11-7-17 - Donuts and Vote!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning folks. Please go out and cast your votes today no matter what your party affiliation is or who your candidates are. The polls in Pennsylvania didn't open until 7:00, and I had to be clocked in at work before that. I'll stop to vote at the Catholic High School near my house on the way home.

Snowflakes are flying here, but the ground is too wet for anything to stick yet. Thank goodness it isn't more of that nasty rain. I'll be heading out in it soon enough. I have a small school today so should be back early.
Good Tuesday Morning!

Last night the sun was off the back of our home by 5pm!! Oh, there was a lot of light, but not direct sunlight glaring/heating up our great room. And right now it is pre-dawn at 6:15a.m. So lovely for a change. Now if only we could get to the normal 72F range temperaturesl!

The Christmas postal stamps still have not arrived in Phoenix. This year they are Christmas carol designs, like these:


I am really looking forward to using these on my Christmas cards when I start addressing them the day after Thanksgiving.

Please vote! We are so privileged in America to have that freedom. And make it a great day.

Squirrel: thanks for starting the vote! Snow softly falling is relaxing and beautiful so I hope you have the time to enjoy the momentary flurries later today.
No elections here....Good morning. And you reminded me I am going to have to register at this new address, different town, etc. No idea where. Seems the sun (a rather weak sun) is trying to come out and stay out, but I know there is another nasty storm moving in, more snow actually on Wed.

Yesterday, hubby took his truck in for some work at 9, had to leave it, our son from mid-state was up here hunting, was going home, but brought him back home. Then, hubby says he has an appt. at the hospital lab later, so last minute, had to take him there. I took the opportunity to go to both our Doctor offices, change our address & phone numbers, got my blood test which I had to cancel on moving day, it was not good (it is a finger stick, but got scolded, and my meds increased). Went back to pick up hubby, who was not doing so well, (mostly from having to fast completely, and the appt. being so late in a.m.)

Honestly hope things just calm down for me. :)

Hope you all have a lovely day........
Poirot: yes, I do hope things calm down for you ASAP! Thank goodness your son was willing to do some of the transporting for your husband. Still, there is so much stress you are under no wonder your finger-stick blood draw produced higher numbers than normal. Please take some time to just relax, or nap, or something nice for just yourself today. :hug:
Today is a voting day for Phoenix. They are trying a 100% mail-in ballot. It is for a school bond issue. I read up on it and voted. It is so important to vote. I know at the presidential election, some of my kids' friends didn't vote because it didn't matter. It always matters. But then I grew up with a grandfather and father who were lobbyists, so politics were drilled into us.

Off to work. Today is a day in the office. Yea.
Good morning all. What are you all voting for today? I think this holds true for any free and democratic country, "Vote as you please but please vote".

Boy, did I ever take a quick incorrect glance at my phone before leaving for our walk to the train. I checked the temperature and said, "OH, it's only -9*C (48.2*F) that's not too bad. Let's walk to the train instead of grabbing the bus for a two minute ride". So we still bundled up and headed out the door. About 3 blocks away, we both said, it sure feels colder than -9. Must be the wind chill but even still, it seems colder.

When we finally got to the train I looked at my phone and the -9*C was from yesterday at 3:30pm. I updated the temperature and it was actually -15*C (5*F). LOL! Oh well. It was a good exercise and a brisk walk. The cool air actually feels very nice first thing in the morning as it wakes you up. And still without a cigarette on my morning walk. 2.5 months cigarette free!!

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning everyone!

We’re voting on Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, plus local offices. My parents get to vote on what to do with the courthouse that was built in the 1800s.

I think for now I’m going back to sleep. Between my coughing and my husband’s snoring I didn’t sleep very well last night.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Robin: only in Arizona would a totally mail-in ballot be considered a sign of progress. After last year's fiasco, we can only hope it is better this time.:rolleyes:

Muzza: now that is cold, even to this cold-living member! Kudos on making the 2.5 month mark.

Red: hope you get some good sleep now before you vote.
Morning Everyone,

Chilly morning here. Gena is willingly wearing long sleeve t-shirts and her winter jacket. Then again, she hasn't been feeling well, so I'll be calling the doctor today to try to get her in. I'm very concerned as to what may be wrong with her. She's barely eating, has almost constant upset stomach, has had runny #2's for at least a month, and is always tired. Nothing seems to help either, just one more thing to pile onto this miserable year of constant struggle. If anyone has any advise I'll gladly take it

No elections in my city today, although a few other local communities have school referendums today.

Poirot - I sure hope things calm down for you soon.

Noel - your sunrise and sunset sound lovely.

Muzz - brrr, I'm not quite ready for it to be that cold yet, stay warm.

Robin, RS, & Red - best wishes for an easy voting process for you today.
I understand the theoretical importance of exercising one's vote, but I am only human, and can't help hoping that my political opponents stay home. :rolleyes:

Muzza, bravo on the cigarettes!

Poirot, please try to relax for a couple of days! :hug:

Noel, I hope and pray that this country has the sense :)eek:) to never consider voting by phone/computer.

Manda, thinking of you, and yours.

I am leaving out to attend our twice-yearly work reunion lunch. And, I will be going to a viewing at a funeral home this evening.

Wishing for a good day for all of you!
Good morning. Manda, my heart goes out to you with Gena's problem. My daughter was in first grade when we were going through a painful marriage breakup. She was having stomach aches all the time. I was getting calls from school. I assumed it was stress. Finally, she got a high fever, and a trip to the doctor revealed she was having urinary infections. Never having had those myself, I was shocked! Dealing with that took care of the problem. I'm not suggesting Gena has urinary trouble (doesn't sound that way), and it wouldn't surprise me if stress were at the root of her problems, but all that is to say, it is good you are taking her to get checked out by the doctor. You never know when there could be something that hadn't occurred to you. I pray peace and insight for you.

Muzz, good going on resisting the cigarettes!

Our county is having an important local vote. I'm going to try my very best to get to town and vote. Chilly day here. 44*, overcast, and north wind when I got up. Will get to 54*. I got to bed last night by 11:30 and was sleeping well until a skunk arrived. The smell kept waking me up, until I started getting a headache from it at 4:30. Had to get up and go to a different room to sleep a little more. Why did the skunk have to spray?? We don't have a dog or cat or anything to disturb him. He could have just nosed around and gone on his way. :angry:

The Nielson ratings people are irritating me to no end, trying to get me to participate in radio ratings. They have sent me mail and have been calling twice a day for a while now. I don't answer but some of the time they leave a message on my machine. I never listen to the radio except when I'm in the car, and then I only listen to one station. I don't have the time or inclination to mess with their request. I guess the calls are probably automated but grrr, you'd think it would finally give up on me!
Good morning to all. It's too early for snow here, but there's a chill in the air, leaves are starting to fall, and some trees now have their autumn colors. Here, we not only have been bombarded with ads and a few robocalls for our local elections, but also with TV ad after TV ad for NYC and New Jersey elections. Our own vote is for local offices, most notably for county executive to decide on a replacement for the scandal-plagued incumbent. Fortunately, the NYC mayor's race is hopelessly one-sided so both parties aren't running too many TV ads. Most of what's on TV relates to the New Jersey governor's race, which will choose a successor to Chris Christie. The Jersey attack ads are really something (as usual). If you took them at face value, you'd think that both candidates were worse than Mayor EJ DiMera.

As for voting machines, we use a paper ballot that gets scanned into a computer. I actually preferred the old-fashioned mechanical machines in which you pulled a lever for the candidate of your choice. There was an element of nostalgia in using the same type of voting machine on which my parents voted for President Eisenhower.
Back from school already, and boy is it cold outside. BRRRR

We have some state wide races for judges, but most are county and local races for judges, commissioners, mayors, school boards, etc.

There is one question on the ballot asking if we want the state congress to take a look at changing how our schools are funded. That doesn't mean they have to do it if it passes. Now it is mostly by a hefty property tax. That means that folks who own their homes and are childless or retired are footing the bill for everyone else. Folks who rent pay nothing for their kids to go to school. Some state reps are proposing upping the income tax or sales tax instead, but they aren't advertising that.

We grumble a lot here because Ohio voters have referendums on all of their taxes while we Pennsylvanians have no say. Our local, county, and state officials just keep upping how much they pull out of pockets each year.
RS - our schools are funded by property taxes too, and as a landlord, trust me when I say that renters pay property taxes too. When our tax bill goes up, so does the rent on the apartment. Renters just don't realize why the rent is going up. I'll say we've been lucky that our property taxes have been about the same the past few years.

Well Gena, will be seeing the doctor on Thursday afternoon. I got her the latest appointment available, so she could miss as little school as possible. I'll put vacation time in to take her, as she doesn't like to talk to hubby about what's bothering her, or have him in the room for stuff like this. I'll do whatever it takes to help her feel better.
It was only 18 when I got up this morning. Cold drive into work and it's supposed to get up to 37. Noel's sun sounds really nice right now. I miss going to the school to vote. Our town is strictly mail ballot. I just don't like it.

Manda - I hope you can get Gena into see the doctor. Sounds like nerves upsetting the tummy, but who knows? I only say that because when I was little, my tummy took the toll for everything, being nervous, worried, stress.

Noel - I haven't seen those stamps either. I really like them!

Poirot - I hope your day is less stressful then yesterday.

Muzz - quite the difference in temps. My dad would have said a step and a half, step and a half.

Have a great day.
RS - our schools are funded by property taxes too, and as a landlord, trust me when I say that renters pay property taxes too. When our tax bill goes up, so does the rent on the apartment. Renters just don't realize why the rent is going up. I'll say we've been lucky that our property taxes have been about the same the past few years.

Most of the apartments in my town are Section 8 housing, and the companies wrangled the school board, city commissioners, and county commissioners into letting them build with 100 years of no property taxes in order to get them here. Many of the newer shopping centers did the same thing. A Kohl's plaza went in last year and folks were super upset that the 3 taxing bodies went for that same deal again.
Manda, I hope Gena gets better soon.

Stay warm, Shan.

I no longer vote. The only way I’d maybe vote now is if there was a referendum on the ballot. There aren’t any for the state or my city. I think the system is rigged anyway. My polling location isn’t the one that’s closest to me. I could walk through the woods behind my apartment complex and get to it. Instead it’s further up the road. If I still lived at my old address I’d vote on whether or not to spend $26 million on a new courthouse complex. As much as I hate spending that kind of money I’d vote in favor because the current courthouse was built in the 1800s, sits in a flood zone, and has no secure parking for judges and prosecutors. Remodeling it would be a bigger waste of money in my opinion.

Sorry for the rambling. I think I’m a little disillusioned by the whole voting process.
Another cloudy day here. Goldie and I did litter pick up again. I was lucky and found
a plastic newspaper bag to put it in. I won't mention the one problem I found.

A good day at the school library until internet went down. I put books on the shelves
and left a little early. I'l be leaving soon to see the movie.

manda, Gena must know how things are going with you too. She sees how stressed
you are during this time. Will your hubby do volunteer work? It might help how he
feels if he's helping others instead of being at home all the time. I hope Gena
doesn't have a serious problem.

rs, that's too long not to pay property tax. I'm sure the schools need all the
money they can get. The school I work in can't afford internet service. It gets
it free from the state and that's why the internet goes down a lot.

Noel, thanks for posting the picture of the stamps this year. I'll be buying some.

Muzzaman, I'm glad you're still not smoking. I'm sure it's hard when you're around
others that do.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.