1-23-16 - Donuts and Winter storm Jonas


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I just had to put that name in the title.

Another cold morning here. The sun should be out later this afternoon. It's supposed to warmer next week.

I hope everyone in the path of the storm will stay warm and safe from
the blizzard.
Hello, Kat, and anyone else. I've been watching the snow storm on tv, while getting breakfast. One reporter was so cold he was barely able to talk, but he wasn't even wearing a cap or any kind of head covering! I wanted to yell at him, how stupid is that? It is almost physically painful for me to watch this blizzard, from the warmth of my home. How dreadful for those who are having to deal with it! Some people have been sitting in the vehicles all night long.

It's 23* here this morning but will reach the 50s* later. Looks like the coming week will bring decent weather. I hope it does to everyone else as well, after this big storm has passed.
Wow, our temps went down during the night again, zero. but the sky is all streaked pink, orange, purple as the sun is getting ready to rise. Not sure if we get sun & blue skies or if it will cloud up, turn grey, as it has been doing every day.

Saw some of Tennessee & the Carolinas last night. I think YPG is in the Carolina areas. A few others are as well. I just want everyone to stay home.....I know the governors of the states, mayors of the cities affected have all been urging residents to do so.
Time for coffee. Take care.
Good morning from a snowy and icy wonderland!

I'm not going to work this morning. I've never gone ice skating and I don't plan on starting now. Plus I probably couldn't even open my car doors since my car is wrapped in ice.

Guess I'll have a lazy day of reading and watching tv. And napping.

Have a safe and warm day everyone!
Good morning, if I can say that with clinched teeth. It's still overcast here and very windy, 20 mph. I guess I'm getting whipped by the tail of Storm Jonas. A high of 44*F is expected today, but it feels much colder. Even Remmy won't stay outside and I'm not going with her, lol.

I hope and pray everyone in the path of Blizzard Jonas stays safe!
Good Saturday everyone.

Between the snow in areas & flooding in New Jersey it is a mess out there in the East. So happy people are "sheltering in" and being wise. Please check on the elderly & informed when the weather clears up. And those animals left outside to fend for themselves.

KAT: love your donuts title.

KT: Remmy is almost as smart as you are to stay inside today.

RED: a perfect day to stay home safe & dry.

POIROT: time for a warm jammies day in your temps.

OC: please do rest & stay home today too.

Stay safe everyone!
red, I'm glad you're staying home.

I don't watch the news so I won't see pictures. I hope some of you
will share your pictures of the Daniel... oops Jonas storm
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Good morning everyone,

Looks like we've got a foot of snow so far, and it's still coming down heavy with a lot of wind. It's in the 20sF outside. I'm staying in; family is playing outside in snow. But I won't be joining them--looks too cold and windy for my taste. And since the gym is closed, I doubt I'll be outside at all today.

Hope all of you stay warm.
Hello, Kat, and anyone else. I've been watching the snow storm on tv, while getting breakfast. One reporter was so cold he was barely able to talk, but he wasn't even wearing a cap or any kind of head covering! I wanted to yell at him, how stupid is that?
Good morning to all. We're currently watching the storm through the windows. There seems to be about a foot on the ground with some drifting, including a small one on the back porch. The children on the street seem to be happy -- a few are already outside. As for NYC area weather reporters, to add to the all-snow, all-the-time news hype, they habitually go into snow storms to report. One on NBC usually packs a ruler. And when a hurricane seems to be pending, they go down to the beach, stand in the rain, and show the viewers the rough ocean waves hitting the beach.
Fortunately, it's a nice day here, 25*, and sunny. My son is hosting a venison chili party this afternoon. He usually makes it pretty spicy, so I will keep the ice water handy! All of you folks that are ice/snowed in, please be careful!
Got the sun for about an hour, but the grey skies moved in......Yuk. Just saw a report about the bus full of athletes that were going home after an afternoon game in the Carolinas (was it the Panthers??? No idea). Anyway, they evidently have a long way home, left about 4:30, had food and drink aboard, stopped at a food store around 7, got more food and drink, and got stopped on what I believe is an interstate (or turnpike) in PA. around 9:15. They thought an accident was the cause, perhaps, and they might be delayed an hour or two. Well, it was 12 hours later, they had not moved one inch, and while there had not been much snow, there was now a couple feet. They did pics out the window, long, long line of one lane of cars.
He said most of the fellows are big guys, so definitely had trouble sleeping in the bus seats.

Am doing office stuff.......staying in myself, just wish everyone out there well. Stay home for sure.
Morning all. Regarding weather/news people, I love it when it snows or rains here in lovely AZ. They stand outside showing us it is RAINING, as if we wouldn't believe it if they just told us. That has always seemed really stupid. Or, not weather related, but still stupid, when they put reporter XYZ standing outside the jail to tell us that the person has been arrested and is now in jail. And all we see is the outside of the jail. Really, how do I know he is in jail??? Because you are standing there??? Silliness.

On Twitter, Scott Kelly has been posting pictures of the storm from space they are pretty impressive.

Please be safe if you live under the storm.


I am off to spend the rest of the day with my Dad. Joy.
They do that "outside" thing up here as well. Last winter was such a brutal one, so they have to SHOW you the unplowed streets, complete with rulers, yes, and then the cars slippin' and sliding.........Duluth (where our TV comes from) is all hills, steep ones. I absolutely HATE having to go there. And then, yes, perhaps a plow, or abandoned cars, etc. etc.
Have seen some footage of various places east of here, and what is weird to contemplate is all these areas getting the 1-2 ft. of snow, are going to be in the 40s tomorrow and Tuesday. It is going to be one sloppy, wet, slushy mess.
Yes, I am in North Carolina. We got snow where I am but barely anything.

My vehicle was iced over and frozen shut though. Took forever to open a door and then have it warm up/defrost while I chipped away at a very thick layer on the outside windows.

I had to take RGA to the vet today. Two hundred something dollar bill. She got a shot for nausea, antibiotics, pro-biotics, special canned food and a top for the can being used. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon.

Been busy living real life, I have barely been online. I hope you all are doing well.
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Okay, I was about to give the capless reporter the benefit of the doubt, after I later saw another reporter telling the anchor lady he had lost his hat again. (Did the wind blow it away or did he misplace it? IF the wind took it, what kind of hat was he wearing anyway? Surely any cap that would actually keep your head warm would not blow off). So I thought maybe the earlier reporter had lost his head covering in a gust of wind. But I have my tv on again now, to watch more of the coverage, and there he is again, still with no hat or cap! Honestly, I'm thinking he doesn't want his hair messed up or something. He has snow caked in his hair and all over his eyebrows and eyelashes. Anyway, giving me a laugh now. And yes, they all have their yard sticks. Is this what is called, "busy work?" Oh well, I'm easily entertained.

I called and checked on my brother-in-law in New Jersey this morning. He is several years older than us and was widowed a few years ago, lives alone. He was okay. Had gotten groceries in and has a fireplace with wood, if all else should fail, but he still had power so far.
Good afternoon, everyone. The snow continues to fall here on Long Island. The snowblower took care of about a foot two hours ago, and since then about two more inches have fallen. The NYC NBC forecasters are in continuous snow coverage and with the trains and subways not running and cars banned from the highways, their intrepid reporters have now taken to interviewing unfortunate people people who can't get home.

They do that "outside" thing up here as well. Last winter was such a brutal one, so they have to SHOW you the unplowed streets, complete with rulers, yes, and then the cars slippin' and sliding.........Duluth (where our TV comes from) is all hills, steep ones. I absolutely HATE having to go there. And then, yes, perhaps a plow, or abandoned cars, etc. etc.
I drove through Duluth decades ago and still remember those hills. Worcester, Mass., where I went to college is all hills and gets plenty of snow, and I recall driving there in winter could be a real adventure.