Actress coming

I like him, but the show sure has given him a lot to be miserable about, and to be angry. Kristen is the one who drugged and raped him, knowing he was a priest, recorded it, & made sure all his friends and family saw it, and in a church!!!! And then she sits, smiles, smirks and gloats over making him believe Holly was dead, and Nicole, too.
Just glad he did not kill her, and have to spend rest of life in jail.
But then, since when does a police dept. allow a parade of civilians to visit with the person under arrest for heinous crimes, without a guard present, video taping, or her lawyer.
What a farce.
I've wondered about that as well, Poirot. There is no security in that police station.

And, since when does the mayor have the power to release prisoners? I heard Jack tell Kristen he couldn't release her unless she told him what he wanted to know. I keep thinking I heard that wrong because one eye and ear were on hurricane watch.
Actually, Jack had the deal from Melinda, he was only delivering it. He talked to Melinda, and got her to agree, thus had the paperwork. But he stood firm on not Letting Kristen out, going free, until she told where Nicole, Holly & Dr. Rolf were, and they ascertained she was telling the truth.
I really wished that then........they call Nashville cops., have Kristen walk out of Salem P.D. only to be nabbed by the Nashville police. As they said, she has plenty of crimes there. Alas, not gonna happen. :)
Thanks, Poirot! I knew I must have missed something.
Love the Nashville cop idea! Sometimes I think that we come up with better storylines that TPTB!
I was afraid Jack was going to give in and let her go before confirming she was telling the truth. So glad he did stand firm. But still, I don't know how I'm going to stand watching her roam around Salem again, acting all disgusting like she does, and I strongly suspect Brady is going to be drawn into her web once again, especially if Eric and Nicole get back together.