10/28/21 Donuts and no walk


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's been raining on and off since yesterday. There was an hour break yesterday afternoon. It's suppose to
rain through Friday morning. I'll be under a wind advisory this afternoon. If there isn't a break today, I
won't get to take my walk.

Today is library day at the little library. I need to do make myself do inside chores this afternoon after I
get home.

I hope everyone has a friendly day.
kat, your rain is supposed to wipeout my entire weekend with 100% chance of rain Friday through Monday. :sad:

In the office today since I was originally supposed to be back at that school that is closed. My VP is also back in the office today after being out for 2 months. She just sent me a link to go into a state zoom conference that has absolutely nothing to do with my job. Its for agency CEOs and board members. GRR! Going to see how long I can get away without logging into it before she notices that I'm not there.
Good morning......Another day paradise.... no rain, lots of sun and pleasant outdoor temps....... the BEAST figure out he could jump the barrier to the bedroom..... with the whole house fan the bedroom door was kept open so the cooler air off the pool could be pulled in to make the house cooler.... going to have to find a new plan.... great.... that is the task today..... wonder if a dutch door would be odd for a bedroom???

Sheesh can't believe October is almost gone.....

Good Thursday all......
robin, how tall is the barrier? Maybe you can find a baby gate that's taller.

rs, did the VP figure out you weren't at the meeting? Poor Walter. He looks lost.
it is a baby gate that Vinnie has jumped. It worked at keeping Mr. Gus out of any room we put it in front of. Working on something like a screen door to keep the BEAST from disturbing night's sleep. Normally he sleeps with Hunny Bunny on the raised bed, or in the living room curled up on the couch. He is a challenge. Perhaps Guide Dog Walter could teach him some manners. Walter is a darling.
Good Afternoon,
Gena was feeling poorly last night, so we dropped off our giant bag of 760 mini Tootsie Rolls and then came home after discussing her missing confirmation class with our Pastor and youth leader. They were both very understanding. Gena will be the acolyte at church for confirmation, so instead of learning that last night, Pastor will give her learn how on Sunday after church, before Trunk or Treat starts.
Today we're both home as she got sick while getting dressed for school. I'm taking a vacation day, as I have so many to use before the end of the year, and she's been watching movies in bed most of the day. I'm putting my day off to good use as I mailed out the papers to get my name legally changed (which I had wanted to do in person, but the Social Security office is dragging their feet on reopening), I also deposited the money for our Girl Scout fundraiser, got some paper work emailed to the child support office to get their information corrected on when child support was supposed to start almost 2 years ago, called the counseling office I'm trying to get Gena an appointment at to see where we are on the waiting list, and I have one more call to make, but wanted to pop in here first.

Robin - Vinnie sure is full of energy, makes me grateful for my lazy cat.
RS - Walter is so cute, it's nice that you can help your coworker by keeping him with you.
Kat - enjoy your time at the library

Have a wonderful afternoon everyone!
Perhaps Guide Dog Walter could teach him some manners. Walter is a darling.

Walter hasn't made one sound all day except his tags clicking together. He never even yipped or barked during the fire drill after lunch, and our fire alarm is horribly loud and shrill.

Amanda, I hope Gena feels better quickly. RSV is going around here on top of COVID.
I'm glad you were able to use the day to get some personal things accomplished. Working during the same hours when the other offices are open is such a pain.
Good afternoon, Been up since 5, not much accomplished, tho it seems as tho I was always doing something or other. I had a list I checked off, except for the store, & I really put off one important thing. Hate trying to get in touch personally with ins. companies. Seems when I worked for them, I was so much more helpful. LOL. Tomorrow S.S. phone appt., they called today to remind me. Mind you, I already had given them all the info, so no idea why this "appointment" by phone......but, will find out.
Been cloudy, overcast, dismal looking with a rain threat all day. Which is why I did not go to the store today. And need gas in car, price went up again. Ugh.
Hello. I've had a busy couple of days. Now sitting here for an hour trying to stay awake but keep dozing off. I had to make trips to two different towns to help my niece move a vehicle, yesterday and day before. My missionary cousin came from Utah yesterday, traveling across Texas to visit relatives. She spent last night with me. We stayed up late, talking. She's retiring soon. I had 0.8" rain night before last, then sunny for 2 days with awful wind, today gusting to 50 mph. No relief until Saturday.

I was so ready to take a nap around noon today, walking through the living room and a wasp stung me on the back of the neck. I was trying to figure out how to cope with that when the lady in charge of voting called and said we need to do the election thing on Monday/Tuesday. Never got a real nap and I needed it.

Squirrel, Walter looks almost just like my daughter's dog, only Lucy is black. She also has the permanently sad face but is a real sweet dog. She's quiet too but follows people around and looks up at them with the sad eyes, hoping for attention. When I'd sit down, she'd come over and lay her chin on my knee and look at me with her sad eyes.

Got to take care of laundry and put clean sheets on the bed. Maybe that will wake me up.
I got Gena to bed early, she seems to be feeling a bit better. She managed to keep down a fried egg sandwich for supper, so that's an improvement from the chicken soup and crackers she had for brunch. Hopefully she's better for school I'm the morning, her fall concert is tomorrow evening.
Hate trying to get in touch personally with ins. companies. Seems when I worked for them, I was so much more helpful. LOL. Tomorrow S.S. phone appt., they called today to remind me. Mind you, I already had given them all the info, so no idea why this "appointment" by phone......but, will find out.
Poirot, I feel for you. I am finally getting things straightened out with insurances, etc. But I still have two left that are dragging their feet. I had to have my husband will (a very explicit will with me as sole beneficiary) probated before they would even talk to me. I couldn't get a court date until this week, even though he died June 30th and I tried to get on the docket since middle of July! The frustration makes the loss worse and since I am still recovering from the surgeries and procedures, it doesn't help. You are in my prayers and I'm sending you hugs.

God Bless You All!