7-29-17 - Donuts and Cattle Moving

Have your Lyme's symptoms subsided?

But then dogs are more apt to be bitten on the head, and I've always heard they have a greater survival rate when bitten on the head rather than on other parts of the body

OC, I took the last of the antibiotics and I've been feeling fine. Thanks for asking.

On the snake bites, the Lab I had was bitten by a snake on her side (I didn't see it, probably a cottonmouth or rattlesnake). She was only three months old, so I don't know if that made a difference, but she was one sick puppy. The hair never grew back where she was bitten, either.
I'm glad you are feeling better, Kt. I'm hopeful you got to the antibiotics in time to put the whole thing to rest.

Did your lab get medical treatment or recover on her own? I've known people who've spent many hundreds of dollars getting dogs treated for snakebite. Since you weren't sure what kind of snake bit your lab, I'm guessing she healed without medical treatment.
KT - great news that you are feeling better. Lyme disease treatment can be exhausting. You are in my prayers.

Robin - please call his doctor before any vitamin K supplements or more bleeding. Be good to yourself too as the caregiver. Prayers.