9-25-17 - Donuts and Hot!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. The weather folks and the hospitals here have been putting out warnings about this unseasonable heat. Many people are suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion. The high today is going up to the low 90s again. (It should be 60* to 65*)

I'm off to another school in a few minutes. This one is only 30 minutes away. At least they have a separate entrance for the preschool rooms so I don't have to sign in at the main office then schlep my equipment through the entire elementary school.

Have a good day everyone.
Do you have something with wheels that helps you move your stuff? Carrying things a long distance doesn't sound like much fun!

My son, and his girlfriend, paid a long visit yesterday, which was very nice. We watched football, something I seldom do. :drunk:

The warmer weather has been great. Have been taking the opportunity to do some last-ditch deck-sitting. :)

Hoping for a good day for everyone; take care!
Good morning. Sounds like the east in Canada and U.S. are getting a summer now. We will be 10 degrees above the normal average for this time of year so looking forward to the coming few weeks. I love this time of year when you get the crisp days but feel the hot sun on your face. My weekend was great. As I mentioned on Saturday, helped a friend pack up her moving truck, babysat after that and yesterday was our day to do have a day to ourselves and made no commitments. We woke up hopped in the t-bird and drove downtown for breakfast in our old hood. After that we came home and I mowed the grass for the last time of the season, cut back the day lilies and pruned our bushes and trees.

I also received a call from the call back audition I went on for Mary Poppins and I am so happy that I got the role of George Banks and not the role of Burt. As Poirot mentions, he skips a bit but not a lot of dancing, at least in the movie. I don't know about the stage version. At any rate, I'm glad it worked out this way. It really works out because after moving out of downtown to the southwest of Calgary, I said I wouldn't do any theatre due to the distance to and from rehearsals and getting home so late then having to get up at 5:00am. That killed me during the run of Heathers last years. The rehearsals are in a church about 15 minutes away as opposed to 45 minutes away and the play is being held in the church theatre only on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday for 3 weekends as opposed to 18 shows in 2 weeks.

This week is a short work week for me as I have Friday off. We will be busy cleaning the house and would like to finish the painting we started last weekend. We only have the kitchen left to paint but it will be tedious due to all the corners and cut ins. We have some friends arriving from Vancouver on Friday so I'll pick them up in the morning, head home and start cooking some appetizers for a poker party I'm hosting. There'll be 8 of us and we set a $50 buy in so the pot will be a nice size for someone to win.

RS - You package came faster than I was told. Canada Post told me it'd take about 4 business days and sounds like it already arrived. In all of my excitement to send it, I realized I didn't put ANYTHING in there for the Calgary Flames. LOL! Oh well.

A.Guy - Enjoy your back deck while you can, A. Guy. Winter comes early, doesn't it?

Have a good day everyone.
I have a friend who is a staunch Catholic, went to Catholic grammar school, high school, is very religous, and she cannot stand Sound of Music movie, lol. And her husband loves it.

So............Let's Go Fly a Kite.......(song from Mary Poppins)

Have had a few showers this a.m. tis 70, which is pretty good since the high today was supposed to be 65. LOL. So, the warm front has not yet moved out. Tis humid, too. Makes it feel warmer. Sun is breaking out.....yesterday it was 'raining' pine needles. Ha.
Morning all.

I've worked as a stage hand. Unlike our Muzz, I have no talent and no desire to be on the stage but LOVE working live theatre, so working as a stage hand or costumer (sometimes both) is where I found my niche in theatre. I totally understand your views on Sound of Music. I like it better than Show Boat or Oliver. I can't stand Oliver. I like Mary Poppins, but I think it is because my mother loved it. So when I watch it, it's like I'm watching with her.

Christmas Eve at my sisters we watch Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol. I don't know why, but we do. (yes, we are weird folks)

Another warm but hopefully under triples today. It is so delightful this morning. If Noel got up early before she had to get the kids ready, I'll bet she sat out on her deck. It is that cool and delightful this am.

Off to the walk to the office day.
Good morning. At least I hope it is good for some, if not all of you. I had a very restless night, up and down, with the migraine that doesn't want to quit. This morning I was dreaming about wire gates when I woke up. I got up and nibbled less than half a piece of toast and took a migraine pill. Trying to get settled enough to eat some breakfast. May have to see if I can sleep a little more first.

I think some of you will be getting cool downs soon, maybe. Our 100* days seem to finally be gone. We're to have a high of 85* today and then 70*s in the coming days. Rain in the forecast all week. It's not here yet but is cloudy and breezy.
Muzza, what would your reaction be if you got a casting call for "The Wizard of Oz?" What character would you be willing to play? :) I'm glad the nice weather is giving you a chance to drive your T-Bird, before winter hits!
Morning Everyone,

Late start for me as I had a doctor appointment this morning. Nothing major, just a med checkup.
Another hot day here, upper 80's with rain later tonight, just about the time I get done with work as I'm covering the late shift today.

Our Girl Scout Troop hike on Saturday was very nice. We took a wonderful shady trail, which made the 90*+ weather tolerable, and the girls were all prepared with their own water bottles, plus we brought 3 extras for each person just in case. They were fascinated by the uprooted trees and being able to see the root systems, as well as all the different kinds of birds that were around that we never see in the city.

Muzz - congrats on getting the part of George. I can imagine you as more of a baker type than a chimney sweep. :)

RS - glad you're feeling well enough to be back to work.

JS - I love all those movies you've never seen. My 1 sister and I used to watch them all the time with our mom. My absolute favorite old movie is 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.

OC - I hope your migraine is gone soon.

robin - I'm with you, I'd rather help build sets and work with make-up and costumes than perform. I've never seen the Mr Magoo Christmas Carol. I usually watch the Mickey Mouse version.

A.Guy - glad you are appreciating the warm weather. I'm ready for cooler temps.

Poirot - I hope the humidity drops for you soon.
Monday, Monday, "just like that day"!

So far our morning has been one wacky obstacle after another first from the children, and then the pets. Well it keeps you laughing despite yourself or the cost of repair. This week can only get better. [wink]

Squirrel: we have heat warnings too despite being the hot spot of the country most months. But the midwest/south is really scorching for this late in the year. The weather this year is weird, like Poirot's comment yesterday autumn just stopped in its tracks. Sure hope your day goes well on the elementary side of the school, that you continue to heal from the flu/pneumonia with no relapses, and find A/C everywhere you travel!

AGuy: you are one of a handful of people who I know who watched NFL yesterday. Many, many people have finished with the game due to its politicization. Glad you & your son could chill, communicate and enjoy a typical American past time together. Have a nice Monday.

JS: please rent the original Walt Disney film of Mary Poppins and enjoy it!

Muzza: so very excited for you! Hope some one films a click to post on YouTube so we can watch your performance someday!

Poirot: hope the warm front moves out quickly, and you return to the beautiful Autumn weather at the lake.

Robin: yes, she awoke early and did sit on the deck and chat with Hubs. I never can awake without waking him up because he sleeps so lightly. Anyway it was lovely this morning. Someone please scare away the Halloween gremlins early who are returning us to 98-99F this week! Boo!

Breaking this long post up into two.
JS: what are we going to do with you, lady? You have never seen White Christmas? How about Holiday Inn? The Bishop's Wife? Those are my favorite classic Christmas movies. Well, at least you have access to Mr. Magoo because otherwise what would we talk about during the holidays? Oh, I am certain you have seen A Christmas Story, right?:huh:[wink]

OC: oh my that migraine is still hanging on from yesterday? How exhausting and irritating! Sure hope you can lie nap for a while and let the medication do what it does best. Then maybe a good breakfast? Glad to hear your high temps are finally leaving for good this week. Please send that chill train in our direction.

AGuy: hope your Monday is a good one!

Manda: delighted to hear the Girl Scout hike was a great success and the girls had so much fun learning about nature. And you were "always prepared" with extra water, etc. Sure hope your weather begins to cool down too so you can enjoy the beauty of Autumn soon.

Well, I think I am the last to post this Monday morning, but wishing each of you a great week!

Hi everyone!

It's cloudy and only in the 70s (although humid) here thanks to Hurricane Maria moving up the coast. It's just funny that it's cooler here than up north.

Muzz, congrats on the part.

I abhor the Sound of Music.

Manda, glad the troop had a fun hike.

Noel, are the kids putting holes in the wall again?:rotfl:

I developed a cold over the past few days so I'm just trying to relax before going to work.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Oh, JS! I am actually very jealous of you! That is awesome!!! I love that movie and think it still holds the test of time for today. I adore Cary Grant, but David Niven was also hilarious. And that sweet little Debbie/Zuzu was wonderful. I hope she is healthy, happy and prosperous today! Kudos! on your treasure!!!:clap:
Back from school, and made a stop at the post office on the way to the office. I wasn't home Saturday when the mailman tried to deliver a certain lost bet box from Canada.

I now officially abdicate my title of "Queen of Tape". I pass my crown and scepter to Muzzaman who from this day forward shall be known as "King of Tape". There had to be at least a half roll of packing tape on the outside and inside layers of that box.

I cut up two of the candy bars for my co-workers to try. We all agree on both of them.
- The Nestle Coffee Crisp is delicious. It tastes like the Italian dessert, tiramisu !
- The Nestle Big Turk is kind of odd. The taste is good, but the texture is strange. Think of rose water flavored gummy surrounded by delicious chocolate.

My co-workers are pestering me to open the ketchup flavored crisps, but I'm hiding those. LOL
Noel, my guests play fantasy football, which gave them another excuse to watch. :) The antics of these players will probably end up being pretty expensive stunts.

I absolutely hate what some people are doing/trying-to-do to this country, and the world. Most are probably what Lenin referred to as "useful idiots," and I can work up a modicum of pity for them. As for the ones that know better, and lie to feather their own nests, I have nothing but contempt. The Bible tells us not to hate, but that is a huge challenge for me. Rant over, sorry!

And, back to topic, all this talk about favorite movies has reminded me to ask JS if she was able to watch "Jaws," during "Shark Week?" :)