9-15-17 - Donuts and beeps


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good morning all.

Promptly at 5:00 AM this morning, the smoke alarm in my bedroom started beeping! So glad it decided to wait until I was awake. Nothing worse than having that happen in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, I had one 9V battery on hand and was able to replace that dying battery immediately. Now need to remember to buy more batteries.

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday.
Good Friday morning everyone.

Amazing to me that we are half through the month of September already. Still waiting for our cooler, dryer, prettier weather to appear in the form of a southwest Autumn. The stores do have pumpkins & gourds for sale, but they rot here in a few days even if stored inside the house. I am late putting up my Autumn decorations and a busy weekend full of errands & projects is planned. Ah, well, life 101.

Wishing each of you a smooth, safe and good start to your weekend.

Lil0: what a way to begin a Friday. Hope the rest of your weekend is pleasant!

ShaSha: relieved to know you are safe in Florida.
Morning Everyone,

Supposed to be in the mid to upper 80's again. I'll try not to complain as I'm sure Robin, Noel and OC would prefer 80's to the 100's, but It's just a bit too warm for my liking.

So Gena got sick at school yesterday and is still not feeling well today so she's home with hubby, since the company he was working for through the temp agency decided that they don't want him back. Not sure what happened and they won't say, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they don't like that he told the temp agency about their new pay docking policy for unapproved absences and late arrivals.

They are implementing a policy that if you are late by even 1 minute or miss a day without prior approval they will reduce your pay by $3 per hour for 2 weeks. So hubby being concerned about it, called the temp agency. Within an hour, he got a call back saying that he's not to return to work. So the saga continues for us.

Kat - to answer your question from yesterday, no I haven't evicted the tenant yet. And at the moment, as much as I want him gone, I'm glad that I haven't, seeing that hubby was let go again yesterday.

Lil0 - what a miserable start to your day.

Noel - really hope you get cooler weather soon, it's been too hot for too long.
Manda: sorry to hear that your husband is out a job once again. Sometimes a job seems great but falls through, whatever the reason. Mostly I am concerned for you as the entire financial responsibility is resting on your shoulders once again. I was there once. That's why we move here as Hubs had a great offer, and it can be a burden.

Good thing you still have rental income to hopefully lessen the load a little. Sweet little Gena is not feeling well again? Sure hope she is feeling better by the end of the day and your weekend is a good one. And it is time for autumn weather where you are so fingers crossed the temperatures drop below 80 for you.
Good morning. Manda, you are in one of those spells where it just doesn't seem to let up. I'm so sorry about this latest setback. I pray things will level out for you soon.

Lil0, those rude awakenings are not a fun way to start a day! I hope the rest of your day is relatively uneventful.

Noel, I hope your errands and projects go as planned this weekend. I also can't believe Sept. is half gone!

We're supposed to reach 100* again today, then it tapers off to the mid-90s* for the coming days. I'm debating on taking down my hummingbird feeders. Saw one bird a few days ago. I have some paperwork and phone calls to do today. Must drive over and check for cows in the road first though.

A good day to all.
Morning all.

It is Friday and I may have Saturday off from weekend chores with the stepmom. I won't know until tonight. Fingers crossed. She is moving Monday and says she doesn't need help. If she gets the key to the new place today, I'll go over and help her move the kitchen and bathroom stuff. She can pretend she is at a hotel Sunday and Monday morning.

Manda - I hope the dark cloud lifts sooner rather than later. I hope Gena feels better.

Noel - it was 77 outside this morning so I've got the house open. I'll close it shortly, but boy does it feel nice to bring in fresh dusty air. :rotfl:

Lil0 - I hate that beeping noise. And it doesn't help that I'm vertically challenged, so in addition to locating the offending alarm, I have to drag a step-stool around to silence the dang thing.

Have a great Friday all. This is a day of meetings, because you can better support your customer base if you have your support in meetings 4 of the 8 hours they work.
Good morning....also hate the beeping....but better than the smoke alarm itself going off, happened to us once......and NO SMOKE in house. Can you imagine hunting all over to try and find the invisible smoke that set it off? We thought maybe electric wire behind a wall or something. Nope, nothing.

Changed the battery, but sure was scary. We once had this beeping and could not find the alarm.....it was downstairs, was the carbon monoxide one. Swear we have alarms everywhere here, too many. LOL

Mandy, does seem that problems keep piling up. Have faith. Gotta be a rainbow coming.

We have another 80° day today, but is to get a bit cooler Sunday, along with rain, of course,
Amen Poirot - I know God has a plan, he just hasn't revealed it to us yet. Hubby's planning to call the gentleman from the plumbing supply company that was interested in hiring him a few weeks ago as we found they still had the job posted yesterday. And in the meantime, I've put in applications for a few other places, and the temp agency is also working hard to find a new placement.

Smoke detectors can sure be a hassle sometimes, but goodness knows they sure are important.

Robin - hope your stepmom's move is hassle free and requires no assistance from you, for a change.

OC - hope your cows are behaving themselves today. :)
Another summer like day here. I'll be going out Sat afternoon and trim the
lily leaves back in flowerbed. I want to make sure nothing is hiding under them.
Cat was
outside last night so digger didn't come by. Rain in forecast early next week.

Smoke detectors are a hassle. Mine usually go off in the middle of the night.
bedroom doesn't have detector. I couldn't make it stop beeping so I took it off the wall.

manda, sorry about your hubby's job. I'll start praying again. I hope Gena
feels better soon.

robin, good luck with your stepmom's move. At least, she's not moving far.

I hope everyone enjoys their afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon. I've had a nice weather day. It's been mostly cloudy, a slight breeze and high of 89* F. There are some wildflowers that bloom just under the edge of my house at this time of year. I still don't know what they are, but I believe they grow from a bulb. The leaves look like chives or green onions. I'll post it here and maybe I can do a reverse image search that will lead me identifying the plant. I've looked online many times and can't find the right description.

OC: Hope your cows were not misbehaving this morning, and you enjoyed the drive before a day of paperwork.

Robin: yes, but it was cooler dusty air this morning!

Poirot: our smoke alarm is in the hallway and it always goes off at night. The first time I awoke out of a deep sleep thinking a giant cricket must be in the house because the chirping was so loud. I laughed at myself!

Kat: good news your kitty on patrol keeps the varmit away! Enjoy working in your garden tomorrow.

KT: those are very pretty and delicate. Do they have a scent? Enjoy their adornment around your house!

JS: Wishing you a great Friday too.
Beautiful flowers, KT, please let us know if you find out what they are.

Kat, your cat must be really tough! Some of the diggers you suspect are pretty large (and armored); the cat would let you know if it was a skunk! :eek:

The 9-year old microwave has had it; will need a new one. Just called Frigidaire customer service, and asked if they still made one that used the same mounting brackets. That would make it much easier to switch out. The operator gave me a model number; the search begins. :)

In the meantime, I remembered the countertop oven holding forth in the basement. It turned out to be much heavier than I expected, but I finally wrestled it up the stairs, and on to the table. Upon checking the info plate on the back, found out that it was made in 1986! :eek: Hopefully, it will work until a new one arrives; I don't think that I will be the one who will carry it back down the stairs. :eek: :eek:

Manda, I hope your husband finds a job that he likes. Unemployment is very stressful, I have a shirt that I could post!

OC, that mile of fence sounds like a real mess of work! I gues that raising cattle is not all fun and games! :eek:

All of you have a great evening!
You will not believe this one. During the shooting at the school on Monday, one of the parents parked their car along Hwy 27, which 100's of people did. Someone stole their purse and racked up $36,000 on her credit cards. I didn't think this could happen. I thought your bank or credit union would stop it. Sick people out there. I can see running off and leaving my purse in the car.

Lil0 - it's such an awful beep when the alarm runs low on batteries. Thank goodness it wasn't in the middle of the night.

Noel - you poor thing, you have suffered all summer in that heat. I can't believe September is half over also. We can only hope October through March goes just as fast. But if I could trade places with you, I wouldn't wish for the time to hurry along. LOL

Manda - so sorry the woes that have come your way all summer. It's just gotta get better soon. I hope Gena feels better real soon. Poor thing has had her share of illness since schools started.

OC - I hope you found the cows where they are supposed to be and didn't have to round them up.

Robin - good luck with your meetings. I really despise meetings on Fridays.

Poirot - enjoy your 80 degree day. You haven't had many of them all summer.

Kat - enjoy your summer-like day as they are getting shorter and shorter and fewer in-between.

KT - they look like they are from the lily family. Pretty!

Have a great day.
Just saw a video (store camera) of an elderly white hair woman, using a motorized cart in a supermarket. She is looking for something on the shelves at eye level. A woman walks by, looks down under the woman's cart, then stands behind her, off to the side a bit. When the woman reaches into the shelf for the item, the other young woman reaches down, grabs the purse and walks off.

This was a police video, asking if you can I.D. the thief. I was appalled. An elderly lady, disabled, and easy pickins, I guess.
Shan: it is hard for us to believe someone could be so cruel because we cannot imagine being that selfishly greedy. A mother's mind would only be on the safety of her child at a time like that shooting. Hope your weekend is a peaceful and restful one.

JS: definitely there is no consistency between financial institutions on procedures for credit card theft!! Or account info theft and they do not invest the funds to protect our data.

Poirot: I saw that clip on late news last night and it brought tears to my eyes. An elderly disabled woman being independent and self-providing vs a lazy, selfish young woman lacking compassion and character.

JS the carabinder clip is one I am going to use. Smart.
Kt, have you looked at "False Garlic," sometimes called, "Crow Poison?" These look something like what we call, "Wild Onions," which grow wild in our yard, so I looked at the white flower section in my Texas Wildflowers book and found ours are probably False Garlic so I looked online. The ones in our yard are quite small. I don't know how big yours are. They may just look big in the picture.
KT here is a photo of False Garlic, a member if the lily family.


Thanks for posting a picture, Noel.

Okay, I read some more and I think what we have here really is Wild Onion. It says the False Garlic is a mimic of the Wild Onion. Wild onion really does smell like onion, while the False Garlic just smells like grass. The onion can be eaten. The garlic is mildly toxic.