8-27-2018 - Donuts & Fried Pickles

Hi everyone. Boy, I'm late checking in. Also thought I posted over the weekend, but I never submitted the posts after I typed them up.

Feeling much better today despite the 90° heat and 82% humidity. I never ventured outside except to go to my mailbox.

According to my weather station it has been raining all day, but not one drop has fallen from the clouds. Will be in the 90s again tomorrow.

Will have to catch up with all of the posts I've missed.

Time for bed.
Thanks for the warning, Robin. I'm assuming you mean hot from being in hot oil, not spicy hot. I will remember that because a couple of weeks ago I took something out of the frying pan with a fork and absentmindedly put it right in my mouth. Oh my stars! My whole lip swelled up and I had four big blisters on my lips for days.
hot oil OC and HOT PICKLE JUICE!!!!! OH MY LORD.... but pickle juice is hot....... as in temp hot..... my first assault on fried pickles was almost a tragedy.... they smelled so good popped one in my mouth bit down.... the explosion of hot pickle juice.... ow ow ow..... I now am much more cautious...