8-11-17 - Donuts and thunder


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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At 5, thunder woke me up. So I got up and checked the radar map. The afternoon rain (none yesterday) was on it's way. So, Goldie and I was out before 5:15. I was going to try to go around once, but the lightning was getting bad. Maybe we can walk later. I'm going town this morning and dropping Goldie off at a new bath place. I'll pick her up on the way back home.

I found a good exercise to work on those inner thighs. Going up and down a step stool. I can't believe
how much better they are just doing that a couple times for two days. I have a stepper, but it's hard to use in the house.

Prayers for all and I hope everyone has the best possible day they can.

FYI, Goldie and I were able to get a walk in between the rain.
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Good morning Kat and Goldie and others to join. Currently on the train heading to work.

Kat - You probably should be on your way. The family reunion in next week and I reckon it'll take you a good 3 days. If you don't show up everyone will think you're my snuffelalfagus and not believe you really do exist.

Hope everyone is getting over their sleep deprivations, healing from surgeries, ailments, not being pestered by bedbugs, hot water heaters working again, migraines gone, sorry school days are back and that generally everyone has a good Friday.

We are in a better headspace to entertain our company this weekend with dinner ready to go and house clean.

Spent last night studying for the exam and will spend the first 2 hours this morning doing the same.

At 3:30 this afternoon I will officially be on holleedays!! Take care everyone. Happy Friday!
Good morning, I am the one who is sleep deprived this a.m. Only about 5 hours, mostly because daughter and I gabbed wayyy too late last night. She is here til next Wed. So, will be nice having her around. She is helping with some things, a few items that need care, but more because her dad is not up to par, so she wants to "help".

My sinus is running like mad this morning, is over cast again. Yesterday, some little black cloud traveled around the area dropping rain on small areas, while leaving others dry. Was weird. I was driving back from town, road would be soaked, puddles, but only about 500 ft., perfectly dry before and after, then another area like that would pop up. LOL

Tis overcast again this a.m. but the sun is trying to chase the clouds. We will see. So far, grey clouds are ahead.
Morning Everyone,

I slept much better last night as the pain from the fillings has subsided and there's nary a sign of the nasty bugs in my house, other than I still have bags of laundry to fold and put away, and still some to wash as we were waiting to make sure the critters were gone. Although I'm stalling just a bit to make sure they really are gone, as the exterminator said we still may see a few hatchlings but it would be very few.

Hubby's interview yesterday went okay. He didn't pass the measurement test to get the one job, but they have another position that he'd be a good fit for in a town about a half hour away. He has an interview today at a different place that's closer to home, so he's waiting to give them an answer until he after the interview today.

Kat - glad you were able to get out between rain showers

Muzz - have a wonderful day at work, and if you aren't back on the board before, have fun at the reunion.

Poirot - enjoy your visit with your daughter, hope your husband is doing better.
Happy Friday!

A lovely cloudy day right now and the sun is hidden. I love that! A gentle southern breeze, very humid with dewpoint rising, and a slight chance of dust/thunderstorms this evening.

My tires have still not arrived at the store. They promised by 6pm on Thursday. So now all my plans are built on waiting for the new tires, oil & lube, and check up to be completed. I like being in more control, on schedule, and organized but what choice do I have? So that is my mostly boring schedule for today.

Hope your day is much smoother, quicker, and organized [wink]. Take care everyone.

Kat: you need to bottle your energy and send me some now. Wow all you have accomplished before 6am here. Hope Goldie likes the new groomer, your exercises continue to be fun and produce great results.

Muzza: you will ace your test! Glad you are prepped, calm, and ready for the weekend guest. And kudos for ending this day by being on holiday. Enjoy every moment.

Poirot: happy visiting with your daughter. She wouldn't be your daughter if she didn't want to help lighten your load as her Dad is not feeling well. Hope you squeeze in as much fun & sharing as possible.

Manda: hopeful this new opportunity proves successful for your hubby and some of the financial burden is released from you. Also glad you have seen no more bugs, but want those hatchlings dead too. Hope Gena is feeling better today, your dental work continues to heal and be painless, and your weekend is a good one.
Good morning everyone!

It's a rainy morning here and we're expecting storms.

Manda, I hope you have a smoother month from now on and good luck to your husband.

Muzza, have fun at the reunion.

Poirot, enjoy your time with your daughter.

Kat, sounds like you found a good workout.

Noel, I hope your tire situation is over soon. How frustrating that you were promised a time but they couldn't deliver on time.

I have to work 1-9:30 today and tomorrow. It's going to be a long couple of days.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Noel - how frustrating that your tires haven't arrived. I hope they come in soon so you can get the work completed. Gena is feeling better, the only remaining pain I have is from where I bit my tongue and cheek while I was numb, and that's starting to feel better too. I must say I'm not looking forward to the 2 additional fillings I need next week on the other side of my mouth. :rolleyes:

Red - from your fingers to God's eyes, I hope the rest of the month goes better and that hubby is back to work very very soon. Hope you have an uneventful night at work tonight.
Red: serioiusly hoping your workday is short, sweet, and smooth. Just two more days and you get some rest!! Here's a toast to a quiet and restful weekend!

Manda: glad both you & Gena are feeling better. Oh what fun -- 2 more fillings next week. Time to concentrate on the weekend of rest, fun and more rest!
Kat - So sorry your walk was cut short due to the weather. Hopefully you can walk this afternoon.

Muzz - Sounds like you are all ready for entertaining. I hope she is better this time!! Good luck on your test!

Poirot - enjoy your daughter being there and hopefully catch up on sleep.

Manda - Hopefully your bugs are gone this time. Good luck with your husband's interview today.

Noel - I really don't like waiting on other people for my day to begin. Nothing like being in limbo land. I hope they show up soon.

Iamred - Same shift for 2 days. How did you arrange that?

We're breaking records with our weather today. So many days in the 90's! The winds are supposed to shift this weekend and the smoke will leave us. Thank Goodness!

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all.

Been busy. Mr. Gus is at the resort, with half-day daycare while he is staying with them. He is too old to enjoy full day. It is exhausting for him to frolic all day with puppies in daycare to keep them from destroying the home.

I'm moving items that were "packed" on table, counter tops and such to the suitcase that is out. Going to enjoy being away from work. But the trip is to say goodbye to an old friend. So it'll be a sad time, but we will remember the good times as we send him on his way.

I may be able to return sometime this weekend. If not...

Noel - I hope your tires come in soon.

Manda - I hope those bugs are dead, their eggs dead and their relatives dead. I hope hubby gets a great offer, and Gena is off playing with friends for the weekend.

Red - I hope all the crazies shop during hours that you are not available.

Poirot - I know tonight I will stay up way to late talking with my son tonight and tomorrow. I'll need a vacation from my weekend away. I hope your daughter can help your husband, and take some of that work off of you.

Muzz - happy holiday!!! And enjoy the majority of your house guests. Break a leg on the test.

Kat - step-stool steps. Good idea. I have one of those, and it hides well in the house where a stair stepper wouldn't.

Shanrick - good luck with the heat. Nothing worse than being somewhere not used to insanely high temps.

Everyone, have a great weekend.
Good morning. I've read everyone's posts but don't have time to comment. I'm trying to decide whether to go to town for prescriptions. Not getting around very early so getting off late in the heat isn't good, but if I don't go today I'll have to wait until Tuesday, since the physical therapist comes on Monday. Ahh, decisions! Wishing the best day possible for all of you.
Robin - so sorry about your friend.

OC - I'd go get the meds. It's not good to go without prescriptions for too long.

Shan - glad to hear that the smoke will be clearing out for you soon.

Noel - no rest this weekend. I have to cram all my errands into Saturday as Sunday, Gena and I are going to the Circus World Museum for the day with my parents to see all the stuff we missed last time. We were only able to stay for a little bit as we had to keep moving on to Iowa, and we missed about half of the museum, which is like a mini theme park, complete with a mini circus.

This time we'll visit the wagon houses where they keep all the old circus parade wagons. I'm hoping maybe we can see more of the tiger show, where they show how the tigers are trained and cared for, combined with the tigers doing a few tricks. It's amusing how affectionate these giant cats are to the trainer. They love to like his face and ears.
I plan to use the step-stool in the house. It's easy to use. The stepper I have is heavy and
hard to move around.

manda, have a good time at the Circus World Museum. I thought of you yesterday
when Days mentioned bedbugs. I hope your husband has the option of picking
the job he wants.

Muzzaman, sorry I won't get to come. School starts here next week. I'll be in the school
library again. I plan to go twice a week again. Enjoy your weekend.

Poirot, enjoy your visit with your daughter

Noel, I hope your tires come in today.

robin, I hope you have a good flight. Prayers for you and your friend.

OC, I hope you got out to get your medicine.

I need to get going. I need to clean Goldie's dog house since she's clean.
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OC: hope picking up prescriptions wasn't too difficult or hot today -- or next week if you decide to postpone the trip.

Manda: the Circus World Museum sounds like great fun. And sometimes that is better than a long rest.

Kat: Goldie is a loved dog. Keep on stepping and enjoy the weekend.
Noel - Circus World is amazing. If you ever make it to Baraboo, WI, you should go. The town is the hometown of the Ringling Brothers and is on the winter camp of their circus from way back when.

Here's their web address if you want to check it out: http://www.circusworldbaraboo.org/

Kat - I'm a about a week and a half behind on Days, so I haven't seen the bedbug mention yet. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. :)
Well, I decided to put off going to town. Husband was sleeping all morning so I knew I'd have a hard time getting him moving. I felt too tired myself to make that drive. But the deciding factor was when my niece called and said she would bring over some steak she'd cooked and some fresh okra she'd fried. I couldn't pass that up! Husband will miss his Metformin for a couple of days but it won't be the first time and his blood sugar has been staying at incredibly good levels for some time now, which I don't understand, considering our diets, but I'm thankful for it. The home health nurse is working on getting his prescriptions switched to being sent by mail so that will eliminate the need to make an 80 mile (round trip) drive every time I turn around.

Squirrel, I hope you got rid of the migraine and didn't get another one today in your long travels.

Enjoy the circus museum, Manda. I wish I could be there to go with you. I always loved the circus, even after I was grown. When I was little Santa gave me an electric train one year. (Guess I wasn't too little, since it had to have been after we got electricity). Along with the train came the most wonderful circus set. The circus tent was made of light weight metal (no plastic in those days) and there were all the little performers and animals, made of hard rubber. I spent many hours moving the circus from town to town in the electric train.
Afternoon folks. You were right Manda, this month has been full of problems. Apparently, the first person I spoke with at the pharmacy was talking about a medication I've been on for years and is pre-authorized by insurance. Yes, it's on a list, while the new medicine isn't and still has not been approved (per a conversation with someone else at the pharmacy today). Mental Health has yet to call me back, so I called the consumer advocacy agency, again. I called Wednesday and no one called me back and I called again. They may be tired of hearing from me, as this is the third or fourth time I've called them over the years. I can't seem to get anything done working directly with the local clinic, though. I may have to get ugly! :angry::angry::angry: There seems to be some issue with those people every time something isn't right! OK, I've ranted enough for today (I hope).
Manda: thanks for the link. Amazing.

OC: I wondered why you weren't signed ip for Medco or another prescription mail service. That will save you time, frustration, money and energy. I used it for my folks and it is a great service.

KT: sometimes only ugly works, but like you it is the last resource. Wishing you a less frustrating weekend and help resolving this issue soon.
