3/13/17 - Donuts and a visit from Stella


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, and for those who don't know, Stella is the name of the new winter storm that will be creating havoc in many areas of the country today and tomorrow. She evidently decided to party on down south of here, leaving behind some light snow, but only maybe 1/4-1/2 inch, despite the predicted 1-3". But then, it is a brrrrr, chilly 13*.

I know this storm is huge, very wide spread, Milwaukee and Chicago are going to catch it big time, as it moves east. Take care everyone. That old adage ....Better safe than sorry...
Merry Monday!

Our temperature will reach 91F today with full sun and minimum clouds. It is summer before mid-March! I am trying very very hard not to compain while many of you are living through a deep freeze storm. Family east of the Mississippi tell me visibility is very low, snow, chill wind, and icy streets make staying home a great idea today. I pass along Poirot's philosophy: stay safe!

Poirot: hope your home is snuggly warm today and your workload is light.

Make it the best day possible everyone!:)
Good Morning!

Yes it's snowing. I think we have about 3 inches so far. It started last night between 9 and 11 (I went to bed at 9 and got up at 11 to use the bathroom). The snow made for fun trudging Gena into school with the treats I made for the last parent/teacher conference dinner for the teachers. The PTA asks for volunteers so the teachers can all have a nice meal when they can sneak in a break between appointments. We made peanut butter Rice Krispie Treats and fudge brownies with white chocolate chips.

Had my typically crazy weekend. Sold cookies Saturday from 10-2. I think we sold another 70 boxes, to be split between the 2 girls who were troopers and worked the whole day. Then more cookie order packing and laundry. Sunday was church, Sunday School, cookie deliveries, grocery shopping, and more laundry. Thankfully we went out for lunch in between cookie deliveries. We decided to stop at a Dairy Queen Brazier and got those $5 lunch deals, yum!!

Tonight I'll be working on my homework, as clearly I didn't manage to do that over the weekend.

Poirot - stay safe if you have to go out. I know the roads here are horribly slippery.

Noel - egads, 91*, that's just too hot for March. I prefer my deep freeze, slippery roads, and trudging through snow. :)

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Amanda: congrats on all your accomplishments this weekend. Gena must be so happy with her cookie sales! You were one very busy lady so studying tonight may seem a much slower pace. This week I am making shamrock cookies for a Friday school party too. I'm not sure who likes them most, the teachers or students. Enjoy the last of the winter snow before it melts.
Morning all.

Need to dash across the room to my office shortly. Have much to do this afternoon because I spent the majority of the weekend at the show. But it was good weekend, so all is good.

My brother who lives in upstate New York had posted beautiful spring pictures taken before Stella. I wait for the after-Stella pictures.

I'll use my sunscreen today and hope all of you in her path are safe, and keep your power.

Happy Monday.
Noel - Gena is super excited about her cookie sales. I believe she may be close to 500 boxes, which would put her at about 50 more than last year. But I don't have the numbers,, my co-leader does all of the cookie accounting stuff. I worry about Regular Badges and Bridging to Brownies. She takes care of Product Sales and Journey Badges. Of course we communicate on all of the above, but mostly so we are both in the loop as to what's all in the works.

Robin - Glad you had a good weekend. I hope the show was a success. Try not to work too hard today.
Good morning. Late, I know. I can't get up and going when it is dark out so I'm really behind this morning. Just got a note from my daughter. She and the two teenage grandkids are coming out tomorrow afternoon. I know they'll spend one night but she didn't say how long they'd be here. I'm always in the dark about what's going on with those busy city people. Had asked when their spring break was but no reply. Now I can safely assume it is this week. I was needing to go to Wal-Mart today or tomorrow but now will probably be better off to stay home and get some things done here and ask her to stop there on her way here and pick up prescriptions and a few other things.

I'm sorry for all of you with extreme weather in either direction. Looks like we'll finally see some sunshine today and more for tomorrow, with mild temperatures in the 60s* and 70s*. Hope the wind isn't too bad. Getting great weather when the kids come out is pretty rare. I have to get busy, lots to do. Be safe and as comfortable as possible, all of you!
Robin: hope the trip across your room isn't inconvenient.:) Your brother should have some lovely snow scenes to send you soon. It is time here to never be without a bottle of water or sunscreen. Make it a good one.

OC: exciting to have your daughter and grandkids visiting! Family visits are memory-making treasures. Enjoy your mild weather today as you prep for their visit. Enjoy.
@mandamiee, re those Dairy Queen $5 lunches, do you go back to the counter, after you finish the hot stuff, to retrieve the cone? It would melt on me! :)

Gena is becoming quite a salesperson! It's a good experience for her, I think. I knocked on a lot of doors, selling various things, when in the Boy Scouts. :)
A.Guy - Dairy Qqueen gives you the option to get your ice cream right away or to get a coupon to go back for your ice cream when you finish eating everything else. :)

Yes, Gena is getting much better at her sales. She sold lots of cookies at church. And by the end of the booth, was much less afraid of asking shoppers if they'd like to buy cookies. We also taught all the girls to say thank you whether people purchased cookies or not. I'm very proud of Gena and the other little girl who worked the cookie booth. The 2 of them worked both booths. We had 1 more at the first, who wasn't able to attend this weekend, but they did a wonderful job on their manners, bravery, math skills, and just being up to the task. It's a long day to be there for 4 hours over the lunch period.
Good afternoon everyone. I made a marathon dash to 6 schools in different parts of the county today so I won't fall behind with school closures during the storm.

For all of you April the Giraffe watchers, the park said in a text that things are starting to change rapidly. The vet and caregivers are going to stay on site tonight in case that calf decides to come into the world during the storm.

Amanda, thank you for being a role model and a good influence for Gena and the other girls. So many youngsters don't have someone in their lives like you.
Oh I feel so sorry for everyone in the way of the storm coming. Hopefully the weather people are blowing this up. You know when they keep talking about the storm to hit the east coast here, it's supposed to be bad. Stay safe!

Noel - You are in a lucky spot today. Stay "COOL"!

Manda - So proud of Gena also. Some kids can be so rude! Now with Campfire Girls, we could earn our camp money. Is she able to do that also?

Robinsnest - good luck on that sunscreen. LOL

OC - good luck getting everything done before you daughter arrives! Enjoy the visit. How are your ribs today?

We're raining but no wind today! Yesterday was the best day we have had since October and it was nice to get some things done around the house.

Good luck today. Stay safe.
At the beginning of the show today (Days) NBC broke in with their "breaking news", said all NYC schools will be closed tomorrow. Honestly, I was not sure if he meant State of New York, but think he meant New York City.

The thing is.....if NYC gets hit really bad, am sure that NBC station will pre-empt all programming to tell the citizens the exact count of snowflakes as they come down. Probably will have their people stationed in strategic spots to do the counting.

O.K. yes, I am being sarcastic.......but I have been in blizzards, had 95 in. of snow fall in a winter, and NEVER has stations up here broke in all day long. In fact, not even in Chicago when I lived there. It just always amazes me. (Usually those things get covered in regular news broadcasts, and in news ribbons across bottom of screen.

Anyway, if they do, I won't see the show until a couple hrs. later, so the summary will be later than usual for me.
Now with Campfire Girls, we could earn our camp money. Is she able to do that also?
The money the girls earn goes into the troop bank account to cover field trips and other expenses. We do have the girls vote on a couple of activities/trips per year that they can decide if they want to go or not. Last year cookie sales money covered a trip for to "Girls Around the World" in which the girls learned about beauty, food, jobs, houses, etc from around the world. And it also paid for our baseball tickets and camp out at the local AAA baseball stadium.

Each girl can also earn what they call "Cookie Dough" which they can spend at the Girl Scout Store or for camp. The store has uniforms, badges, apparel, toys, jewelry, science kits, etc. Last year Gena bought herself a purse, Girl Scout Barbie, the rest of her uniform patches, and a few other things with her cookie dough. It's only good for about 6 months. Unfortunately they can't let it accumulate to cover camp.
The money the girls earn goes into the troop bank account to cover field trips and other expenses. We do have the girls vote on a couple of activities/trips per year that they can decide if they want to go or not. Last year cookie sales money covered a trip for to "Girls Around the World" in which the girls learned about beauty, food, jobs, houses, etc from around the world. And it also paid for our baseball tickets and camp out at the local AAA baseball stadium.

Each girl can also earn what they call "Cookie Dough" which they can spend at the Girl Scout Store or for camp. The store has uniforms, badges, apparel, toys, jewelry, science kits, etc. Last year Gena bought herself a purse, Girl Scout Barbie, the rest of her uniform patches, and a few other things with her cookie dough. It's only good for about 6 months. Unfortunately they can't let it accumulate to cover camp.

Wow they have a lot of options. That is nice. With Campfire Girls, the girls could either use the money towards camp or not, that was it. I think if I remember right, the group got a little portion of the cookie sales.
A.Guy...I had seen this........I cannot get over all the changes in clothing/wigs, and yet get the audio/lip sync right. It is fabulous! Thank you. Loved it.
A cloudy, windy day here. The window screens rattled at times. The high
only in the 40s and it's already dropping.

rs, thanks for telling us about April. This afternoon, she stood in one spot for
a long time. If it's born now, maybe they can call it Snowy, Blizzard or Stella :)
rs, be careful out driving.

manda, has it snowed more during the day? I didn't know if Gena would
get a snow day tomorrow.

robin and Noel, enjoy the warm weather.

OC, enjoy your family visitors.

A Guy, thanks for posting video. They sure had a lot of costumes. There are other videos with them too.

I hope everyone stays safe in the "Snowy Weather" and I hope power doesn't go out for anyone.
JS: manners are "old fashioned and fascist" a neighborhood child remarked to me.:eek:

Manda: so smart to be teaching Gena skills to prepare her for a successful future.:)

RS: thanks for the update on April. I watch explore.org for aviary/mammal births weekly. It is fascinating.:clap:

Shan: kudos on finishing housework to peaceful rain sounds (but no wind). I hope the storms pass you by.

Kat: hope your cloudy, windy cold weather doesn't get worse. Snuggle in at home and be safe.

KT: thinking of you and Remmy. Take care!
