4/3/19 - Donuts & the "S" word


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, and sure hope it is really good wherever YOU are, because I woke up, looked out the window to everything covered in snow, big huge snowflakes, ground & trees completely covered. The thick snow has lightened up a bit, still coming down. Depressing, I can tell you. Oh, it will probably melt, tis 29°, so undoubtably will get up over freezing. This was only supposed to happen north side of Lake Superior. Enjoy your 70s and 80s, could be a lot worse!
I had a couple errands but unless this is gone later, will have to post pone them.
Knee still a problem, but a lot better.....baby steps. LOL
Just had a thought.....bet those road construction crews here just LOVE this! LOL
Another Wednesday. Insomnia kept me company last night so I mopped every floor in the house on my knees trying to become so exhausted that sleep would win. I lost.

A handyman is coming today to put up new sun-screen material on our patio in an effort to try to keep the house cooler once we hit 110+. I certainly hope so but it can't hurt at all.

Tonight is church, fellowship dinner, then usual homework for kids and hopefully early bed for we adults. My shift is just starting so sure hope my B-12 pill works.

Poirot: if I could send you 20-30 degrees I would send Urgent Delivery! So glad your knee is somewhat better and you can move a bit better. Wishing you the best day possible.

To everyone who posts later, hope your day is a great one.
Poirot, are you sure you aren't living up in the Arctic? GAH..........you must be going stir crazy to still be getting snow. We get snowstorms from time to time in April but it always melts the same day. I'm going to send a good ole Chinook your way to melt the snow and get you into more spring like conditions.

Noel, next time you can't sleep you are more than welcome to sneak into my house and do some cleaning.

We had no beach volleyball last night as it is the break between winter and spring league but I did sub for a team on Monday at indoor hard court volleyball. We start beach back up next Tuesday. We had playoffs last week and we went into the playoffs in first place but we didn't end up in that spot for the season. After going back n forth for first place all winter season, neither of us came in first. Our team came in fourth place overall and the other team got third place. LOL! Ah well, it was great fun and the teams we went up against were a lot of fun to play with.

Plans for the rest of the week are a few crossfit classes and then on Friday we are heading up to Edmonton, 3 hours north of Calgary to visit friends that we owe visits to. Looking forward to seeing everyone, especially our friends that had a surrogate have a baby for them a few years back. I think I mentioned them on here before. They are the friends that were in southeast Asia to have their baby and the government wouldn't let them leave the country with their baby despite having a Canadian passport. Long story short, one of them had to get back working so the other friend stayed behind to sort this mess out and was there for almost 3 months before finally making the decision to go to to Malaysia with their daughter because their daughter didn't a need a visa for Malaysia having been born in Laos and just kept going until he got to Canada. I swear, their experience could be made into a movie about human rights, discrimination and the fight to bring their daughter home. ANYWAYS, that's what we are doing, going to visit them.

Have a good rest of the week everyone.
Good morning.
Oh, Poirot! Unbelievable! You must be wondering if winter will EVER end. Glad your knee is getting better, and I hope it is fully healed soon.
Noel ~ I don't know how you keep going! I sure hope you can get some real sleep tonight.

I have a Dish TV installer coming this morning. I had been relying on Hulu and Sling, but now that baseball season is underway I just had to cave and go with something that would let me watch my Mariners.
Inch by inch I am working on my garden. A few beds are ready to be planted. I'm constructing a few new beds for the new dahlias that should be arriving soon.

Wishing all a very good day.

PS, Muzz, you posted while I was writing. The story of your friends' struggle to get their daughter to Canada really does sound like a movie plot. Glad they finally succeeded.
A beautiful day here. It's going to be sunny and in the 60s. Tomorrow bad weather
with lots of rain and thunder.

Today's the day I'll be going down to the ditch I don't usually work in. I hope
the man will come out when I'm there this afternoon since it's a bigger mess
than I thought. One of the culverts is full of leaves. I'm sure the other one is too.
Most of the leaves need to be taken out before they come down to my part.

I went back out yesterday and worked in my flowerbed. I finally got the old
mulch used. The last bag was so wet there was mold and some of the mulch
turned icky. I'm using what I can. Now I have to get the new bags out of my

Poirot, I'll trade my rain for your snow.

Noel, sorry you didn't sleep well. I hope the new material will help with the heat.

Muzzaman, enjoy your weekend with your friends.

Lil0, enjoy your time in the flower beds.

I hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all.....today is the follow up "ta da the injections fixed your knee right?" appointment....so we shall see what the next step the insurance company is going to make me jump through......
Noel.... I'd offer to let you wash my floors... but I enjoy it too much.... LOL
Poirot I'm glad you knee is slowly getting better...
rkn enjoy the trip to the house.....
muzz... I'd love to be able to play volleyball again..... enjoy the trip to visit friends and their new little family......

as the end of the school year approaches..... lots of meeting in our building.... which means lots of people very few parking spaces AND the A/C cranked to meat locker status we were so cold yesterday..... with no way to control the temps.... today promises to be another cool day in the fish bowl...... but I'm taking a heavier sweater.....

Happy Wednesday...
Good morning everyone. I'm finally back from an early morning school. Now to work on reports and referrals.

Poirot - I'll still trade you our coming rain for your snow.

Noel - You can scrub my kitchen floor while you're at it.

Muzzaman - I feel for your friends. My brother and sister-in-law spent tens of thousands of dollars, and still couldn't get their adoption to go through in the Philippines to bring the baby to the States even though my sis-in-law has dual citizenship.

Lil0 - Enjoy getting your beds ready for planting.

kat - Maybe you should knock on the man's door to tell him that YOU'LL HELP HIM clean his part of the ditch and the culvert.

rk - Have fun in town.

OC - Oh man, it is too bad that things didn't start off right today when you feel up to getting things done.

robinsnest - Good luck at your appointment today.
I'm glad that the past year has brought you a better work environment than what you had at your previous job. The nasty parents you have to deal with are a downer, though.
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Afternoon Everyone,
Ugh for a day off it has not been fun, started with an oil change and now, I'm fighting with hubby's former employer to get his W2, they don't mail them you're supposed to get it electronically, except I can't get logged if to their system to save my life. It're really getting on my nerves, supposedly they are going to email it to me. We shall see.

I'd reply to you all, but this tax stuff has me too cranky.
Mandy, W2s are supposed to be out before end of January. How can they do "electronic", when a copy is to be sent to IRS with your return? Sheesh, sorry for all the aggravation.

Hey, the sun came out, and most (not all) of the new snow melted. Yayyyy. Now to get rid of the remainder of the "old" snow. LOL I actually saw 2 robins this a.m. !!!
Don't know where they went, but at least they stopped for a while on a tree outside.
Lil0, if you already planting then I should be able to do so soon too.

Kat, I hope one of your neighbours see you working on the ditch and gets off their assets to give you a hand.

OC, thank you for asking. I haven’t spoken to him since I took him to his appointment a few weeks ago but will be heading down on Wednesday night next week to take him to his appointment on Thursday the 11th. He will find out then if his sight is ok and able to continue to drive. My feeling is that he will be told he cannot drive anymore because the little strokes have been happening in his good eye. Poor guy. But the good news is he has a product, that he purchased through the Canadian Institute for the Blind, which magnifies 15Xs.

He became blind in his right eye years ago after being electrocuted by a power line that snapped when the air balloon he was in was trying to land. Crazy story but the wind picked up and blew them into a power line and snapping it . The end of the power line connected with my dad’s right hand and the electricity went up his arm, across his chest just missing his heart and the exit point of the electricity went out of his upper left arm. The result of this accident made him blind in his right eye, had to have skin grafting on his face for the burns and it left a big indentation in his left arm. It kind of looks like a big animal bite taking out a chunk of his left arm. He used to tell kids that this is where a grizzly bear bit him. LOL! I‘m 46 now and this happened on their anniversary when I was about 10 or so. Sorry, I kind of went on a tangent but it really is a remarkable story. And his ever loving family gave to him as a constant reminder of this accident a framed photo of the air balloon that almost killed him and a Christmas tree ornament of a teddy bear in an air balloon. LOL! It’s our family…….if it doesn’t kill you, you’re fair game for teasing and reminding. When my dad gets nervous he stutters a bit and we talked about getting him a licence plate that said B-B-B-B-Bob for his birthday one year. You tease the ones you love.

Robin, I’m sure you will be glad when the school year ends and have more time for hubby and other things.

RS, that’s horrible. I have an aunt and uncle who were told they couldn’t have kids and tried the adoption route 2 times. Both times the mother backed and when they went for a third try, lo and behold she became pregnant at 42. This was in the early 80’s so that was pretty big. Did your brother and wife eventually get to adopt?

Mananda, TAXES……….UGH, I hate doing these. Good luck on yours.
Afternoon all!!

We found out a week and a half ago what my grandbaby will be...…IT'S A GIRL! Her name will be Piper Rae and I already know she is going to be a doll. My daughter is starting to feel a little movement and has been feeling pretty good most days. She now has a little bump but is still in that "are you pregnant OR just fat" stage.

Me and the hubs are going on a cruise in 16 days, 21 hours, and 26 minutes....not that I am counting or anything. I am sooo ready!

Beautiful day to all!
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It's been a real awful week. Came in Monday and we have 3 people in our warehouse! Sam called and his sister-in-law who lives in Tacoma had died in her sleep. Then Darren called and he said he wasn't coming in he had something he wanted to do. That has left just my husband and I in the office and 1 in the warehouse so Rick has been working out there and I have the entire office. Darren who is young and doesn't really care about keeping a job has decided he wants to go school and he is not coming back. It is really hard to get people to work here - most younger people have DUI's so no license. Or you interview them and everything looks good and you say well I just need to get you to get a drug test and you could start next week - They stand up and inform you they can't pass a drug test but thanks for the interview will you sign my unemployment card. Most of the work in the warehouse is using a forklift except the pad. So it's not a hard job and we pay really good.

Anyway I have thought of all of you and hopefully it will get better soon