5/19/16 - Donuts, Sunshine, and Work


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Appleton, WI
Good Morning,

Wow everyone must be sleeping in or super busy since I'm starting the donuts thread.

Beautiful sunny morning and it's supposed to be this way all day. Thank heavens. Gena is on a field trip to a state park not to far from town. The whole school will be there today helping to pull out the nasty invasive mustard garlic weeds that have invaded the area. Got her a pair of hot pink garden gloves so her hands don't get too sore.

I tried to post a picture of the fairy house she made, but my tablet is giving me problems. I'll try again when I get home tonight.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day!
Good morning!

As usual it is sunny & hot with a chance of dust storms here. Status quo.

MANDA: thanks for starting the Donuts thread today. Hope Gena has time for some fun while pulling weeds today.

JS: ditto on hating to pull weeds. I do it anyway..........but after I've sprayed them to die. Pulling is a last resort. And here the roots are very long to hold in the desert sand.

Wishing everyone a great day! Back to work for me.
Hello, I've been doing some chores around the house this morning. There are two things I do that Remmy will not try to participate in: washing dishes (boring, I guess) and vacuuming (need I say more?). Ok, so she doesn't like the lawnmower or weed trimmer, either, lol.

I suppose volunteers are needed in some public parks. The summer after I graduated from high school, I worked for the Youth Conservation Corp (YCC) and did a lot of manual labor, but I got paid for it! It wasn't as tedious as pulling weeds, though. I hate doing that!

Take care everyone!
Good afternoon everyone. Back in the office after traveling to 3 elementary schools out in the country. I skipped a fourth school when I couldn't get the teacher on the phone after several attempts spaced 10 minutes apart. (Geez, I hate sitting in a WalMart parking lot making calls.) I then called the school secretary who very graciously offered to go down to the Head Start classroom. Nobody was there, and the door was locked. GRRRR Defintely reporting this to her boss who scheduled with me.

I stopped in early, and replied to a few posts. Then my work computer had issues with an ad, and kept closing the browser for self-protection. I gave up, and left for my first school.

Amanda - Pulling that obnoxious weed sounds like something they should've done for Earth Day. Whoops....never mind. You were still buried under snow then.
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No idea, kt. I made a few calls. According to the Head Start Admin, they're supposed to be in class. Apparently the teacher arranged an out of classroom excursion without clearing it. Plus she knew the approximate time I would be there, and she was to wait for my call when I was leaving the previous school.
A quick drive by hello from me.....Overwhelmed here with work....and more that I did not count on having to do.

When I was a kid, spent summers at an aunt's home in Milwaukee, and for some reason, loved pulling weeds in the garden. Of course my adult cousin or two would be there, too....I guess living in an apartment bldg. with no yard perhaps made me appreciate the small garden all the more. LOL

Sunny, due to hit 70 again today. Yayyy. Barely a breeze, though there is one. We are getting a new roof (ours was old, plus hail damaged in places) so has been interesting seeing the shingles removed, plus all the debris that is under the shingles.
Morning all. Today will be spent getting things together to be packed tomorrow. I have a late flight so I don't have to miss any work. With TSA being woefully understaffed, I mean who wouldn't want to be responsible for searching hundreds of angry people a day in an effort to keep the flights safe for minimum wage??? Sign me up. NOT. Gifts to wrap, cards to be signed, clothes to be washed.

Hunny Bunny brought home a flat of strawberries and two huge cantaloupe. He doesn't like either and there is NO way I can eat all this fruit today and tomorrow. Ugh.

Have a great Thursday.
KT: Remmy knows which chores are boring. Enjoy your Thursday.

RED: exasperating & frustrating is that head start teachers actions?! And the parents think their children are safely at school! Reporting her actions hopefully means she will be disciplined. Hope the rest of your day is restful.

POIROT: A new roof is a very noisy & messy experience but worth it all. Glad your weather has become Spring like again. Hope your work to-do list shortens.

ROBIN: fruit salad for dinner? Have a safe flight & wonderful vacation visit.
Good afternoon everyone,

Still have a few hours before work. Went this morning to boot camp at the gym, and had some errands to run later this morning. Sun is in and out here, but it is 71F, so not complaining. Walked the dog before lunch--my parents will have to do it this evening while I'm at work.

Manda, I went in 8th grade to do something similar to what your daughter's doing, but that was in Maryland with the Kudzu weeds (originally from Japan) that became invasive in much of the eastern US. It was tedious but not too bad.

Have a nice day, all.
Another yucky day here. Maybe I'll get out later if does't rain. I went to school
today and worked on fractions again. Tough stuff. I'll going to try and go twice
next week, Wed & Thurs.

manda, can Gena come visit me and help with the weeds in my flowerbed :)
I hope the the kids had a nice time before pulling out weeds.

kt, my dog does one chore very well.. She cleans the dishes before I wash them LOL

robin, I should have asked before. Who is Hunny Bunny?
Work has been crazy, but always after reading RS's days, I feel I have no complaints. I can't believe what you have to go through to help those underprivileged children get a pair of glasses or just to be tested. I think if I was one of their parents, I would be very upset. Then again, they are probably afraid to say much as Head Start here is free and I have always heard the waiting line is very long.

Amanda - I hope Gena doesn't get too much sun, as I always burn.

Noel - don't work too hard - hopefully an easy day!

KT - I'm sure with all your chores, Remmy is feeling a little left out today!

Poirot - 70, wow, you be almost 20 degrees warmer than us :(

Robin - safe travels - enjoy the fruit!!!

I got to watch my granddaughter last night. We had a ball. She spent a great deal of time dancing to the Star Darlings (I had never heard of them). I guess they are a new Disney thing!!!

Have a great everyone
Gorgeous day here, has been all week. Lower to middle 70s with just a small breeze. And enough pollen or something to keep me in a constant state of pain. I've been to doctor after doctor over the years, and found nothing that helps. Some days it's bearable, some days it's so strong that I get sick from it. I own horses and need to get them worked. It's even worse if a storm is coming. Does anyone else have the pleasure of this? Benadryl helps but makes me tired. But today, I will tie myself in the saddle if I have to. Ha ha, it's time to ride!
Kat, I was never a big fan of fractions, either. Finally had a great trig. teacher (in junior year) who was a theorist, and was quick to go to the pie drawings. When adding 1/2 + 1/3, "third the half, and half (halve?) the third." :) :)

Have a good day, everyone! :drunk:
Don't quite understand that A.Guy.....can remember being told about common denominators, thus 1/3=2/6, while 1/2=3/6...so 1/2 & 1/3 would =5/6. (There are 6/6 in a whole. However. when I cut a real pie, I first cut it in half, then each half in 3 pieces. Just dawned on me as I was typing this, lol)
Hi everyone!

Mother Nature is strange. My weather is cooler than all of the northern posters.

I hate fractions.

I'd rather pull weeds then dust. When I dust I have to do it in the morning before I take a shower. If I don't I feel like I'm covered in dust all day.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!
NikkiFan, I feel for you in your relentless pain. If you are talking about headaches, it sounds as though you may have migraines, though it could be allergy/sinus. Both can be triggered by weather changes and seasonal pollen. I hope your horses appreciate you. It's so hard to function with pain.

I always like pulling weeds. My back can't take it now. Gena seems young for forced labor.

I've had a frustrating afternoon. I will condense the description to one word: FUTILITY.

IamRed. I feel exactly the same way about dusting.
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I was a little confused about all these kids pulling weeds too, they are calling it a "community service project". We didn't have to do that until high school, and then we got to pick what we did. I'll know more about the day in about 45 minutes, when I pick her up from the YMCA after care program.