9-24-19 - Donuts & Nightmares


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Good morning beautiful people!

I haven't had a nightmare in over 20 years. But I had one Saturday night, and I remember it. I won't go into detail about it because it was super weird, but at the end I thought I was being thrown into the air and I am afraid of falling, so I was screaming. Hubby woke me up because apparently I was real life screaming.

I have been super tired, unable to catch up since. Haven't had anymore nightmares, just super sleepy.

Today, I got to work an hour early and slept in my car. Now I'm a fog, haha, but the sleep was good so I'm glad I did it. And I have such a busy weekend, I may or may not get a nap on Sunday. But I hope I do get a nap on Sunday, because I'm going to need it!

I'll be fine, that's why God made coffee beans! Coffee will keep me going this week. So thankful for another day in this crazy busy and wonderful life! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
This morning, I woke up early and hoped to get back to sleep. Then I heard thunder and
remembered rain early today. Rain had just started. Goldie and I went before 5:30. We
walk very long. Right now, it's pouring.

Yesterday, I went after 5:30 PM and raked up most of the grass that was left.

Today is canasta day. I was planning to go to the Walmart on that side of town. I won't
now because of the rain.

DaysLady, sorry to hear about your nightmare. It's good you wouldn't alone when
you had it. I've woken myself up screaming. God me different. I don't drink coffee
and I'm not suppose to have caffeine anymore. Have a good rest of the week.

Wishing everyone a the best day they possibly have.

This is the song I thought of when Goldie and I were out walking early.

Oh, my gosh, I used to love Johnny Ray........Walking In the Rain, The Little White Cloud that Cried.....lol. Good morning folks. Glad AZ finally got some badly needed rain.......and you've been expecting rain, Kat, so glad it finally arrived. Last night our weatherman noted that we had the hottest July in several years, and we have had above average temps the last 3 months, and even Sept. so far. Also, above average rainfall June, July & Sept.
Watched that Country Music special on PBS the other night, my goodness, the things one learns...Johnny Cash was hooked on pills, June Carter would not marry him because of it, he finally went to a rehab place, and got clean, she married him. Roger Miller was also a drug addict, don't think he ever stopped. Merle Haggard was such a trouble prone fellow, constantly sent to jail, kept escaping (17 times he said) that the last time he got sent to San Quenton. I had watched an earlier one, about the beginnings of country music, this one also told of how Nashville became the country music center, too.(resisted for some by the upper class wealthy folks for some time). Was interesting.......Am not a country music fan, but I like some of it......
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Oh Kat, I love that song! I bet Goldie was glad to get out for a walk, even if it was cut short. Will you still go to Canasta?

DaysLady, dreams like that are unsettling. Glad you got a nap in the car. Hey, take it wherever you can get it--so long as the car is parked! :)

Wondering if Lil0's finch survived.

Also wondering about our desert friends who got the rain and flash flood--and yes, even a little twister.

I haven't had my breakfast yet but I had to stop in and say I saw a rainbow this morning, for just a couple of minutes. Looks like it rained another tenth or two during the night. Have been getting about one tenth for the past couple of nights. It is quite overcast now and may rain a little more but a little while ago the early morning sun (at back of my house) popped through the clouds and was like a spotlight on the trees out front. It was so pretty, then I noticed part of a rainbow between some of the trees. Went to my deck to get a better look and it was already gone. Now I'm trying to think if I've ever seen a rainbow in the west before. As I think about them, they always seem to be in the east.

Poirot, I was a Johnny Ray fan too.
P.S. DaysLady.........that is pretty upsetting about the nightmare......my daughter has some kind that began in her teen years, she wakes up screaming, thrashing around........so I do understand how upsetting it is. Hopefully, it won't happen again. (I dream a lot, wake up dreaming, so never watch horror movies, or those kinds of things any more. LOL. When I was a kid, I remember waking up convinced King Kong was in my closet. Ha. )
Good morning.
Yes, the little bird is still with me. This morning my cats discovered that I was harboring him! I moved him to a new location, and [so far] they haven't found him. Makes me realize that it would not be a good idea to have any kind of bird pet as long as I have cats!!! I've learned this morning that we have a local vet who does "wild animal" rescue work. I will take this little guy to him this morning. Hope he can fix his wing.

I will try to get some more painting done in my guest room today. The closet is finished, and that has inspired me to take on the room itself. Wish me good energy.
Hi all. I had a good doctor appt yesterday. My blood pressure is staying good. Now this I have another visit with the pastor. But I have a birthday gift for him since his birthday was yesterday. And it's kind of funny. He goes the same doctor as I do. I had seen him at the clinic. He must have been right before me.
Good morning everyone and thank you all for the words of support yesterday. I agree it's unfortunate that the actual person who doesn't want to work is abusing the system and programs for people in actual need of assistance. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what the report states. RS, you had asked the age of this girl......she is 44 and apparently there were issues in the last department she worked in but they are sealed and confidential so things are not on the up and up with her. So stupid. Grrrrr!!! I'm just feeling like I'm going through the motions of being at work and you can just feel the tension in the air from everyone. There are 14 people in our office, 5 of us were hit with the formal allegations and 8 others were called to provide their witness accounts. The last person is the one who has been feeding information from our office out to her and he has been thrown under the bus by many of us in the office. What gets me is that she has attacked the core of who I am that could potentially be on official records. With respects to her potentially losing her job? Nope, that won't happen because it's the government and the union will protect bad employees it turns out.

What I did find out is that the 40 hours of sick time that I've had to use may be reimbursed back to me because had these allegations not be brought against and if they are proven invalid, I think I will apply to get this sick time back.

Not much going on other than trying to get caught up a bit at work, our friend who has been having some troubles lately is coming over to have diner with Mike and watch Seinfeld while I'm at volleyball.

Lil0, I was also wondering about the finch and what you'll do. Let us know how it goes. OH and Lil0, I read a bit about your trip down memory lane and how much has changed since you were there last. I believe you said, Langley, right? At any rate, what a great memory to have done this with your grand daughter.

Noel and Robin, glad you gals are getting some rain but WOW, that water sure accumulates and flows fast.

RK, Glad to hear your doctor's appointment was good. Feels great to get that healthy report doesn't it.

DaysLady, Been there with nightmares. They can feel so real and sometimes you know you are sleeping but kind of paralyzed for a moment. Those are scary. Glad you're husband was with you to watch over you.

Kat, have a great day and fun at Canasta. Have you started any fall clean up yet?

OC, I hear ya on your comments on poor behaviour and the way society seems to be now. I would also add that people just will not be accountable for their own decisions, actions, behaviour but rather always need someone to blame for why something happened instead of taking a look at one's own choices and how that may have contributed to the negative situation or interaction.

Well, I must get caught up on work so I hope everyone has a great day.
I did a Bible study this morning since was I going out later. I checked the forecast and
the rain is going to be heavier when I'm suppose to leave. We're also under a flood watch.
So, I decided not to go to canasta. I'm a good driver, but it's the others on the road that
causes problems.

So, now I'm cleaning in my office. I moved things to the other room because the plant outside
needs to come back in soon. And I bought another plant to keep inside. I decided I need
help with decorating my home. I have pictures never put on the walls. The curtains are the
same since I moved in. I always thought this would be a temporary place. I've been here
12 years.

Muzzaman, thanks for the update. Interesting to learn she's done it before. That's a red flag.

OC, I'm glad you saw a rainbow. Would you like some of my rain :)

Lil0, I'm glad your cats didn't have a bird dinner. I hope the vet can fix the bird.

rk, great news about your blood pressure. Have a good visit with the pastor.

Poirot, I'm glad you're enjoying the PBS special.
Morning Everyone,

Another cool morning today, but not quite as cool as yesterday as I did not need my jacket today.

Last night Gena and I stopped at the music store to get her beginners cello lesson book, and the anchor strap thing for the pin on the bottom. We also picked up resin (for the bow) a cleaning cloth, and a music stand for when she practices at home. The only requirements for school were the book and anchor strap, but I know resin is needed for the bow and since we are renting it from the school, I wanted to make sure we had some, the other items were recommended by the salesman at the store, the cloth makes sense, keeps the strings clean from rosin powder, and the stand well hard to play when you can't see the music.

As for my appointment with the police sergeant, that was very draining, she has full access to all the reported violations, including the photos of the text messages and the recordings of the voicemails, so rather that go over that, we went over the history of our relationship and how his abuse progressed, how the phone calls and voicemails make me feel, and Gena's and my reactions to them, how we feel having to file the complaints, what we are doing to maintain our safety.

She did give me kudos for leaving so quickly, she said most abuse victims try to leave 6 times, before successfully leaving on the 7th, she was amazed that it left on the 2nd attempt. She did say that there is a very strong case to add charges for stalking, so I guess that's good news in that he will face the consequences of his actions, even though he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. Dredging through the history and my feelings was very hard though, I'm not usually one to share my feelings at least not the hard/bad stuff, I deal better with facts.

Robin & Noel - I'm glad you got the rain, but yikes that's a lot of rain for a short time, and a tornado on top of it, scary.

Muzz - that woman sounds like my ex, narcissist to the bone. I hope they ship her off to some icy place in Nunavut. I hope you enjoy volleyball tonight, after all you've been through you deserve a fun filled evening.

Lil0 - I'm glad the little bird is still surviving, I hope he/she will be healed and flying soon.

Kat - So sorry you'll have to miss Canasta, better safe than sorry, best of luck on organizing your office.

RK - glad you had a good check-up, enjoy your visit with your pastor today.

DaysLady - vivid dreams like that are scary, Gena has them from time to time, but not as much now as she used to. I hope they leave you alone from now on.
Good Morning. The sky is slightly cloudy this morning and that makes me very happy! Supposedly we have a chance for rain later this afternoon -- but at 30% I am not counting on it. There were so many rescues and accidents due to flooding in the whole Valley area. Why people try to drive across a former street that now looks & flows like a river has always been totally beyond my comprehension!

Days: hoping you never have a nightmare like that again! Also hope you can catch a few naps before Sunday.

Muzzaman, what an update. So she has a history of this type of actions which should be a clue she has issues!

Poirot: glad you enjoy the music Kat posted and it brings back sweet memories.

Kat: thanks for posting this song -- I had never heard it before but it made some of our member smile.

OC, a rainbow is a lovely morning gift to start your day.

Lil0, so glad the little tweeter survived the night and you have a rescue vet nearby to treat him. Oh and how smart of you to move his cage away from the cats pathways.

rk, great news your BP is stable. Enjoy your visit with your pastor today as you share his birthday gift.

Manda: what an emotionally draining experience for you to relive the history of abuse by your ex. The fact that they are pursuing every detail means you are more secure and that is a very good thing. Hope you can relax and just enjoy Gena tonight.

Robin: stay dry out there in case of more rain on the east side today.
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Morning all..... we are cloudy and something happened close buy sirens going down the street.... the way people drive it's amazing we don't hear more of it here... Hunny Bunny was in the kitchen trying to count the Quail that came by for breakfast.... unfortunately the heavy rain broke apart the small remains of the quail block so they have to work for the seed a bit more.... He will be going to the store to get another block..... wow even more sirens.....

happy Tuesday all
Noel - sadly, tonight I'll have to have the police over to file a complaint about the last few days worth of phone calls and text messages. The officer yesterday could only add 1 to the report as it came in while I was working. I really just want him to leave me alone.

Noel & Robin - be safe as you venture out today, I'm sure there's still deep water around.
It just started pouring again. The sides of my house where water sits are full again.
They haven't been that way the last two times it rained. The bird bath is overflowing
and river is back behind my house :)

They just added two more flood warnings.

manda, I wish there was a way you could block him. Can you get a new phone number?
I guess that would be hard with all your friends and family. Enjoy your day.

robin and Noel, be safe driving today. Has the temperature gotten cooler?
I believe you said, Langley,
Yes, and when I lived there it was "Langley Prairie". They changed the name in the late '50s or early '60s I think.

Muzz, could this woman be charged with slander? Or is she protected from that via "whistleblower" type laws? How frustrating that she can do so much damage to so many lives and not be held accountable in some way.

Manda, I'm sure that session was draining, but I'm pleased and impressed that a police officer would spend the time to process that with you. She's right -- so many people in abusive situations do not leave soon enough. And some pay with their lives.

I think the vet's office is open now, so I will take my little finch in to see what can be done.
Good afternoon everyone. Back from school, and having my lunch. It is a beautiful fall day after the cold front and rain passed through yesterday.

DaysLady - I'm so sorry that you had the terrifying nightmare.

kat - Thank you for the wonderful music. Sounds like a wise choie to stay home with those flood warnings.

Poirot - I love the different series that Ken Burns makes for PBS.

OC - You can see a rainbow in the west in the morning. Rainbows always occur in the opposite direction of where the sun is in the sky.

Lil0 - I hope the vet can help the bird.

Muzza - WHAT?!?!? That woman is 44 years old, and has done this before!!! Oh Lordy, she has entitlement or mental health issues. Here, no union would protect her if she made a habit of making allegations. Yep, I still say she's trying to get a monetary pay out. I wonder if the 5 of you could ban together and file a civil suit against her?

Amanda - I'm so thankful that you have such support from all of the police, DA office folks, caseworkers, etc. It sounds like they're all working hard to build a strong case against him.

Noel & robinsnest- Sending wishes for a nice gentle rain and lower temps for you.
Manada, I can send the girl that after me and everyone at work and put her onto your ex!!! I'm so sorry for all of this. You mention it is hard for you to open up about your feelings but I think that was a good thing. Keeping things bottled and just sticking to facts can be draining when what you need is a big huge release of emotion to move forward. I'm on your side!!

I hear all of you. I don't know if it can be slander because at the end of the day these allegations just seem like sticks and stones. RS, we all think the same. We feel she is going after a big payout and especially if this doesn't go her way which I'm hopeful it will not. Once the report is provided to us, I think we may meet as a group see what our options are. In all honesty, this has taken such a mental drain on me that if she just went away I could just walk away and continue to do my job as I have been but parts of me feel I owe it to my office and those who have been hurt by this. At the least, I'm gong to fight to get my 40 hours of sick time back.
Muzz - I know it's good to talk about our feelings, that's why I have Gena in counselling, I've just never been good at it, a trait I get from my mom and dad both. That being said, I know I need to get into counseling myself and will be doing that in the very near future, as it's part of the order of protection for Gena, I need to make sure to meet all of my requirements or risk having her removed from my home too.

Poirot - I forgot you mentioned that PBS series, I missed it this week, but I've been watching the past few weeks. It's very good, I liked the few weeks before it started when they were talking about making the series.

RS - I'm glad the rain stopped for you, at least for now.