days of our Lives - Mon., Dec. 2, 2019


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Days of our Lives
Monday, December 2, 2019

Justin wants Kayla to move in with him, she doesn't think that a good idea. He eventually agrees, they are in her apt., watching football. She is a bit distracted, says she & Steve always watched football on Thanksgiving, was their tradition. Justin sits back, notes how he & Adrienne always ran in the Turkey Trot, was their tradition, so perhaps he & Kayla should do their own, how about a movie, a romantic comedy. She loves them, especially Cary Grant. Ahh, black & white it is, and with remote in hand, she is changing the channel.

Ciara has come to visit Ben in prison, tells him about what she found, giving him the piece of paper she rescued from the fire. Most burnt up, this is all she could get, obviously a confession that Xander & Victor killed Jordan. She is determined to open Xander's steel box and find whatever evidence she can. Guard comes in, time is up. Ben leaves, warning her to be careful.

Clyde is outside Will's cell, he says Ben not here. Oh, Clyde knows that, he is in visiting with his lady friend, but Clyde wanted to take the chance to visit with Will. Will says nope, not saying another word to you, but Clyde has friends there, has managed to gift the guard, who lets him into Will's cell. Clyde gets up close, pinning Will against the wall. What do you want? Clyde wants to do what his man should have done to Will's husband a while back. He pulls a knife, gonna kill Will. They struggle.

John & Marlena argue over whether Stefano is alive, sent the gift. They get to arguing again about how Hope trying to make inroads with John, overstaying her welcome. John is pooh poohing the idea, making excuses, but Marlena is adamant, why did she come over here on Thanksgiving, why is she rude to me, why is she constantly attempting to show she & you have a special bond. Door knocking. Marlena says might be Hope, oh, no, she has her own key, as she has made sure I know. She teases it might be Stefano, opens the door, saying hello to Stefano, long time no see. Tis Abe, who claims he's been called a lot of name, none as insulting as Stefano. John & Marlena laugh. Abe brought John's missing medal from the Turkey trot, John puts it around his neck. They do some small talk, but Marlena notes she really wishes there was a way to know if Stefano alive or dead. Abe looks at the card, is not Stefano's handwriting. Abe knows for a fact that Stefano not only had diabetes but stage 4 cancer when he left. He gets an idea, will call Celeste, see if she gets a vibe about Stefano being either one. He has called Theo, to wish him Happy T-Day, leaves, will let them know what Celeste says. John laughs after Abe gone.......relying on a psychic now?

Gina is talking with Steve (my CC refers to him “Steve as Stefano), and between them we hear all the hows. Evidently when Steve left to clear himself of problems over the robotic eye, Stefano had him imprisoned. Held until Kayla got fed up. Stevano needed a better body, since his was diseased. He is not too happy having Steve's face, as Steve was too much a do gooder, saw everything in black & white. (He speaks with a very slight accent, dropping it at times). Gina talks of Samantha taking half his money, he replies he cannot even see Elvis, who he feels needs him. Gina praises him for how he dealt with Kayla, only sending card when Adrienne died, signing divorce papers, returning them. They talk of their plan, Stevano has a new one, talks a lot of his queen of the night, picking up the chess piece queen. Gina insults Marlena, he warns her not to do so. He figures this time they will be successful in parting John & Marlena, he will get his queen, she will get her leftovers.

Clyde intends to kill Will to stop him interfering between him & Ben. Will struggles as Clyde tries to stab him in the stomach. Ben returns, sees this, pulls Clyde away, struggling with him, holding back the hand with the knife.

Ciara returns to her bedroom, and lol, has a a drill, remarking that shop class was not for nothing. She dons safety glasses & begins to drill into the steel box.

Steve-ano takes down the portrait of Stefano, replacing it with the one Gina just did of him. He might as well get used to looking at himself as he looks now. Gina agrees. She offers a finally getting everything we have wanted. “it's good to be back” is the reply from Stevano.

P.S. Forgot to include how Rolf managed to give Steve/ano a new eye, not a real one, a "workable synthetic" one.....guess he also repaired the eye socket, tho they don't mention it.
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NBC pre-empted 1st 10 min for one of their "it's snowing" reports (NY) so I did miss those opening teaser segments.
However good show, to me, since they explained a lot. & Set up coming story.
They did explain a lot however ludicrous that explanation was. I am not enjoying this at all. It being Steve was a wow at first. But If they were going to bring back Stefano's essence it should have been in a stranger so they could interact with everyone without them knowing it was Stefano. And are they now seriously saying he survived being shot numerous times by Hope and dumped in an abandoned building!? I still want Hope to have to pay for that. Did we know that Stefano had diabetes and cancer or is that something new they are making up?

I still don't understand why Princess Gina has not crossed Marlena or John's mind. Rolf is back. Weird stuff happens.

I do like Kayla and Justin together. They seem to fit.

I knew Ben would save Will. I wish Ben would get out of jail and I wish we would see how Will killed Adrienne.
Did we know that Stefano had diabetes and cancer or is that something new they are making up?
Yes, we knew that; not something new that was made up.

Reference is made to him having diabetes, AND colon cancer.

At the police lab, Shawn-D is working on the Stefano emails when Chad arrives, wanting an update on the case. Rafe arrives with Dr George Kline, Stefano's personal physician. Rafe reveals that Stefano was denied a new life insurance policy because he refused an examination by the insurance company's physician. This stymies Chad, and the doc defends Stefano's decision. Rafe counterpoints that the company doc would not have committed fraud, there was more than just diabetes in Stefano's health log. Kline bluffs, says patient confidentiality won't let him say more. He moves to leave; Chad orders him to come clean. Rafe threatens Kline, they will pursue fraud charges on him. Kline admits Stefano coerced him into lying; Stefano was terminally ill with colon cancer when he tried to take out that policy. Chad absolves Kline, doesn't want to press charges but wants medical records released to the cops. Kline departs; Rafe suspects it was suicide by cop. Chad's not ready for this, leaves.
glad for the explanation but am not liking this story line at all.
I laughed at half the stuff today, but I really don't know if I should laugh or cry. What a stupid sci-fi mess.

Are we to believe Rolf could take a dead man's memory and put it in someone else? They must have put Steve's head in a vise to do anything to him.
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The current writers probably have no idea about the attack that "permanently" damaged Steve's eye socket when he was undercover all those years ago.
With Rolf, nothing matters. Even if Steve had somehow lost his entire head, Rolf could have regrown it, better than ever. On the same theme, why would Rolf have to develop a bionic eye? With his magic powers, he could have given Steve-ano the real deal.

Steve-ano's flaws: One thing that Rolf hasn't seemed to be able to transfer into Steve-ano is the Phoenix's savior faire and will to dominate. Would the old Stefano have tolerated even for a minute living in some crumby warehouse and being blathered at by "Princess Gina?" The "real" Stefano would be staying in the presidential suite at the Salem Inn (maybe under an assumed name) and would have firmly reminded "Gina" that she's not his equal, but is simply another pawn.

Ciara the detective: Ciara better try harder to find evidence to clear Ben. That scrap of a letter is worthless by itself. As for drilling into his magic metal box, it would be a fine joke if all that's in it are Xander's favorite reading material dating back to his days in a Greek villa -- copies of Busty Babes magazine.

Creepy Clyde doesn't know his place: Does creepy Clyde know that by messing with Will he's risking something far worse than the wrath of God -- an enraged Sami and an infuriated Susan Banks? And if Victor takes offense at threats against Sonny's husband, he might just send Xander out on another "assignment." The mighty X-man wouldn't even need a gun. He could snap old Clyde In half like a dry twig.
Considering I read the spoilers I saw this one coming about Steve, even though that was never hinted whatsoever. Well, everything regarding Kayla and Steve now makes sense. I will say the actor Stephen Nichols (Steve) did an amazing job capturing the "essence" of Stefano. His entire demeanor, to the mild Italian accent, and Stefano's overall grandiosity was captured well.

I actually thought Stefano would be pleased to be in Steve's body as revenge be perfect. But I thought it was funny Stefano was actually very displeased being in Steve's body and poking bashful, snarky and snide comments about being in the body of someone named "Patch". I bet Stefano would have preferred Brady!

As to Clyde threatening Will, what we all thought he was, I found it hilarious! Considering as I know in the gay community, Clyde may have to own up to his promises talking like that to the wrong gay man lol lucky Will is a gentleman....well now at least. Oy! :rotfl:
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Thanks, Poirot.

It's still Thanksgiving in Salem.

Today closed captioning had Hope as Gina and Steve as Stefano a few times.

StevO said some funny things about his new body. Hope/Gina seems to like it :)
I couldn't help but wonder what Stefano's picture would say about this.

Nice to see Abe today. It's too bad Theo's recovery is taking longer than expected.

I got confused about the time since John talked about beating Steve's time from
last year. Steve has been gone longer than that with the time jump.

Will Celeste figure out Stefano's essence is in Steve? Will Ciara be able to get
Xander's lock box? If she does, what will she find? Maybe some better scripts.
With Rolf, nothing matters. Even if Steve had somehow lost his entire head, Rolf could have regrown it, better than ever.
This reminds me of the movie Soapdish where they actually told a writer to figure out a way to write for a character who had been decapitated. Whoopi Goldberg, playing the writer, screams, "HOW am I supposed to write for a guy that doesn't have a head!?!?!"

Meanwhile this Steve-ano story is silly, not just because of its outlandish sci-fi or ignorance of history and endless pointless retcons - but because it once again turns John into a clueless sad sack who can't solve a case to save his marriage.

On the plus side, I like that Justin/Kayla are trying to be different.