8-27-2018 - Donuts & Fried Pickles


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Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
Good Monday Morning. The last week of August hopefully leading to cooler September temperatures.

Another staff member brought in home-fried pickles from Georgia. If you have never eaten them, they are delicious! So we all have 'pickle face' this morning!

Hope your beginning to the new week is a smooth transition from a nice weekend. Some of you may be able to bypass the A/C very soon and enjoy the outdoor Autumn weather. Fingers-crossed.

AGuy: starting a new week with continued thoughts of you and hoping for a progress report when you are feeling stronger.

If anyone is in contact with KT, please tell her she is missed!
Morning Everyone,

Noel - now I'm hungry for fried pickles, one of our local fast food places has them, they are pricey but delicious.
Red - Good luck with the move, sounds like hiring movers was a good investment.

Not much new for me, today I started getting Gena up before I leave for work, at the time she'd have to get up to get ready for school. She's actually not to cranky about it as it's later than what she had to get up to go to Boys and Girls Club. She's happy that she gets to "sleep in" to go to school. Hubby was cranky as the last 2 weeks since she's been home she's been sleeping until 9 and now he has to get up earlier. :rolleyes:

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Morning, everyone!

Ah, the life of a journalist. One thing that is absolutely true is that the front page is NEVER what you expect it is going to be the night before. We just got a news release about a huge lawsuit that someone else is helping me process because I have a meeting and then four hours after that, deadline. Eep!

Also just ordered a replacement screen for my iPhone, and a new case to keep it from shattering to smithereens again. I’ve done plenty of tech do-it-yourself projects in the past, but this one is really worrying me. Maybe if the phone was fully paid for, I could relax; but these things take a piece of your soul for a while, don’t they?

Noel - Yum, so jealous! Fried pickles are amazing. We have a local restaurant that serves them as appetizers, and I swear I could eat the entire basket as a meal.

IamRed - Glad to hear you’re having an easy time with the move! That really is stressful to have to worry about; better to just fork over the money and relax.

Manda - Hope everyone has a great day! Kudos on adjusting the sleep schedules; that is always a nightmare of an attempt at my house!
Morning all......
When I was unemployed... I'd stay up all hours and sleep till well past dawn..... my first week of work I was starting at 6:30..... that was a very difficult adjustment to make.... wish I could have had more than 4 days to prepare for the shock..... now that we are back on the regular schedule all is good..... must remember to start gearing up for the early mornings come late May......

Not much going on today this last week of August.... HOLY COW.....last week of August........YIKES......

Manda good idea with Gena.... wish Hubby could find something amazing that he likes doing......

Red..... good luck with the movers...... it is amazing how much better things can happen with them.....I hope you get down to only a hand ful of unpacked boxes by the end of the week.....

Noel......I wish we could say we can see the end of triple's but I fear not.......

Happy Monday all....
LS:. Good luck with the front page prepping, meeting and editing. Talk about Monday morning multi-tasking. Glad to know some of you like fried pickles as much as I do.

Robin: the calendar says Autumn comes in September but not in the desert. Glad you are enjoying being back at work and the normal schedule.
Another sunny, humid day here. Goldie decided we should walk around four
times this morning. After breakfast, I was outside two hours. I got two
more cans of grass raked up. I set myself a limit on how much to rake today.
Then I worked an hour in the ditch. So fun... NOT. I won't be home
tomorrow morning and rain in forecast Wed.

manda, I wish your hubby would see a doctor. He might be able to help
him. He could be depressed, but it could be something else.

red, I'm glad you got professional movers for the big day.

Noel, I never had fried pickles. I'm glad you enjoyed them.

Little Sweetness, the more I hear about smart phones I'm glad I don't
have one.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Kat - we have both talked to his doctor, they have him on an anti-anxiety medication, and recently doubled his dosage. I think he needs to go get counseling for dealing with the deaths of his parents, going all the way back to his dad 25+ years ago, but he absolutely refuses. He's never allowed himself to process the grief and it's eating away at him and he's too stubborn to admit or realize it.
I'm going to have to try the fried pickles sometime. I've seen them on a few menus but have never tried them. I do chop up cucumbers and put them in things I'm cooking, usually in a skillet with hamburger meat and other things. Nothing like fried pickles--okay but not nearly as tasty, I'm sure.

Another hot day here, and windy. We don't have dust anything like what happens in Arizona, but with the wind today, there was dust. I think part of it may be coming from all the farmers who are plowing their fields, in hopes of getting rain on them so they can sow wheat in the fall. The fields are so dry, it sends up a big cloud of dust wherever a tractor is running.

An uneventful day at the nursing home.
Pourin rain, thunder, lightning, flood watch, lost TV......My rain gauge began beeping, first time ever...cuz of flood watch.....storm was not due til 10 p.m. glad I went to pick prescription up early this afternoon...