11-8-2017 - Donuts and surprise blood work


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Yesterday at the diet doctor he ordered some blood work. So here I am, up early, waiting for the vampire people to come call me and take blood. He thinks my thyroid might need some help. Since it's been out of whack my entire life it wouldn't surprise me it's wacky again.

Eeek, it's my turn.

I'll be back.
Grey skies, bare trees, and a huge drop in temps is on the way, as some big cold front is approaching, along with some snow. Tomorrow night, we go down to 2 above. Brrrrr.

Woke at 2 a.m. tossed, turned, sleepless til around 5 I guess. Then zonked out, waking at 7:30. Hubby got worried, as very late for me. Ha.

Found my stamps, so paid a bunch of bills yesterday, and even got them to the mailbox.

With the trees all bare (except the pines) I see what I thought was a yard light, is instead an huge, elaborate bird house! It is really big, no idea what kind of birds would be interested in calling it home. LOL
Good morning. Tropical breeze, it's good to see you. How is your son doing?

Robin, hoping you get the thyroid under control. I've not had one in 40 years so I know it can be challenging to keep regulated. My daughter-in-law has been without one since a young adult. She has an awful time keep her levels right.

Poirot, 2* already??? Gasping here. You've got me intrigued about the birdhouse. Updates would be interesting, if you ever see which birds like it. My husband also gets worried about me if I sleep too late.

We've been stuck at 42* since about 5:00 this morning. Supposed to get to 45* today. It is wet, wet, though not so much rain, just a persistent mist/drizzle for a few hours. It will stop by mid-afternoon but colder tonight (around freezing), and the warmup will be slow.

That Nielson bunch doesn't let up. They called three times yesterday! The last call was after 9:30 last night. Already started out this morning with another call just after 7:30. I'm starting to wonder if it would help for me to answer and ask them to cease and desist.
Morning Everyone,

Robin - hope the lab work comes back okay

TB - good to see you. Sorry golf season is over.

Poirot - hmm, maybe the bird house is just for show. We're supposed to get some snow tonight also.

So our Girl Scout Troop went on a field trip last night to the Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass. They learned a lot about how paper weights and other glass items are made and then they had an opportunity to make their own sun catchers. I can't wait to see them when they are done. Each girl's is so different and unique.

Hubby's interview yesterday went well, or so he said. Now we wait to hear back from the temp agency as to whether he got it or not, or possibly if he has to interview again in person.

Tonight is my night to do my own thing at choir practice. Getting one night for myself to do my own thing makes me happy.

Have a great day!
Well, I just heard from hubby, apparently the interview did not go as well as he thought and he didn't get the job. The lady at the temp office told him he's the 6th person she sent there for an interview and they didn't want any of them. They must be really picky.

I begged him to consider something part-time to help hold us over until he can find something full time.

@OC........if you answer and tell them to take you off their list, and they do not do so, you can report them to the Feds for harassment. Hard to do with robot calls, but if they are not, ....

I have actually, at times, "answered" the phone, meaning I picked it up, turned it on, then immediately turned it off. At least it stops the ringing.

If you tell them to take you off their list, and they do not, that IS harrassment if they continue. Have you said you do not own a radio? LOL.
Good morning. The external speakers for my computer finally bit the dust. I checked and the sound is working on the computer, so I had to order new speakers. Remmy usually settles down in despair when I'm watching a show online, as she knows she won't be getting attention. Now I'm having to listen with earbuds, so Remmy can't hear. She kept doing things for attention while I was trying to watch Days, until I put the earbuds next to her ears, lol. That was the end of her antics!

is instead an huge, elaborate bird house!

Do people put up purple martin houses there? That's the only bird I can think of that congregates in human-made houses like that. A lot of folks have them here, some fancy and some just made out of gourds.

Take care.
Another cloudy day here. Sun is supposed to be out tomorrow. I hope so.
Another day getting books in at school library. It's taking forever.

kt, Remmy is well trained. Goldie is on the couch sometimes when I watch
TV. She knows what the sound is like when I have I pop out a tape or rewind one.
She usually gets up and goes in the bedroom. Time for bed. Once in awhile.
I might watch something else and she's already left the room.

manda, sorry to hear hubby didn't get the job. I hope we've discussed the
holidays coming up. Mention you need to cut back on things if he's not
working. Maybe that will get him going. I wish I lived closer to you. I would
love to go out on your Girl Scout trips :)

robin, good luck on your blood tests.

OC, good luck on those phone calls. Since a live person, ask for the supervisor.
Last week, I got two robo calls. I didn't hear anything. Then I heard goodbye.
I laughed.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
Kat - we'd love to have you join us.

Well Gena was sent home from school again today. I managed to change her doctor's appointment to this afternoon instead of tomorrow to try to figure this all out. I'll be leaving work in 45 minutes to take her in. I sure hope they can come up with some kind of answer for me.
Robin - good luck with the blood work.

Poirot - I was hoping for your sake now that you moved to town, your weather would be a little better. Doesn't sound like it at 2 degrees.

OC - so sorry about the Nielsen people not leaving you alone. We have a answering machine so I just let those calls go to the machine. Sometimes it takes a few but they finally get it that we're not going to answer.

Manda - sounds like your Girl Scout outing was fun for all! Sorry Gena isn't feeling well again. She is such a sweetie and you hate to see her like that daily.

KT - Remmy is so human-like it would be fun to have a dog like her!

10 degrees warmer here today and warming to the 40's for the next 10 days! I miss the daylight so bad already. It's going to be a long winter.

Have a great day.
Sure hope the doc figures out the problem with Gena. The thing is, there could be any number of reasons, and yes, they will have to run tests to "rule out" some things.

Some years back I was having dizzy spells, room spinning round, off balance. I went thru sooooo many tests to rule out things.......first was brain tumor. But I had brain wave tests, 2 or 3 different ones......long story short. Imbalance in the inner ear, which had no cure, and took about 6 mos before finally went away. By itself. Funny thing, I know several people who had same thing, (and no idea what causes it). But boy, all the tests made me so nervous, until I realized they were ruling out things. (I was passing everything fine, lol)

So, for Gena, being so young, I hope it is not additional stress for her. Sure hope the doc is able to get to the core of what is the problem.

Sun came out a little while ago, but tis cold.

As to the daylight, folks, in 6 weeks, just 6 weeks, it begins going the other way. Up here, we don't really notice til Feb. but Dec. 21 is shortest day of year. Not all that far off.
Hi everyone. I spent most of the day at 3 schools in my northern county. I'm glad they're finally finished because it was snowing up there today. I was nice and toasty because I wore my "puffy" jacket since it was 29* when I left for work at 6:45 am. I couldn't see the planets this morning because we had very thick soupy fog this morning. It made scrapping the car windows a chore since they'd keep freezing up.

One more day of work before vacation!!! Woohoohoo!

Amanda, I hope the doctor can figure out what is going on with Gena. He/she definitely needs to know what is going on at home. We know that Gena is a very sensitive girl, and the whole situation could be causing the physical problems.

Poirot, I agree with kt that the giant birdhouse could be a purple martin house. All of the ones around here look like humongous mansions.
The one in this picture is similar to the one my brother-in-law has (complete with the widow's walk on top) in his backyard near the tree line.

Shan, I've been letting these calls go to my answering machine too. About half of them leave a message but I recognize the number so I don't answer, whether they go to the answering machine or not. It's still aggravating because I hop up or come running as soon as I hear the phone ring, in case it is someone I know. Only the one call so far today....woohooo.
So sorry to have missed chatting with all of you today. I fell holding up our steel garage door and fell. My lower back, thigh and leg are severely strained and bleeding. That translates as deep pain! Thank God my hip and or leg were not broken. That may be the only advantage of extra pounds of fat. I will try to read and post tomorrow.