7-11-18 - Donuts and More Noise!!!


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It is a bright sunny morning, and the birds are singing. It'll be another hot one. At least the humidity is supposed to be down.

It is only 7:20, and already the masonry guys are cutting through cement blocks and bricks. The heating/air conditioning guys are on the roof, and other guys are cutting dry wall or steel beams. There is so much noise that my ear protection isn't even blocking half of it this morning. Unfortunately, I'm in the office all day so I can't get away from it.

I finally read Donuts from the few days that I missed, and realized that I missed Heather's birthday. I'm so sorry, Heather. Please accept my belated birthday wishes.
Squirrel: it must be really loud noise if your ear protection isn't cutting it even in half. Stay strong woman, and maybe find a reason to eat out for lunch just for a noise break?!

Early meeting and I am running late so I will check back in with everyone later. Happy Wednesday!
Noel, if I go out for lunch, I'll lose my parking space. Due to the guys cutting out windows on the side of the building, 20 parking spaces out of 40 are blocked off. Plus there is a huge HVAC unit taking up 2 spaces in the front parking lot. That cuts the parking there from 16 to 14 cars.

That doesn't include all of the construction guys and their personal vehicles. Plus when they bring in the big cranes to lift steel beams, dry wall, etc. to the second floor that takes up even more parking spaces.

The people who come to work at 8:00 are out of luck, and have to park 1/4 to 1/2 mile away at shopping plazas. For once, I'm glad that I have to be clocked in by 7:00.
Good morning. Days are already noticeably shorter! I got up a little before 5:00 this morning and found myself wanting to turn on lights. I think temps will be in the upper 70s [maybe even 80] so I will try to get yard work done early.

RS ~ that noise must be extremely annoying [at the very least]. How much longer will you be subjected to it? Hope you can find some way to get some relief.

Have a good Wednesday, all.
Good morning RS and others to join. It is 5:58am as I write this and there's a beautiful sunrise I'm watching on my commute to work.

Stampede is in full gear. City is bustling, everyone has their cowboy hat on, and I've been catching a free breakfast every morning so far. There are free stampede breakfasts that are happening every morning throughout while Stampede is on.

We went camping Dinosaur Provincial Park over the weekend and had a great time. Friday was too hot to do anything and couldn't escape the heat but Saturday was better. We went on the fossil Safari and learned how to identify bone fragments. It was amazing how many we found. They are everywhere. We learned that this park is a UNESCO site and to date has the largest amount of dinosaur deposits.

Another cool thing about this area, is it is known for is a black man by the name of John Ware from South Carolina and who made his way to Canada in the 1800s and settled in the area. He made a name for himself and the respect of the other ranchers in the area for his horse handling skills and cattle skills. He and his wife raised their 6 children in a cabin that is now a heritage site within the park. He left his mark as a world champion calf Roper and is spoken about even today. There is a podcast on him on CBC if you google his name and cbc together.

Here is one article about him.



(This article says he came from Texas but the historical write at his cabin states he was from South Carolina, so not sure which one is correct but there are a lot of write ups about him and his wife in addition to a play and currently a documentary being made about him).

The landscape of the park is amazing will be going back in August.

This weekend we are getting up early Saturday morning and heading to the stampede grounds. In our 15/16 years together we've never been together. I have gone on my own, with friends, but my husband has only ever been once. He was able to snag a couple of free burger and beer vouchers. I managed to get us 2 free entry passes so without those costs, we may catch some of the actual rodeo.

After that, we have our cul de sac party with all our neighbours. Last year it was on our front lawn and karaoke til almost 3am. It would've gone on I'm sure had we not just unplugged it and said good night. Haha.

RS - how long is the construction expected to go on til?

Noel - have a good meeting.

Edited to add that it's not 5:58 anymore. It is 6:41am and has taken me this long to finish.

Have a good day everyone. Any word on A.Guy?
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It's a beautiful day in the neighbor this morning. Going to be hot again here in Southeastern Pa.

Squirrel, I feel for you. It's hard to concentrate when the noise abounds.

Noel, I hope your meeting turns out well.

Lil0, I'm hoping you get the yard work done early!

Muzza, I'm not sure what Stampede is but I think I would like to experience it! Also Dinosaur Provincial Park sounds awesome. I wish I could explore that area.

Wishing everyone a healthy prosperous & blessed day.
Soapkitty, Calgary Stampede is a 10 day long rodeo and exhibition that brings in participants from around the world. It is the one time of year when there are parties throughout the entire city, free breakfasts, everyone dresses up in western gear, fireworks go off every night, everyone is in great spirits. Those great spirits have a down side to it though too because the number of STI's after the Calgary Stampede goes up hugely. In fact, on an episode of Desperate Housewives, I remember a scene where one of the girls made mention of catching an STI at some huge rodeo in Calgary. LOL!

Katmouse - Thank you so much for posting those for me. I really appreciate it.

At any rate, you Calgarians either love it or hate it and I'm definitely in the love category. I'm always up for a good party!!
Good morning all.....interesting the Calgary Stampede is the same week that little town up here has their rodeo! LOL. Maybe that is why they chose the week! Been years since I have seen a rodeo, so have fun Muzza, glad you got some freebies, as prices have sure risen for everything!

Well, radio says Hollywood already has a movie in the works on that Thailand rescue effort....JS called it first, I think.

Currently, we have sun, clouds, sun, clouds, etc. etc. Yes, they put the possibility of rain into the forecast, which means it can be here, or north, south, east, or west of here. LOL One thing I have noticed, hotter here in town than out by the lake. Always knew that, as it was always a blessing to "get back home" after a trip to town in summer.

Squirrelly, I do feel for you, surprised the bosses did not temp move working areas to another bldg. or let folks work from home. All that concrete dust has to be aggravating, as well.
I had a busy day Tues. I worked in side bed, did errands, mowed along side bed
after lunch. The side bed has something that grows faster than the other grass.
I only have mower come every week and he won't be here until the weekend.
I watered front bed late afternoon. it's going to be another hot day here.

I read on internet today about the soccer team, the coach went into the cave after
the boys didn't come
home. He saw their bikes at the entrance and went in after
them. I saw on Today show that everyone was surprised everyone got out. They
were afraid the plan wouldn't work. I'm glad it did.

rs, sorry to hear about all the noise where you are. Too bad it's so hot. You
could go outside for lunch or eat in your car.

Lil0, I've noticed the days are getting shorter. Sad to think summer is on it's way
out already. I really wish I could go somewhere.

Muzzaman, enjoy your free breakfasts. Are you going to wear a cowboy hat? I'm
glad you
and your husband can enjoy the weekend together.

I hope everyone has the best day possible.
Oh, my, that Park looks so desolate, intriguing, Muzza. And facinating!

Sunrise here is 5:27 and sunset 8:56. This means it is light before that time in a.m. and after that time in evening. I have noticed when I wake up early, and it is barely getting light when a month ago it was very light already. LOL Actually, we only lost 12 min. in morning, and 4 in evening, since 6/21, but seems like more.
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Lil0 - The windows should take another week. Then that side of the building will remain deconstructed. The entire building remodeling / reconstruction will take another 9 months to a year.

Muzzaman - It sounds like you're going to have a fabulous weekend! I wish I could go to the Stampede. Thank you for the history lesson as well. I love learning new things. Thank you for the photos.

Soapkitty, I don't know where you're located out east (I'm on the PA /Ohio line). I supervise the other prevention staff in our agency offices in Montgomery and Delaware counties. I always tell them that their areas are a lot like out here on the western side of the state, but Philadelphia is like another state or country all together.

kat - Thank you for posting Muzza's pictures for us. Also thank you for the explanation about the coach. Previously, the media was making it sound like he took them there on a field trip after their match. That's a lot different than him going to look for them. Thank God he did.

Poirot - Please keep your wacky weather up there. It is very pleasant though hot here now because of the reduced humidity. Your higher temps and rain are going to make my weekend miserable with temps back in the 90s , high humidity, and rain.

Yep, JS was the first to call the movie.
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Morning Everyone,

Muzz - love your new picture.

RS - so sorry you have to deal with all the noise and limited parking. What a mess.

Poirot - I noticed the extended darkness this morning too. No bright sun in my face when I walked out of the bedroom this morning.

Kat - I bet your flowers are just beautiful. Mine look horrible this year. I'm just too tired to tend to them lately.

Soapkitty - enjoy your beautiful day.

Gena and I didn't make it to the library yesterday. So we're hoping to make it tonight, but if not, tomorrow for sure. Hubby got a call about a job yesterday that actually sounds promising. Only about a 15 minute drive, pay is ok, but a little less than he'd like, and I think it's day shift, so here's praying that he actually sets up an interview.

Have a wonderful day!
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The title of this thread is suiting my day so far, though it has nothing to do with construction. Trying to concentrate on my work, but there's this one coworker who will not shut up. Even with earbuds, she's constantly coming up to my desk and miming me to take them off so she can yammer about some irrelevant crap. And no, telling her that I'm busy doesn't work either. I might pick up and go to the library if it doesn't stop soon.
Whoa, I can't believe how busy Donuts has been already this morning! I'm way behind in watching Days and in reading all of S.S. and don't have time to read right now. Just had to check in and say I went to Dallas yesterday (my niece drove me, God bless her) for my 2-year MRI and doctor visit. Doesn't seem possible it's been two years since she drove me for the last one. That time, I had to get my son to come out from Fort Worth to stay with his dad, so yesterday was less complicated in that respect.

After nine years of regular MRIs, at first every six months, then finally, every two years the past couple of times, the doctor told me yesterday that I don't need to come back anymore. What a surprise! I thought I would be going for the rest of my life. Such a relief. Even with the good news, that kind of trip to a heavy traffic area is stressful for both of us, plus, as I told the young man who did the MRI, I'm getting too old to spend nearly an hour in an MRI machine! Lol. He was very nice and said he'd do it as fast as he could, and he did. Everything went a lot more efficiently than it ever had before.

Now I'm back on track for the nursing home. I'll check in later and catch up on reading. Meanwhile, I hope all of you have a good day.
If I had started this thread, it would be called "Donuts and One Day to the Big Move." After spending most of our lives on Long Island, we're packing up and moving to Annapolis, MD to be closer to the grandchildren and to get away from high New York taxes and having to support the money pit (the house). The last several days have been an exercise in getting rid of 37 years of our own clutter, stuff the kids left, possessions of my late mother-in-law, and all the stuff that was hauled over here wholesale when my parent's home sold in 1989. Fortunately, the the weather is cooperating as the awful heat and humidity have left.

Muzza: Enjoy your trip. You're fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of Canada.