2/9/2017 - Donuts and a snoring dog


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good morning.

I write this sitting on the couch with a snoring Mr. Gus in my lap. He is so not fond of me going into the office this week, as I normally work from home most days. I think he believes if he stays here I won't get up and leave.

If our weather doesn't change much, this is the start of spring as we are to be in the mid 80's today. Not that I'll know about it, trapped in an office with sealed windows, and very good air conditioning.

Please be safe everyone in the path of the storm the schools are worried about. Lots of snow day letters went out yesterday. I know only because the system that sends out those letters went down.

Happy Thursday and I've only got today and tomorrow with the suits!!!!!!!
Good morning. It's been very windy here and the noises kept me awake half the night. The local newspaper said the National Weather Service confirmed we had a EF-0 tornado. Thank God it was a weak one.

I suppose the crews working under the power lines next to my house are clearing the entire right-of-way, though it only goes past my house to the house behind me and dead ends. The stubborn little daffodils aren't worried and have started blooming again in that path, lol.

Tonight is the full "snow moon". Some of you in the U.S. northeast may even see a faint partial eclipse. There will also be comet 45P passing by early in the morning at its closest approach for now. A dark sky and binoculars would be helpful in viewing it. Look toward the east and below a bright star (Arcturus), if you are interested. It should look greenish-blue with a tail.

Take care and stay safe!
Good Morning,

It definitely must blessed Spring, as Robin said, because we had two days of winter in the 3.5 months. It was hot at sunset as I sprayed the few weeds in the front yard. 85 in the full sun here feels like 109 in Indiana. I keep looking for a low pressure on the weather map to sit over west Phoenix.

My friend survived the surgery yesterday and is recovering well so far in ICU. Blessings to all who prayed for Dennis.

Robin: now you wouldn't want to interrupt Mr Gus' snooze for those silly suits in the office. And who runs air conditioning in February except us?

KT: love the life pursuit of those pretty daffodils. Sure hope your evening is quieter and safer tonight. Wish I could see the snow moon. Enjoy.

Be safe out there everyone.

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Good morning. I lay in bed listening to two hoot owls just as dawn was beginning to break this morning. We've been hearing them a lot lately, close to the house. Also have a barn owl living in the old garage/shop. I see it sometimes during the day.

Kt, I'm glad you explained about the upcoming moon and comet events. I didn't realize it is tonight, and I didn't know the partial eclipse will be seen only in the northeast. I'd like to see the comet but I won't wake myself up for it, if I happen to be asleep. You've had enough of the tornado weather. Time for some calm at your place!

Robin, you can't blame Mr. Gus for trying. :)

Noel, it's so good to hear your friend Dennis is doing well. Thanks for the update! About a/c, I've had mine on a few times over the past week. Back and forth between heat and cool. By Saturday we are to be in the upper 80s*, and then another dip. Other than going to the dump today, I plan to stay inside, although the weather should be near perfect as it gets up to 62* with sunshine and no wind.
OC: what a beautiful sound to awaken to in the early morning. Owls are just another favorite bird. The sounds of country life are mellow and relaxing, and a pleasant welcome to a new day. Glad your temperatures will be near perfect with no wind today. Have a peaceful Thursday.
Morning Everyone,

Noel & Robin: I'll trade you weather today. It felt like -16* when we walked out the door to get Gena to school. I'm not one for the heat, but I'd take 1 nice day of warmth & sunshine.

Gena broke the zipper on her winter coat yesterday. Thankfully we figured out that it can be zipped using the zipper that's supposed to hold in the fleece lining that she hates and makes me take out of her coat. It makes it a little smaller on her, which isn't good as it was already getting small. But it extends the life of her jacket to the weekend when I can get out and hunt down a deal on a new one that's 2 or 3 sizes bigger in the hopes that it will fit the next 2 winters.

I did manage make it to choir practice, thanks to my husband's zipper discovery.

Robin & Noel - try not to melt.

Noel - glad Dennis is doing well so far.

KT - thanks for the update on the astronomical happenings

OC - I like listening to owls, so peaceful.

Have a wonderful day.
Good morning all. I have strawberry Eggo waffles if you still need breakfast. Today is cold around 20 right now.

Housework day today. Carl brought in the shop vac and and I had him do the couch and chair for me:love:.

Still have to run sweeper and mop the kitchen and bathroom. I still have to attack the dust bunnies that seem to breed on my piano!!

Robin, tell Mr. Gus you have used all your "I have to love on my dog" days!

Hope every one stays warm and well (unless you need to stay cool and well!).
Manda: that was a quick zipper recovery! And now is a good time for a bargain on a new coat. Guessing what size the child will be by next winter is always a puzzle. Ok will definitely try not to melt and would ship sunshine parcel-free to you if possible.:)

LookofLove: you are a house cleaning inspiration. Congrats on being so motivated. I need to follow your good example.
Hi folks, just a quick one this a.m. Was woken up at 5:45 a.m. tried so hard to get back to sleep, to no avail. Got out of bed at 7:30. Grrrrrr. Bright sunshine is blinding as it reflects off the snow...but 2 below zero out there. LOL Back to work, take care all.
Oh, my, I just read a couple of trivia tidbits that seem to be aimed at OC and JS.....lolol. Seems that there are a couple of food delicacies, considered to be a delight in a couple of foreign countries. In Japan, it is wasp crackers. Biscuits filled with wasps. And then in Australia there are witchetty grub.....yep, the large larvae of several moths. Yummmmm, right? LOLOL (Don't think I will need reminding to steer clear of those items on a menu in those countries, Ha.)

And just a note of interest........Seems out east, in NY, it is snowing. And that means they pre-empt everything so as to let the residents know it is snowing, the plows are out, and you should stay in, if you can. Yep, ALL their programming on NBC...meaning Days (and other regular afternoon programming) is not being shown. (No idea what Cozi is, but whatever it is, guess they are running it.) Oh, well.
Good afternoon to all. We have no owls, bright sunshine, or snow moons here -- just a lot of inches of heavy wet snow that will be a tiresome job to remove. The only sound is an occasional gust of wind and the snowblowers of those few people who aren't waiting for the snow to stop. And the poor beagle isn't snoring. She's just lying on the floor looking rather sad because the snow is interfering with her daily outings -- she hates the stuff. As for our TV snow hyenas, they're in all-snow-all-the-time, and the guy who covers the New Jersey suburbs is out an about, covered in snow, and, as usual, using his trusty ruler to measure depths. Finally, it's too bad that it never snows like this in Salem. Roman could use his police force to help with snow removal, which would give it a chance to at last do something useful. It might also help the short-winded Lt. Raines to get back into shape.
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Well just when you think it can't get much worse here, we are in a ice storm! All schools and most businesses are closed. We didn't get any of our trucks in as the Gorge is ice covered also. As I sit here typing, the ice dropping from trees is loud and scary. It's supposed to warm up to the 40's and rain. That was SUPPOSED to happen last night around 10:00pm. I'm just glad my daughter didn't have to drive to the university.

I wish our skies would open up tonight as I would really like to see the eclipse and comet. Thanks for the reminder, KT!

Noel - so glad to hear your friend is done and in ICU! Prayers will continue for a fast recovery.

OC - when I worked at Liberty Lake, we had a snow owl come every year and live in between two of our buildings. He/she was gorgeous.

Stay safe everyone
Good Morning ladies,

Just a quick note to thank you for the prayers and let you know what's going on.

I had the surgery Monday, got to come home Tuesday and have been in bed ever since! Didn't sleep last night, so will stay in my recliner most of the day. This site is really sore and very itchy!! I think it's the tape around the bandage that itches.

I'm on pain meds every 4 hours and am so surprised that it's taking that much to hold it. This little thing is more painful than my mastectomy was! I have to wear a sling at night! It's right below my collarbone and there is no fat there. Feels like it went through bone only. This is the third day and all surgeries are worse on the third day! Another couple of days and I go in to have the instrument they inserted checked and the dressings changed.

Hope you all stay well and those who are sick, get well fast!

Hugs to all,
Hi everybody. Just a quick drive by post as I'm off to my third school of the day. Heavy snow is still coming down, and people are being advised to stay home unless they really must go out.

Congratulations on the new great grand, Poirot, and congratulations to Julian on becoming a big brother.

hjnewt - Prayers going up that you have a swift recovery with much less pain.
Good afternoon everyone,

Snow day today! No school--5 day weekend, although I do have my online science course to do tomorrow, some homework, and work on Saturday and Sunday. Still, I needed that extra few hours of sleep this morning, and am going to be doing some reading today. I haven't had much time to read for pleasure at all this year.

Noel and HJNewt, so glad you and your friend are all safely out of the hospital. Hope y'all have a speedy recovery.

OC, I love the sound of owls. I lived in a relatively quiet and rural part of San Diego when I first joined this board, and my backyard overlooked a canyon. I remember the sounds of owls and coyotes overnight. Beautiful.

Call me gross, but I'd try some of those delicacies. They say a lot of those bugs have more protein than a steak! I know grasshoppers and crickets are starting to show up in some of the taco shops up in NYC--apparently it's common down in Mexico.

Hope all of you have a relaxing day.
Poirot: your leisure reading is very unappetizing! My salad now looks like moth larvae to me. Yuck!

Sorry those of you on the far east coast will miss Days. I am so psyched to see today's tribute show.

KT & JS: in biology we ate all kinds of exotic foods in order to pass our final. I closed my eyes & shivered as some huge roaches walked down my throat. I was afraid they would walk back up during the written exam! :eek:

Dr Baker: so sorry your beagle is so sad as it misses its outdoor adventures. Good to know you are safe and warm at home today.

Shan: glad you are home and so appreciate your prayers for my friend Dennis. Hope your weather improves soon as ice storms are destructive.

Newt: yes you are on the most painful day of surgical recovery. Sorry you are so uncomfortable and sleepless. Thank you for the update on your progress. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Squirrel: drive cautiously in that snow as you finish your work schedule. Since you are off tomorrow I wish you a fun weekend.

That us all for now folks as lunch is over.
Okay, Degrassi, you said to call you gross, so I will. Gross! No, just kidding, YOU are not gross but the thought of eating any kind of insect is very sickening to me! Enjoy your time off.

Noel, if I'd been on a career course that required me to eat a cockroach, that would have been the end of my career. You are a brave soul.

Poirot, thanks for starting us all thinking and talking about eating bugs! :rotfl:

Shan, you poor thing, what a dreadful winter you've had! I hope you get improvement soon. 40* doesn't sound like much of a warmup to me but it sure beats ice! I bet the Snowy Owl was beautiful to see.

Squirrel, enjoy all that snow!

Newt, thanks for checking in with us. I hope your pain eases soon and that the rest of your recovery will go smoothly. So sorry you are having to endure such discomfort.
Sorry to be so late, I was posting a lot of tweets earlier. If you miss the show today,
it will be on the NBC website later today.

A very pretty, but cooler day here. Can someone send me some snow? I would like to
see some this year :)

newt, thanks for checking in today. Feel better soon.

Noel, thanks for letting us know about Dennis

kt, I knew the full moon was close since it was bright outside when I let my
cat out this morning.

robin, I hope the last two day with people in the suits goes well.

manda, you should go, Goodwill and places like that when you go shopping
for Gena's new coat.

look of love, I wonder how close you live to me? I live in NW Arkansas and I need some
cleaning done

Shanrick, stay safe in the ice storm.

I hope someone will post some snow pictures

Enjoy the rest of the day and evening the best you can.


I once bought these tasty snacks for stocking stuffers for the boys. Bacon &cheese were the best, in my opinion. The other two were nasty. Again, my opinion.:)

Joan - I hope you are able to start feeling better soon. Prayers for you.

One suit has left. Plane is delayed. He may not get home as he's flying east. Apparently y'all are having weather.

Unsure when the others are heading out of town.
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