3-29-2016 - Donuts and Lively Critters



Good morning. It's going to be a sunny day and the critters must know it, lol. I did some stargazing (the moon, Saturn and Mars were close together), then saw a lovely sunrise. The birds were busy and singing their little hearts out.

New Brave Squirrel (now called Brave Squirrel, Jr.*) was happily foraging out back when the neighbor went by in her vehicle and scared him/her up a tree. S/he didn't stay up there long because a blue jay didn't like the intrusion, lol. That bird wasn't satisfied until Brave Squirrel moved well away from the tree, though the squirrel was quite stubborn about it at first, even with the bird swooping in aggressively, lol. It was funny to watch.

*I recently read an article about the Salem witch trials which took place in the late 1600's. Many of the women who were named after their mothers were Jr. For example: Jane Doe, Sr. and Jane Doe, Jr. I never knew that was so common at one time.

Hopefully the grass will finally dry enough today for me to get some mowing done.

Take care folks!
Brave squirrel Jr. is a hoot. Good morning. Was all sunshine, and temp climbing (below freezing again last night, but is up to 45°. However, the sun seems to be weakening, I know rain is forecast next few days. We have lost about 99.9% of the snow now....but lake is still frozen, but opening. That is early...for March. Hubby was all ready to go vote today, before he finally realized it is next week. Haha.

Gotta tell ya, makes me laugh. the Poirot mail account just got a "credit card declined" notice, with the obligatory attachment that is undoubtably a virus. LOL. Poirot doesn't own a credit card, never buys anything or does business under that name, wouldn't anyway, and this is sent at 4 a.m. Amazing what lengths scammers & hoaxers, and nasty virus spreaders will do, huh?
Good morning everyone!

Sounds like Brave Squirrel Jr. is living up to it's name.

My mom decided that when I was born I should have her first name. However my middle name is different so I'm not a Jr.

Good luck with your first day back at work robin!

Gotta love scammers Poirot!

It's my day off and after last night I really need it. Apparently everyone decided that once it got dark and cooled off they should come pick up their prescriptions. I was stuck in the pharmacy for 2 hours. When I finally escaped at 8:45 I shoveled down a snack before I had to pull drawers. I finally ate dinner last night at midnight after I got home. That long time without eating very much (I ate lunch at 1) coupled with my allergies has left me with a headache this morning.
Red, my first name is the same as my mother's and her mother and a great-grandmother. Our middle names are different, but with the same initial. I can't tell you how many times we have been mistaken for each other through paperwork in the mail, etc., lol.
It's going to be another nice day here before the rain tomorrow.
Maybe I can get outside and do something later this afternoon. I finally
got my tax return done. i was waiting on form. it came on Thurs.

Goldie and I saw a rabbit on our walk this morning. First one of the year.
No basket of goodies.

red, feel better and get some rest.

robin, I hope you get to work today. Take it easy.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Good Morning Everyone,

Sun is out and it's just lovely here today. Supposed to be mid to upper 50's, maybe even into the 60's. Making fast work of getting rid of all the snow from last week. I've been seeing plenty of critters out and about: squirrels, rabbit, chipmunks, geese, lots of robins and other birds. Gena is excited to have the animals around again.

I was named after my great-grandmother. Gotta say I'm glad it wasn't my grandma. Not that she had a bad name, just doesn't fit me (her name was Dolores).

Have a wonderful day everyone!
LOL, My dad told me who I was named after, and I did not believe him, but my mom said yes, he had this "thing" for Barbara Stanwyck. LOL I could not figure out why my mom would have agreed to that....and then, guess what? When my first child was born, my mom was filling names in the baby book, and HER mother (who died when she was 10) was named Mary Barbara.

My husband, his father, grandfather all the same name, (no middle) so my son had to continue that tradition. However, he uses the initial from his confirmation name to try and differentiate. There STILL are all kinds of mixups, have always been.
I used to work with a gal who had 5 sisters, all 6 of them were named Mary after their mother (and the virgin Mary, they were a very Catholic family) anyway, all the sisters went by their middle names to not get confused. The gal I worked with was Mary Christine, and yes all the middle names were saints.
I used to work with a gal who had 5 sisters, all 6 of them were named Mary after their mother (and the virgin Mary, they were a very Catholic family) anyway, all the sisters went by their middle names to not get confused. The gal I worked with was Mary Christine, and yes all the middle names were saints.
VERY Catholic indeed...

How many "George Foreman" offspring were there? Like 5, all named George?

Wayne (a bonafide Jr.)
Good Spring morning my Spectator friends!

Today it will be cooler & I am doing the Spring happy dance! We are supposed to be under 80F [ok barely but it counts] for atleast today and possibly 2 more days. Then of course the 90's come roaring back. It actually feels like an Arizona Spring today.

My dental appointment yesterday was absolutely no fun. Every checkup finds a new cavity; so back next week for a filling. I've been seeing dentists since I was 4 years old and they are not my favorite appointment.

KT: your Brave Squirrel Jr. sounds like a spunky & feisty critter. Enjoy your beautiful day & outdoor activities. The stars were beautiful last night.

ROBIN: be brave! The first day back is exhausting. Atleast it's a beautiful Spring day to enjoy lunch outdoors.

POIROT: I love beavers! I used to pick them up as a kid -- much to their dislike -- but they never bit me. Nature is the most fascinating entertainment on this planet with its variety of trees, blooms, animals and critters. ENJOY. You outsmarted the scammers.....bravo.,

RED: you know when I eat that late it is difficult to rest/sleep well. First you were exhausted, then very hungry -- so wonder your allergies are going on protest. Hope today is one of rest, relaxation and fun to revive you.

KAT: seeing your first bunny of Spring - with Goldie as a witness - should bring you a good day. Hope you get your wish to be outdoors and enjoy all it's beauty.

MANDA: seems like all Spring critters are on full display around our great country. The hummies are out and about here too. Gena sounds like a true nature girl too!

JS: a good point.

WAYNE: wishing you a great Tuesday.

My mother and father argued about what to name their 13 lb. baby [me] and so they picked a name not in either side of the family. Well......it's not boring!

Kt, I've had the same problem over the years. At one point my mom and I both had United Healthcare insurance and they didn't put the middle initial on the mail. We would have to sit down and figure out who it belonged to. I switched to Blue Cross the following year to avoid the confusion.:rotfl:

The story of how my mom got her name is kind of hilarious. My grandfather dated a woman with the name and thought it was such a pretty name he gave it to my mom. My mom was apparently whacked out on drugs when she named me:rotfl:
Hi everybody. It is a beautiful sunny (but cool) day here after horrendous storms last night. I had to work at a senior center in my southern county. I hadn't been to this one since August so it was nice to see everyone again. (My assistant has been there each month.)

I'm getting a kick out of your "how I was named" stories. Many of you have already heard in old threads that my family always names children after ancestors. My Dad wanted to name me after his aunt who was born in 1872.....Lucretia Minerva!! :eek::eek::eek: (My sisters got the ancestors with the normal Irish names.....Patricia Ann and Kathleen Rachel.) Thank goodness my Mom put a stop to the nonsense. Then he wanted to name me Helena for his Australian fiancé who was killed in the bombing of an air field during WWII in New Guinea. :rolleyes: Nope, Mom wouldn't do it. She finally came up with naming me after Shirley Temple since she was watching one of her movies when she went into labor. Dad didn't like it, but said he'd go along if he got Helena. A compromise was reached shortly after I was born so I have Shirley with Elaine, the Celtic version of Helena, for my middle name. Then my Mom got tricky, and added Bernadette as a second middle name so I would still have two saint names in the Italian tradition.....St Helen/Helena plus St Bernadette for the church she attended at the time.

kt - I love Remmy and Sparky, but Brave Squirrel, Jr., is special, too.

Robinsnest - Please take care of yourself, and don't over do at work.

Red - I hope you're able to rest today.

Prayers continue for everyone.
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Sunny day here but supposed to get really windy later this afternoon. Currently 55 at noon isn't bad!

When my Mother delivered my brother she was really drugged so my Dad told the nurses to put Shane Lloyd on the birth certificate. The next day, my Mom found out and had a fit (thought it sounded like a horse) so she changed it to Kevin Lloyd. Dad came up that afternoon and found out and was furious. They finally both agreed on David Lloyd, 2 weeks after he was born.

Patty Duke has passed and it's so sad. She lived just a few short miles from us and we used to take walks along the lake and she would be sitting out on her front porch and would always wave. Her house on Coeurd A'Lene Lake was just gorgeous. We live just a few miles from the state line so we do a lot of boating, walking, and riding our bikes over there. She was really active here in our local plays too!

Hope all of you have a good day
Shannon, my brother's name is David Lloyd. My dad was an architect and Lloyd for
Frank Lloyd Wright.

I was going to be named Patricia. I guess relatives didn't like it. I'm not sure
how Kathleen got picked. I was born on St Patrick's Day Eve.
It is a very beautiful lake. My parents had a cabin for 20 plus years and it had a 7 mile view down the lake. It was on Half Round Bay and at that time Patty Duke lived up above them on a mountain called Half Round. As she and her husband got older, they moved back to Coeurd D'Alene and bought a beautiful place right on the lake in town!

Katmouse - how weird! My Mom's name was Patricia and she was born on St Patty's day! The Lloyd for my brother came from my Dad's middle name.
We used to always tease about our family being born around holidays...My mom on Labor Day, my dad just before Christmas, me on New Year's. My sis was due St. Patrick's Day, so the baby was going to be Patrick or Patricia. LOL, she did not arrive until the 31st...but the name was chosen.

8 ducks a -swimming out front, and ooohhh, a road runner! Really? That is so cool. Never saw one except in the cartoons.