4-10-19 - Donuts and Brrrr


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. After our several spring like days, it is cold again. Thankfully, I'm not getting that "potentially historic" storm that is to hit the plains and mid-west. Some areas there are to receive up to 3 feet of snow! My favorite meteorologist is saying that over 4 million people are in the blizzard warning areas.
Different weather people are showing the storm moving in different places. Some have The Dakotas,Nebraska, Colorado, and moving east to Wisconsin. Others are including Michigan and Illinois. One this morning also had Missouri and Kansas on the list.

I hope everyone is prepared for whichever way this storm goes.

I have a late start to school today. The screenings went so quickly yesterday that we got 3 classes done so have 1 morning plus 1 afternoon class today. I'll sit at my desk and update the state database until it is time to leave.

Prayers continue for Amanda and Gena.
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Hump Day happiness! On a busy day, with essential grocery shopping required after work. Then more errands -- all necessary but I'd prefer to be home by the end of the day. Plus one kiddo is trying to stretch my patience crepe-paper thin right now.

RS: nice you have a late start to class and have time to complete other duties earlier. Very glad to read your area will not be in the strong storms predicted to be coming to the midwest and eastern states. Hope your day is a lovely one.

Manda: thinking and praying for you & Gena that your hearts begin healing, you feel the whisper of a new beginning and all the hope that brings to the soul.

Make it a great day, everyone!
Mornin' folks. Glad you are not going to suffer the wrath of the coming weather, Squirrelly. Gad the TV & radio just are warning every few minutes. Tons of snow, rain, ice, terrible winds. Egads. I will try and run out today to the store, if it doesn't start here. We may get rain today, is dark and overcast enough out there for it. I sure hope Mandy gets to move her things (which I am guessing she has been doing every day anyway) before the storm hits. (She is in wisconsin, further south than me, I know others here are in MN, WI as well. This storm seems to eventually move into Canada, but Muzza will be out of the path.
Noel - I had never heard " stretch my patience crepe-paper thin ", but it is a good description. I'm going to start using that one.

Poirot - I hope this storm shifts before hitting you and Amanda. Hopefully you can get everything done before it hits your area.

rk - It looks like you're going to get slammed by this storm, too. Prayers that your family is able to stay safe at home.
Thinking of all of you in the path of the storm. My cousin, who has a ranch in South Dakota/Wyoming, posted pictures this morning of the deep snow at her place. It was still snowing, and there was also ice from the rain that had preceded the snow. She said the wind was horrific. As always, they were trying to cope with the livestock (cattle and sheep) in these bad conditions.

It's sunny here, will get up to 93* today, with wind gusts up to 40 mph. I plan to stay inside. I'm sick with something already, don't need to be out in the wind. My throat is still sore but not raw like it was yesterday, but now the drainage has started and I also have a bit of a cough. Don't know if it's a cold or allergy/sinus, but I'm thankful it is the first spell this year. Last year I had this same thing off and on all winter and spring.

Noel, I'm happy for you it's hump day. Hope your shopping goes smoothly. I like your mother's crepe paper expression too.

Squirrel, I hope the storm really does miss you. Glad your work load isn't too heavy today.

Poirot, I sure hope you get your errands done and make it back home before the bad weather sets in, if it does reach your area. Based on your winter/"spring" experience so far, I can't imagine it would miss you.

Manda and Gena continue to be in my thoughts too.

Rk, it sounds like maybe your area didn't get hit too hard--or maybe not yet?? Stay safe.

Guess I'd better get up and putter around. I might even get something accomplished. :rolleyes:
RKN: even a little progress moves you in the right direction to. Keep up the good work.

OC:, sure hope your cold/sinus clears today. Changing temps daily and all the pollens in warm weather make it a challenge.
Morning all... quick drop in today was quite windy yesterday and the pine trees next door felt the need to share their little pollen pods in the pool..... as the pump is still not working I got to net them out.... If I had more time to do that I don't mind but getting up early to have time to read the paper and have it taken up with pine parts is not fun......
Busy day today at work... then bonsai to night.....
rk.... is it really time to get rid of winter clothing?? I live in the desert where winter clothing is one turtleneck and a coat.....so I have no idea......
rs enjoy inputting data
oc try to stay out of the wind..... pollen is really nasty this year.....
poirot good luck getting chores done before the storm hits....

Happy Wednesday....

Prayers for Manda and Gena.....
Good luck in that storm many of you are going to be in. 3 feet of snow to fall in some places?? Heaven's to Mergatroid!!!! And you're right Poirot. Doesn't look like Calgary is going to see it. Typically, our storms come from the northwest and from B.C. and the next 10 days are looking nice.

Hope you're feeling better OC.

Just a quick pop in today. Hope to hear from you tonight, Manada!!
Another beautiful day here. It's sunny and in the 80s again. Too warm for April.
There's a lot of wind, but not as fast where OC is. Tomorrow's high will be only
in the 60s.

I worked in the flowerbed after lunch. I'll be out again later today.

rs, I'm glad you're not getting the winter weather. Will you be getting rain?

Noel, I hope you get your afternoon errands done.

OC, feel better.

Stay safe, if you're getting the snow storm.

Prayers for manda and Gena.
RS - I'm glad your not getting the "storm" and you have a nice time in the office.

Noel - I hope you get your errands done quickly in the heat and home to enjoy the evening.

Poirot - I hope you get your errands done also before the storm hits. I'm always running around the
house when they are predicting a storm trying to find all the flashlights and candles in case we lose power. This is the time that I say to my husband - I love you but I sure don't like you right now!

RK - You might want to hold on to some of those winter clothes until the storm comes through!

OC - I hope your throat gets better - maybe it's from all that wind you have been getting lately. I really
don't enjoy spring any more since I've gotten allergy's.

Robin - I HATE the little pollen pods from the pine trees behind us. The pool takes the brunt of those for us also. I want to scoop them up or take the cage and dump back in their yard. She is a very sweet lady but she always will make a remark about us cutting down our pine trees and how sad it was. I do not miss the pine cones, the hulls or pods, and the pine pollen that blows thick in the air.

Kat - how are the babies today? I think it would be so cool to watch them grow and fly away! Your lucky

I have been thinking about Manda and Gena all day and worry about them. I hope she checks in.

Everyone stay safe out there!
I think I did too much this afternoon. I put out three bags of mulch.
I plan to buy more tomorrow.

Shan, I think the babies are fine. She fed them after I came inside late
this afternoon. If you remember, I had baby birds in the basket last year.
I am trying to remember, but I think Mandy said that her husband got 5 days in jail..Don't know when that happened, but the incident was on Saturday, I believe. 5 days is today, so I am thinking MAYBE she was busy moving her things, boxes out today??? My heart aches for her and Gena.