4/11/16 - Donuts & Cinnamon Toast


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Nov 23, 2006
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Morning all........We lost a great deal of the snow yesterday, but......back to grey skies, and more snow today, mixed with rain.maybe, who knows. It is yukky. (Saw some snowflakes already...but this is what goes on with the temps at the freezing marks. Can go either way.

My son and the doggies are to come today, and will probably be going into the lake first thing. I hate that, and the water is soooo cold, hope they stay away from it. Have a couple of geese hanging around, a bit disconcerting to hear them honk. LOL...just not used to it.

Well, yesterday was a really nice day, I know more of those will be coming, hope sooner, rather than later.

Busy day today for me.........have a good one.
Good morning everyone. It is raining here with temps near 50*, but there is still some snow on the ground. Heavy rain is to move in later. The basement pumps have been going non-stop for over a week now. Oh well, there isn't anything I can do about it except hope the electricity doesn't go out.

The state secretary of economic development will be at our agency this Friday afternoon. We're usually closed, but it is a mandatory work day for everyone. We're trying to get a state grant from him to improve our building to meet state standards for workers with disabilities. (We can't use the second floor until an elevator is put in.)

Poirot - enjoy the visit with your son and furry grand kids. Hopefully he dries them off before they come back in the house.
It's a yucky day here too. Thunderstorms during the night. We got some
needed rain, but not very much. It's supposed to rain more this afternoon.

I hope everyone will stay safe since storms are moving toward the east. Areas
south of me are suppose to get severe weather.

rs, good luck on getting the state grant. I'm surprised nothing has been done
before now.

Poirot, enjoy your visit with your son and dogs. I hope they know how to wipe their feet :)

I hope everyone has the best day possible.
Good morning, everyone. Sorry to hear of people still receiving winter-like conditions.

Poirot - have a great visit with your sons and dogs.

RS - Hope all is successful in being approved for a state grant.

Katmouse - With how dry our winter and spring has been, maybe we can take some of your rain. IF this keeps up we will not be able to have campfires this summer.

We had a nice weekend. I went to my first rehearsal for Heathers the Musical. I am so stoked about the roles I'll be playing. If you've seen the movie Heathers, I play Christian Slater's jerkface father and I also play the father to one of the jocks who at his son's funeral tells everyone he loves his dead gay son and in the play, that statement leads into a hilarious song that I will be singing with the other father called, My Dead Gay Son.

We also bought a house and are so excited for that. We take possession on May 26 and there is nothing that we will have to do except paint the kitchen. Hard wood oak floors throughout, new carpet in the bedrooms, wood burning fireplace (was on my wish list), finished basement (also on my wish list), vaulted (on both of our wishlists) nice sized backyard which we have plans to build a sunken firepit area with stone seating and patio.

On Sunday we spent the day telling everyone about our news. Have a great day and week everyone.
Went to a "Star Wars" DVD viewing at Jr.s yesterday. The weather was much less than optimal. :eek: Had to stop for gas; on top of the damp, freezing wind, the pump was very slow. A very nice variety of snacks was served: Some kind of Spanish sausage, Italian subs, Buffalo Hot Wings, and a small bite of a bacon-flavored candy bar.

Enjoyed the movie, and Jr. sharpened 3 knives for me, using some kind of new-fangled "sharpening station."

The return trip was a real experience! Have decided to become a Gran Prix race car driver, specializing in rainy day events. The very exciting drive home proved that I have great potential. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Was it all worth it, and would I do it again? The answer is "yes." :drunk:

PS: News to make you smile: Some local folks were kind enough to rescue a raccoon mom and kids! They were taken to a rehab facility, and when old enough, will be released back into the wild. :)

I can confidently predict a general warming trend! Y'all take care now, hear!
Good morning all. Today we have a high of 77°. Yesterday I had the heat on in the morning and the windows open during the day. Today back to air conditioner in the evening because I cannot stand being hot at night. I have to sleep under a comforter.

I love My FitBit. It really helps me stay motivated to reach my activity goal. It measures steps, calories, stairs, heart rate, distance walked and time. It also has caller ID and alarms that vibrates on my wrist so I never have to have sounds on.

I ordered a new Samsung Galaxy S7. Phones are my thing so I am excited about this. I have not used a Samsung phone since the flip phone days because I did not like the user interface so hopefully the S7 blows me away.

Last year I gave my old neighbor my lawn mower because she was so helpful to me during my move and her lawn mower was very old and raggedy. I had just bought the lawn mower at the beginning of the mowing season but my new yard only has grass in the front so I just planned on hiring someone.

Now that I have someone to mow again I was looking for a new mower and decided on an electric one because it had great reviews (mostly better than traditional mowers) and the battery was interchangeable with other lawn care equipment that I intended to buy such as a weed whacker, leaf blower and hedge trimmer.

I felt that the electric mower would be easier for me to maintain with no gas and oil to worry about, no electric cord to worry about mowing over, plus a push button start versus having to yank on the cord to get it started.

For whatever reason, the brand was on a one day sale when I was searching for lawn equipment so it was within my price range and I was able to afford all of the equipment at once (on credit of course, I am not that rich lol) and have it cost less than traditional equipment would. I got the lawn mower for even cheaper than it is listed today:


I hope the sun shines on you all today. Good day to you all.
Muzzaman, congrats on your new house.

YPG, good luck with your new mower. One of my neighbors has an electric one and
he likes it a lot. I'm glad you were able to get one on sale.. Sometimes you have to
wonder about the good things that happen and wonder why there is still so many
bad things out there.
Too bad they don't sell just a regular ol manual push mower any more. For small areas, well worth it. Was much better at NOT mowing down flowers and plants than what you have to deal with today. Glad you got such a good bargain, YPG. And Muzza......that play sounds so much fun. You are really going to enjoy it all, I can tell. :)
Snowing here. Ugh.
Morning all.

Noel, we got over a half inch of rain. Sorry about you guys. Chance of rain Tuesday and Friday, but really 10% isn't much of a chance.

Muzz, a new house! Enjoy it, and eventually you won't be living with boxes and packing paper.

As promised, more trees.
Bougainvillea Bonsai 2016.jpg Chinese Elm Bonsai 2016.jpg Wisteria Bonsia Show 2016.jpg

The pink/red flowered tree Bougainvillea.

Middle tree a Chinese Elm.

Tree on the right a Wisteria in bloom. The owners of the tree were hoping it would flower in time for the show.
Good morning. I had some errands to run this morning, but had to wait a bit because Remmy wanted to sleep late, lol. I try to take advantage of any time she is quiet and settled! It's a nice day, but thunderstorms coming in tonight.

Y, I hope you noticed that the battery and charger for the lawnmower you bought is not included with the purchase. That adds a good chunk of change to your order.

Muzza, congratulations on your new house! How exciting!

Robin, those trees are beautiful!

Take care everyone.
Morning Everyone,

Muzz - congratulations on your new home.

YPG - always nice to find a good deal.

Robins - the trees are gorgeous.

RS - good luck with the grant

Barb - enjoy your visit with your sun

Howdy to everyone I missed.

As for me, my department starts mandatory overtime this week. So I'll be working through lunch every day and staying a half hour late 3 days a week. As there's no way I can come in earlier as I already adjusted my shift to start 15 minutes late so I can take Gena to school. My husband will be picking her up from school and starting dinner, as I won't get home until 5:30 now. It's only supposed to take 4 weeks to get back on track, but we will see what happens. Not too pleased to say the least. I see too little of my daughter during the week as it is, don't want to miss more time. :angry:

Meal planning is goofy too, as my husband really has very few skills in the kitchen. So this week he's making brats tonight, grilled chicken tomorrow and grilled cheese for Wednesday. That puts me back in the kitchen on Thursday, which is good as those 3 meals are about the extent of what he can cook. LOL

Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
Good morning. We had Ava's party yesterday and the softball/t-ball practices. T-ball practice was cut a bit short because of storms nearby. We ended up with a few storms come through and then a line of storms come through around 11pm that had some strong straight-line winds. Near the radar site, it measured 100 mph winds and that same part of the storm came through us. I'm sure it was well over 60-70 mph at least, likely more. We didn't get bad damage at our house, but in the town nearby, they had a lot of trees uprooted, fences, down, roof damage, and even some gas lines got ripped up out of the ground. Ava's teacher said it was mentioned on Good Morning America, but I didn't watch it this morning.

My sister-in-law came by to help take some pigs to the butcher and tomorrow I have to go back to town for that last recall fix for my car. The girls have their dance practices split into two days this week, so lots of driving this week for me.
rs, good luck on getting the state grant. I'm surprised nothing has been done
before now.

There was no state money available before now. We moved into a former furniture store building in August, but there was no state budget from July 1st, 2015, until 3 weeks ago. So far, we've passed through all red tape. Now, it is up to the state secretary whether we get the almost 2 million dollars for refitting our building to meet state laws.
RS & JS - we are always allowed to work voluntary overtime, some people do, some don't but overall as a department we are just too far behind, which is very bad for an insurance company, it's only 4 hours a week, but that can be very challenging for those of us with little ones. We have the option to come in on Saturday or Sunday too if we want. Thankfully I'm hourly, so I get extra pay.

kat - I will probably do stuff in the crock-pot too, so that it's just ready when we get home. It can be dangerous to trust my hubby to cook, one night he decided to start the chicken form me, I told him to put seasoned salt on it (safest way for him to season anything) well he did, and then added garlic powder, crushed red pepper flakes, and cayenne pepper. I like spice food, but it was over the top, Gena had a peanut butter sandwich. It was so spicy just the smell singed my nose hair.
It was horrible and funny. I know he was only trying to help, so I didn't give him too much grief, but I did hide the crushed red pepper flakes after that. I only use them for 2 recipes so no need to keep them in easy reach, and I dig them out for him when we have pizza. I've actually seen him burn ramen noodles, just left them boiling on the stove until all the water evaporated. Now you all know why I cook. :rotfl: