7-29-17 - Donuts and Cattle Moving

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I saw the cowboy pass by our house earlier this morning, have been hearing cattle bawling all morning. I'm pretty sure he will be moving the herd back across the road after he finishes working them. They've been in this pasture for nearly two years so I will miss seeing them all the time but it will be nice to not have them making a mess in the yard too.

I hope all of you are having a good day and are just busy, not under the weather. I can't seem to shake this extended migraine for very long. It usually doesn't settle in like this without a couple of days break here and there. Don't know if I'm eating something or what. Allergies have been bad too.
Happy Saturday morning!

Fortunately I slept 5 hours after my Thursday eye surgery and by now am feeling very well. My first follow-up appointment was yesterday with very good news on my right eye, and no change on my left eye. It will require a contact lens or glasses.

This morning the sky is a lovely shade of blue with fluffy clouds streaked across the Arizona sky. It is already 90 at 9am. When our sky is clear of dust layers it is beautiful.

Wishing each of you a sweet Saturday. I have to try to catch up later today on posts, but for now my sister & hubby are on their way for a nice visit. Take care.

OC: sure hope your migraine stops quickly and you feel stronger immediately!
Hmmm, wonder if those cows are being disrespectful and flouncing around? LOLOL.

Ran quickly into town and back as today was hazardous waste & med pickup day at the cop shop, and I had a lot of pills hubby has suffered reactions from, so needed disposal. But the cop shop where I always take anything like that was closed tight, despite all the radio announcemets. Should have listened more closely, discovered it was changed to the highway shop which I pass right by on the way into town. Grrr. Boy, a huge line of vehicles bringing stuff.

Warm one already, tis 82 out there... (24 Celsius). Take care everyone.
O.K. word of explanation. OC had posted a pic of a column from a small town paper, listing all the police calls for the week,......oh, heck.......here it is....

Morning all.

OC and Poirot - do flouncing cows look anything like this?


Update on Hunny Bunny and his growth removal. Since his is on blood thinners for his A-fib, he is still oozing. Friday, he went in for a dressing change. By mid-day yesterday, I applied another dressing on top of the original dressing and applied an ice pack to stop the bleeding. This also made it difficult to walk around.

Last night I had to run to Target to get more dressing material, as I had only a couple of 4x4 gauze pads and was out of tape. While there, I purchased a box of maxi pads so I used that last night over the existing wrap. It was pretty bloody this morning. It's going to be a long weekend.

Maybe I can find a Redbox and keep him entertained with movies. He doesn't like watching streaming movies, for whatever reason. I pay for the service and watch, so I have no idea what his issue is.

Stepmother leaves today after lunch. I will be going to Surprise after that (weather allowing) to leave bits of my dad at the designated places.

Other than that, plans include the ever exciting cleaning. NOT dusting, but the floor needs sweeping and the carpet, too.

OC - hope the migraine backs down and goes away soon.

Poirot - hope the kids are doing okay after the lighting strike. And dealings with the world of insurance.

Noel - good to hear about your vision. Continue to take it slow.

Happy Saturday.

Edited to say:


I was posting when the article above mine was added. Now I understand.
Good afternoon everyone. It started off as a nice cool morning in the 50s, but is going up to the low 80s with a very nice breeze. I haven't accomplished much yet today. Right now I'm watching the second season of The Magicians on Netflix disc while eating lunch of yesterday's fish dinner leftovers.

Friend Jim was in poor shape after his trip to the VA hospital in Pittsburgh. His daughter stayed with him while I took Cindy to dinner. I also got a take out dinner for him. Cindy texted me last night that he ate about 1/3 of it, but it took him a while. Cindy and I have decided to have dinner once a week to get her out of the house for some time that she isn't working (as a nurse/caregiver), taking care of Jim, or getting him to his medical appointments. Between Jim and her patients, she never gets a break. Jim isn't happy that we're going to Mexican next week because he can't stand it. I told him I'd stop anywhere he wanted to pick up dinner for him.

I'm still laughing about the disrespectful and flouncing cows. I wonder what the city transplant calls with about the wild boars in the area.

OC - I hope your migraine doesn't last any longer. Maybe it is due to your allergies?

Noel - I'm glad that you feel up to having company. Where I work, your surgeries would be considered a great success.

Poirot - It is always a relief to get rid of the unused medications.

robinsnest - Prayers for you as you distribute your Dad's ashes.
A cloudy day in the 80s today. I won't be outside though. Tonight I'm going with a
friend to a jazz concert. Something to do to get out of the house. I plan to start
mowing on Sunday. Rain coming Wed.

Noel, I'm glad you're feeling better and you're having company.

rs, sorry to hear your friend Jim isn't doing well. I'll pray for him.

robin, I hope hunny bunny feels better soon.

OC, I hope your migraine leaves today.

Poirot, I hope you didn't have to wait too long in line.

I hope everyone has a nice afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon. My electricity was knocked out by a very close and very loud lightning strike around 7:30 Thursday night. The co-op got the electricity back on in about an hour and a half, but my modem was fried. I haven't had internet service until a little while ago. To top it all off, I was going to run some errands Friday, but when I got in my car it wouldn't start. It has been towed to the shop, but they may not even be able to look at it until Tuesday.

Remmy had to thoroughly inspect the new modem and all the places the cable repairman walked today, lol. I had put her in the bedroom while he was here.

Poirot, I bet the storm system that wreaked havoc for Julian and his family was the same one that came through here. It was nasty.
Poirot: thanks for the explanation of "flouncing cows". It still makes me giggle. So relieved to read Julian and family are safe and sound after that terrific storm. His angels were very busy! Hope your night is peaceful.

Robin: cute 'flouncing cows' take. Sure hope your Honey Bunny heals quickly, thoroughly with no side effects from treatment. Your idea of movies as a fun distraction is a good one. Laughter heals us all. Enjoy tonight.

RS:: thanks for sharing my results are considered a success. Most of my family/friends indicate both eyes were 20/20 after their surgeries but it seems my retinopathy was more severe. I am thrilled to have my vision saved and hope for improvements daily. Your friend Jim sounds like a wonderful man and I remember praying for him in the past. Time to pray for he, his caregiver, and your times together. He is a courageous man!

Kat: a jazz concert is a fun relaxing event that I hope you enjoy very much tonight. Hope your Sunday is beautiful weather so you can enjoy your garden.

Take care everyone. Still trying to 'catch up'.
Hmmm, MY eyesight was not 20/20 after cataract surgery, close, but definitely not 20/20. So......yes, I would say you are fine, perfectly fine, Noel.

Robin.......usually, if you are taking blood thinners, they make you cease, or take less to get your count down, before any kind of surgery. Heck, I had to do that before oral surgery, (plus take heavy duty antibiotic an hour or so before)
Poirot, thanks for sharing the thing about the disrespectful and flouncing cows. It still makes me laugh.

I liked your picture of the dancing cows too, Robin. Wishing you the best on keeping Hunny Bunny in line. What a creative idea, to use the maxi-pad!

Kt, glad you are back in business. Have your Lyme's symptoms subsided?

My head has been some better this afternoon. Hoping that will continue. Thanks for everyone's concern.

Noel, it's good your sight was saved. I hope you continue to improve.

Kat, enjoy that jazz concert. I'm glad you are getting out more these days.

Squirrel, I'm sorry Jim wasn't feeling up to getting out with you but it is so nice that Cindy is going to be getting a little bit of down time. Yes, I think my migraines may be connected to the allergies.

My niece's dog, Blue, got bitten on her head twice by a rattlesnake yesterday. My niece has this amazing remedy she's used several times when she's had dogs bitten before. I think it is called Black Cohosh. She gives the dog a few spoons of it and by the next morning the horribly swollen head is almost back to normal. I think maybe she's used it with copperhead bites too, before she moved out here. If this stuff works so well, I have to wonder why it is not more widely known? And could it be used for humans? (Not that I would try it but people do sometimes react poorly to anti-venom).

But then dogs are more apt to be bitten on the head, and I've always heard they have a greater survival rate when bitten on the head rather than on other parts of the body, but I don't know whether that is true or not. Anyway, I'm glad Blue seems to be recovering well. She's getting to stay inside where it's cool and where she can be kept calm. She is a very lovable dog but extremely rambunctious.
Good evening everyone!

"Disrespectful livestock" :rotfl::rotfl:

Noel, glad you are recovering well.

Kat, enjoy the jazz concert.

Rs, you are a great friend to Jim and Cindy. The world needs more people like you and less of people trying to scam me with photocopied coupons. :beat:

Robin, I hope his bleeding slows down soon.

Kt, hope you get your car fixed quickly.

OC, Black Cohosh is also used to help with hot flashes during menopause. The things I learn working for a pharmacy.

Hopefully they're almost done constructing on our pharmacy. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. Maybe I won't keep trying to walk into the counter where a door used to be:rotfl: The look of confusion on our regular customers' faces is great.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Noel and IamRed, that's interesting information about the Black Cohosh. I'd heard the name but didn't know what it was or anything before my niece told me about the snakebite thing. Noel, I'm fascinated by how the Indians made use of so many things. I often think about that when I look at things around me.

IamRed, at least you have a good reason for running into the counter. I'm always running into things for no reason. Today my husband laughed when I ran into the wall when going through an open doorway.