9-26-16 - Donuts and rain


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Dec 29, 2012
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When I went to bed last night, it started raining. Yeah. The high should be in the 70s today.
I would work outside this morning, if Goldie didn't have to go to the vet today.

I posted another video on my YouTube site last week with the butterfly bush. I finally had a Monarch
butterfly come by. I read that earlier in the year millions died in Mexico when trees were destroyed

Here's link again if you want to see videos

I hope everyone has a good day without any pain.
Good rainy morning to you all........yep, rained most of yesterday, then sun came out for a few hours, then clouded up again, rained during night, overcast today, more rain in forecast. Only to get to 60 today.

Was surprised to see how much the trees had turned in just 3 days as I came home from church yesterday. I know it is that time of year, though. Said it will happen fast, since it has taken so long.
Good morning everyone!

A little overcast but the sun is trying to peek out. It's only 72 so we're finally having fall weather.

What a lovely video kat. The butterflies make it seem more like spring than fall.

Enjoy your color change Poirot.

Hope your day stays calm robin.

Working 3-10 today. Hopefully my night isn't too crazy.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Good morning everyone. I haven't totally disappeared. School screenings plus weekend health fairs for the state senators and representatives are keeping me super busy. I'm just making a quick stop in the office before heading out to my second school district for today.

A weather note......it was 47* when I left for Mass yesterday.

Noel, I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. Boy, you sure do seem to pick up some strange germs/ bacteria / illnesses.
Morning All,

Noel - hope they can figure out what is wrong and that you feel better soon.

I'm sorry to have been so very absent, but all the pain meds made me tired. Today I'm back at work. My voice is still rough and I still have a little pain, but not too bad.

I've been enjoying the fall colors as well, lots of red in the trees this year, which is my favorite.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Good morning all. Noel, I almost cried when I heard about the nasal gastric tube. Such a miserable thing! I pray you can get past this awful stuff soon.

Manda, it's great seeing you are able to get back to work. Wishing continued healing for you.

Squirrel, I'd been wondering about you. Glad you are okay, just busy.

Kat, thanks for the link. I enjoy your nature clips. I hope Goldie is okay. I almost said the cat. Did the cat's paw get all right? It was the cat, wasn't it? I've been in such a fog lately, there's no telling what all I say wrong.

IamRed, glad you are getting some cooler weather. Hope you have a calm work day.

Robin, maybe not much happening in your world is a good thing for now. Enjoy your day.

Poirot, I don't even know what to say about all your rain. Even with what we've had here, the air begins to smell moldy to me. But it would be nice to have some of your fall colors. That red tree you posted was so, so beautiful. Only in PA have I ever seen such red colors.

Another sleepless night here. I'm rum drum this morning. Need to make some business phone calls. Spent the weekend exchanging e-mails with hunters and beekeeper, trying to work out timing so one won't interfere with the other. Everything is still very green here--more so than usual, due to extra rain. Usually by this time leaves have turned brown and have started falling because it gets so hot and dry in August and into September. My yard is a nightmare. The mower guy finally made it to my niece's place, so I think he would have come here next but then it rained two inches. I'll be wearing boots to go outside until at least Friday.
Good afternoon everyone,

Partly cloudy and 75F today--supposed to rain tonight. The past two nights have only bee 50F, so hopefully the mosquitoes are dying. But our leaves are still all green. I have a feeling this fall will be like last, where the colors don't really change till November.

I did withdraw from my Bio & Lab, and will be taking a geology & lab online to take its place. That way, I have a longer break between classes Monday afternoons, and can go home earlier on Mondays and Wednesdays than I used to.

It's a good day today. I got an 88 on my Spanish test from last week. And looking forward to tonight's debate.

Hope all of you have a good day.
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Sherlock, the cat, is fine. He was his old self a couple days after the vet visit. Goldie went in for her yearly shots.

We had an encounter with a neighbor this morning. She was walking her dog without
the leash on. She had it with her and I mentioned the dog needed to be have it on since it's the law. I also told her one time her dog was out and it wanted to bother Goldie. The house has a backyard fence so why did she put dog out in the front?

I tried to tell her nicely, but she didn't act very nice. She put her dog on the extendable leash and then the dog ran at Goldie and tried to nibble on her. I don't use a leash like that. Anyway, further up the sidewalk she told the dog they had to get away from the crazy lady. I laughed.

manda, I hope you had a good day at work.

rs, I hope your work slows down soon.

robin and red, I hope your day went well.

Noel, I hope you didn't have to get that tube.
Kat - I feel like the day just won't end. I'm so tired and could really use a nap, but I'm stuck until 4:45. And I forgot to do my reading for my class tomorrow, so I get to do that when I get home. It's shower night for Gena, so I should get a nice quiet half hour to at least skim the 30 some pages in the chapter.

In reference to the neighbor, we have a neighbor like that with 2 big Golden Retrievers. He used to let them wander all over the neighborhood without a leash. We talked to him once about it as we don't like finding dog "leftovers" in the front yard. He ignored us, of course, so the next 2 times we called the non-emergency police line. He ended up with a citation and a fine after the second occurrence. Now they are always on a leash and he cleans up the mess. We tried to be nice, but it didn't work. If I wanted doggy droppings in my yard I'd have my own dog.
Well the weather for the weekend was exactly the opposite of what the weatherman predicted. Kind of hard to make plans around here. Friday night was our ValleyFest parade and the weather was predicted to be beautiful. The parade starts at 7:50 and it was raining so hard. Saturday was to be beautiful, windy and cloudy all day. Sunday was to be sunny and 76, cloudy and windy until about 1:00PM!

We worked in the yard on Saturday and did some geocaching on Sunday. Pool is all closed now and that is so depressing; 7 1/2 months until we open it again. Ember was so bummed. Her parents joined the YMCA so she can swim all winter long.

Hope all of you fighting migraines and poor Noel get better soon.
Many years ago, I was out walking and I took my son's dog with me for protection. She was a large, black, sweet as can be, lab. She was on a leash and I was holding it. We come to a street, I see someone working in the yard with two dogs out unleashed. So I crossed the street and walked down the other side. The little dogs came charging after me and my dog, snarling and snapping.

The Lab picked up one shook it and broke it's back. When I tried to pick it up to return it to the owner, it tried to bite me too, which was a bit more understandable. My cost to fix the dog bites to my dog was $200 and the owners of the other dogs came after me to replace their "prize winning champion show dog".

Luckily I called the police as soon as I got home and reported being attacked by two dogs while walking mine and gave them the name of a witness. Someone who had also reported these amazing owners for their free spirit dog ownership. So I was able to point them to the police report and when I handed them the bill to fix my dog, they tore it up and threw it at me. Lab and I changed walking streets.

Noel, I hope you get some good news at the doctors and are able to avoid the nasal tube. This is a really crummy way to lose weight.
Hello everyone. Noel, I hope you are on your way to recovery. Take good care of yourself. Foodborne illnesses are nothing to play with.

We don't have any leash laws where I live. I've had to get creative to keep other dogs out of my yard. I keep Remmy contained for her safety and my peace of mind.

OC, I hope you got your internet problem fixed. I couldn't help but think of this commercial and wonder if the turkey buzzards are mooching off you, lol!

When I first read of O.C.'s internet problems, I thought of those turkey buzzards. Never heard the name before, probably have seen them not knowing what they are. Lots of wild turkeys around here the last couple of years. We are getting cooler, and it seems the mice are trying to find ways and means to get indoors. Have had a few problems of late (fortunately not in the house) even to pulling out of garage, & hubby telling me later I had run over one, unknowingly. (not that I would have tried to avoid if I had known, lol)

The deer are........well, I guess it is the mating season, so one has to be very careful up here when driving anywhere. My son has a trail camera on one path in the woods and got a clip of a bobcat. Last time was a big bear. (but no deer, lol) Not hearing the loons, so guess they have taken off down south now, after the hummers. My son was here for opening of duck season, but not many of those, no luck at all. He commented on the lack of color, in comparison to other years. He had to leave sooner than expected, as Sunday, his one golden slid down an embankment, evidently hurt something, howling in pain. He could get no answers at our local vets (Sunday) so decided to leave immediately for home (3 hrs. away, so he could go to his vet first thing in a.m. The dog could walk, but would howl suddenly, better to be safe than sorry. She seemed o.k. when he got her home, but she was just laying in his van after they came back, for an hour or two, and all the way home.
We call them turkey vultures because they look like very ugly turkeys, lol. If you see a group of birds eating a roadkill around here, that's what they are.

Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day. Today was an okay day. Right now I am relaxing and watching one of my favourite game shows on television. I am pretty good at this particular game show and would love to be on it one day but am unsure if they accept Canadian contestants. I too will be watching the Presidential debate on television tonight.

Right now it is cloudy and 66 F. It rained for some of the day as well. What an icky day.

I hope that all of you have a marvelous Monday evening! Much happiness to each one of you.
Ahh, Sweetie, you remind me of when I was to be on a game show once, several years ago. So was all set, woke up in a.m. with horrible migraine, mine always meant head over the toilet every 15-20 min. so had to cancel. Broke my heart at the time.

I do think that quite often, those who are great at home.......just freeze during a game. It happens so often on Wheel of Fortune....

But quite often, when they bring back popular games, with different hosts, just not the same.
Sweetie, I hope you get to be on a game show. I would be scared stiff and unable to speak.

Poirot, I hope your son's dog is okay. Too bad he had to drive home, but it's hard to get rural veterinarian help sometimes, on weekends and such. Ugh, the thought of mice! They'll be starting up in my vehicles again soon, no doubt. A rat nearly ran across my foot when I was out in the yard the other day. Hey, you were a lot quicker thinking of the vultures on my antenna being a problem than I was! I don't know if they've already gotten it out of whack again or what, but I've had no service since the day after the tech was here. The hot spot is working for me but it may get expensive.

Kt, thanks a lot! :rotfl:That picture of the buzzard made me gasp! :eek: They are wicked looking creatures, much uglier up close like in that picture than way up on my antenna, and they are ugly enough there! They are all over the highways here with roadkill too. Can be dangerous. My sister and her husband had their windshield knocked out one time by them. When I see them ahead on the road I start blowing my horn. That usually gets them out of the way by the time I get to their feasting spot.

Oh yeah, that commercial was so fitting! I hadn't ever seen it.