7-24-18 - Donuts and clouds?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Whidbey Island, WA
or is it smoke?

Good morning all. We are in for another hot day here, but I see what looks like heavy clouds on the eastern horizon. Given all the fires in that direction, I wonder if it is smoke. There must be an awful lot of people really suffering from the poor air quality - even if the immediate danger of fire has passed.

Wishing you all as comfortable a day as possible in your area.
Good morning.........sure hope those clouds are not smoke! Sunny here and 68!! Got warmer than predicted yesterday, into the 80s. My hubby noted yesterday, that despite him actually complaining about how warm it is, soon enough the harsh winds and freezing weather will be here, so ....Basically, I ignore his complaints, as he has been not well, so is always cold, too hot, etc. etc. He complains about everything, weather, food, TV, the news, (good or bad), economy, and does entirely too much self diagnosis. Ah, well.
Hope the day is good to everyone. I have to run out for just a short spell. See ya later.
Good morning everyone.

Robin -Glad to hear the first week on the job went well. I'm sure you'll whip those parents who are unaccountable for their lack of responsibility in getting their kids registered, thereby making it your problem, into shape.

RS - Hope your foot heals fast. Sorry you have to use crutches.

Katmouse - I've given up. The lily beetles can have my lillies. The leaves have all of these gross brown sacs everywhere and I'm not going out everyday to pick them anymore, so I hope they enjoy what's left of my lillies!! LOL!

OC - Is your migraine gone?

Shan and Lil0 - How is the air where you're at? I'm sure it is filed with thick smoke from all the fires in B.C., Washington, Oregon. I hope our rain moves in your direction to help all the firefighters from U.S, Mexico and Canada battling these.

I know I am missing others and have been playing a bit of catch up before I start work. I have been reading though.

The weekend was good. I spent 6 hours sanding down our deck on Friday to prep it to paint after we have some boards replaced and maintained. I still have some more sanding to do but will not take as long. After sanding, I went and played drop in beach volleyball for 3 hours. It was such a beautiful night.

Saturday morning, we got up at 7am and decided to camp for one night so we hooked up the tent trailer (pop up trailer for my American friends) and parked our butts. We didn't do much of anything except read, cook over the fire and relaxed.

I have a bit of a busy week at work in addition to my uncle and his wife coming from Australia for a visit this week. Then on Saturday we along with 8 other friends are doing the 5km (3.11 miles) Rugged Maniac Obstacle Course. A buddy of mine recently did it in Vancouver and sent me this link. He is the guy in the news story talking about it, so we are really excited for this fun event. What's nice is you can make it whatever you want and do it at a pace you are comfortable with. Afterwards, there are bands, a beer garden and bbq.


Our weather has been amazing up until yesterday at 4pm when the hail came down so hard it looked like it had snowed. It then turned to a heavy down pour. Today we have rain on and off which I'll take as I won't have to do any watering for a few days. The weekend is looking awesome for rugged maniac. It is supposed to be around 28*C (82.4*F).

I hope you all have a good day.
Another triple-digit record-breaking day predicted near 120F. Oh, and of course a dewpoint in the 70's and higher humidity. At this phase in summer I am basically just in survivial mode. AC runs 24/7 just to keep us very warm, but not hot indoors.

Last night we watched 'Shark Week' and despite the hype there were two new episodes with scientific facts & video. I never want to meet a great white shark up close but watching them under water is fascinating. Sadly, we're harvesting the large breeding males & females and their numbers are declining.

Lilo: certainly hope that is not smoke, but clouds of rain relief for the burn areas. A little sun cover and breeze might refresh your area too. When does summer end in your area?

Poirot: your temperature sounds nice for morning errands Poirot. I do remember the last few years when it turns cold in your area it is fast. Your posts have taught me more about weather there than living in nearby Indiana. And........sometimes we just have to tolerate grumpy under-the-weather husbands! [wink]

Shan: sure hope to hear from you today that your family & home remain safe in the nearby fire areas!

Wishing all who follow these posts a good Tuesday.
Muzza: [we posted same time?] Enjoy your uncle and his aunt coming from Australia for a visit this week. That should be great fun and family bonding time. Love the idea and title of the Rugged Maniac Obstacle Course! Afterwards beer & BBQ sound like a great reward for an at-your-own-pace adventure.
Morning Everyone,

OMG Noel & Robin, I'm melting at my desk just thinking about your temperatures.
Muzz - hope your shoulder is okay after all that sanding and volleyball.
Poirot - the weather was lovely yesterday and so far this morning.
Lil0 - I sure hope they sky is full of clouds and not smoke.

Today, I'm exhausted. Next year, I really need to remember to take vacation during vacation Bible School. The kids just wear me out, but they had a lot of fun I think. I took pictures with the church's camera yesterday, today I'll try to take a couple with my phone to share with all of you. Back to work.

Have a wonderful day!
Manda: VBS is always fun, but exhausting for everyone I know too. The kiddos are worth the time, energy, creativity and commitment but definitely hope you schedule in a day of rest for you next time. Looking forward to seeing your pictures! Hope your Tuesday is a great one.
It was a cool 71* here this morning. High is to be only 98*. When I went out early to water I almost had to come in and put on long sleeves! My ideal weather range would be 70*-80* with occasional rain, as needed.

Yesterday my husband got a "roommate" at the nursing home. The room had already seemed crowded but now it is like a sardine can. Since I'm still struggling to maintain my emotional composure, I won't say any more about it for now.

I called the doctor and got a new eyedrop prescription yesterday. Also got some over the counter antihistimine drops. Overall I'm getting better but I decided to quit my allergy medicine yesterday because it makes me so tired and I see I'll have to get back on it or else I may end up back in bad shape again.

I enjoyed reading everyone's doings. Hoping a good day for all of you--and clouds, not smoke, for Lil0.
Oh Lilo I hope you don't get the smoke it's awful. We had a wonderful wind come through yesterday and it took a lot of the smoke with it. We can now go outside and not smell smoke to bad! I thought it was an easterly wind but I could be wrong too!

Poirot someone posted yesterday on Facebook there is only 5 more weekends of summer left so your right by saying the cold and bitter snow will be here soon enough.

Muzz your Maniac course was awesome to watch - I bet you will enjoy that one! Enjoy your visitors from Australia!

Noel - 120? Wow I do feel for you. Maybe it's time we all do a rain dance! It's sad you have AC but it's not even keeping you cool?

The fires are doing better - a handful of structures have been lost and it's really the smoke right now that is hard to handle at times. Yesterday we had a beautiful wind come in and take it out of the Valley so that was really a gift.

I hope everyone has a great day
OC: to me, emotional adjustments take more time than physical ones. Glad you have new eyedrops that hopefully will heal your infection much quicker. Hope your day gets better hour by the hour.

Shan: we have record-breaking energy use so they are requesting we stay indoors, turn down AC, and minimize use of electrical appliances. A black out here is horrific because you cannot escape the heat if even hotels/motels have no power. Plus there is the bill...........my July & August electric bills are the highest of the entire year despite us trying to be energy efficient for the sake of the environment and our finances. Thanks for thinking of Robin and I. Great news a wind has driven away the heavy smoke and you can breath deeply again!
Ah.... a nice warm morning.... now that I start at a more normal time.... my sweet week one parking spot is taken... so I have to park out in the back 40.... actually it isn't that far and it is covered parking.... and on top of the covering Solar Cells.... so I guess we are going to make lots of electricity today..... Hunny Bunny is taking a bonsai member to Flagstaff today so he should miss the majority of the heat.... Mr. Gus is going to the resort so he won't be alone....
I've got my lunch box packed with 8 bottles of water.... the tap water here is bad and I haven't worked at the office long enough to test it....

Muzz that run looks like fun..... enjoy......
OC glad to hear you are feeling a bit better....
shan good luck with smoke.... and of course the fire....
Noel.... good luck getting through the day.... we need it...
Manda happy the vbs went well.... I can only imagine how exhausting it is..... rest when you can I guess.....
Lil0 I hope you are seeing clouds... but fear it is smoke from the fires.....

Happy Tuesday.....
Shan ~ I'm relieved to hear from you and that you are safe. We are having a record number of fires in Washington this year!

Muzz ~ air quality where I live is good. We get breezes off the ocean. But I'm afraid that for much of the state [especially east of the mountains] folks are having to deal with a LOT of smoke.
Hi everyone.

I had school this morning then a follow up with the workman's comp doctor. He let me ditch the crutches, and we both laughed at my neon green ankle. I just have to take it easy and walk slowly for the next week, and definitely no stairs. Can't wait to go grocery shopping after work. I have no milk at home.

My brother very rarely complains about the heat in Palm Springs, but he did yesterday when it hit 125* there. Plus they had humid air which never happens this time of year. Their "rainy season" is an average 2 inches of rain in January.

Muzza - I'm glad you got some camping in. Sometimes an overnight is enough to recharge your batteries.

robinsnest - My brother laughs at me when I gawk at the solar paneled covered parking at the schools near him. We don't have enough days of sunshine here to make solar panels worthwhile.

sharnrick - I hope you don't have any long lasting problems from the smoke. The fires in Washington, Oregon, and California still look bad when shown on the news.

Gotta go. Will try to finish up later.
Afternoon everyone.

Spring finally came to my area. The high today close to 90 with low humidity.
I'll be going out after 5 and trim again.

Muzzaman, sorry to hear about the beetles in your yard. Is this the first year
you've had them? I'm glad you had a good weekend and you played volleyball.
Enjoy your family visit this week.

Lil0, take care of yourself with the smokey air.

OC, I hope the new medicine works better for you.

Noel, I hope the weather changes for you soon.

rs, I'm glad you can stop using crutches. Take it easy when you shop later.

robin, it's good your parking area is covered so your car won't be too hot, just warm.

Shan, glad the fires are better in your area. The weather this year has been strange
for everyone.

manda, is vacation school every evening this week? My friend's church has it on
one Sat. That way more kids can come because parents work.

I need to get going and do beetle patrol. I hope everyone has a good Tues.
Kat - enjoy your time outside. I hold Vacation Bible School 3 evenings, from 6:15 to 8:00, as like most parents now, I work too. We get a good turn out every year, we had 15 kids registered with a few extras that joined yesterday, although we did have a few that didn't make it last night, we still had 12 kids in attendance last night plus 6 adult helpers besides myself. When I started the organizing we only had about 5 or 6 kids come (back then I did it on Sunday Afternoons after church), so moving it to evenings has greatly increased the attendance. :) Thanks for asking.