All My Exes

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What a nice conversation between friends! I hope Nicole finds love like that too. I think she will. She's done some unsavory things in her life and has been broken down but she always ends up on her feet. I think a fresh start is just what she needs. :)
Oh, three more chapters? Do I see an "intervention" coming? :) Philip to the rescue! I really really love happy endings! Thanks for another wonderful chapter, kpatch and a great way to start the weekend!
Just love Nicole and Chloe as friends. Seems like Philip and Chloe are in it for the long term. I am happy for Parker. I am so hoping that Nicole finds someone to love and that loves her. Thanks for the chapter kpatch.
I'm really enjoying all of the great bonding scenes in this story!! Both of these past two chapters are some of your best work yet IMO, Kpatch and that is saying a lot!
Chapter 35


Chloe: With Philip, it’s not only about sex. I mean we really are friends. We talk about everything. And we listen to each other. It’s very adult. And that mental connection? [whispering] It makes the sex even better.
Nicole: I’m so jealous. I wonder ...
Chloe: About what?
Nicole: If I’ll ever find that kind of happiness.
There’s a knock at the door.
Nicole: You expecting somebody? Oh wait. Let me guess. It’s Philip.
Chloe opens the door and Philip and Brady enter. Philip kisses Chloe.
Philip: Is Parker awake?
Chloe: Let’s go see.
They go to the baby’s room.

Brady: So, I heard you landed a new job.
Nicole: You heard? How did you hear so fast?
Brady: Lou told two people, and they told two people. The gossip mill at Titan is very healthy.
Nicole: What do you think?
Brady: I think it’s great. I mean, it’s what you want, right?
Nicole: Oh my god, it’s like a dream come true. I just didn’t think they would hire me.
Brady: Why not? You’re talented.
Nicole: I didn’t have the right references.
Brady: Wasn’t three enough?
Nicole: What??
Brady: You got three references.
Nicole: Wait a second. What do you know about this?
Brady: I know that Phil wrote a letter of recommendation, and I wrote a letter of recommendation.
Nicole: You did?
Brady: I’m also the one who anonymously sent your demo tape to Entertainment Tonight.
Nicole: Brady!
Chloe: And I got Granddad to admit he owed you one because of your help with Vivian and the sarcophagus matter ...
Nicole: I don’t believe it! Victor wrote a recommendation for me?
Brady: No. That would mean hell froze over.
Nicole: But you just said ...
Brady: He made a call to his friend Donald Trump. The Donald made a call, and the rest is history.
Nicole: I can’t believe you did this for me.
Brady: I did something else for you.
Nicole: Uh oh. I’m afraid to ask.
Brady: I stopped drinking. What you said the last time I saw you ... it really hit home. I went back to AA.
Nicole: You did that for me?
Brady: And for me. It was time for me to face my demons sober.
Nicole: I am sooo proud of you, Brady.
Brady: That’s what I wanted. I want you to feel proud of me. Look Nicole, I’m really ashamed of the way I treated you and the things I said.
Nicole: It’s okay, Brady.
Brady: No it’s not. You deserve better than that and I want you to know that I respect you. You’ve really come a long way.
Nicole: Thank you, Brady.
Brady: I’m going to miss you.
Nicole: I’ll miss you too.
Brady: When do you leave for Hollywood?
Nicole: Two weeks. That reminds me. I’ll be leaving Titan, Mr. Black. I’m giving you my two weeks notice.
Brady: Only two weeks, huh? I’m going to have to clear my calendar.
Nicole: What for?
Brady: So I can spend every minute with you between now and then.

Nicole and Brady take a step toward each other. He takes her in his arms and they kiss.

To be continued...
Ohhh boy. Just love that Brady and Nicole are getting closer. It seems to me that Brady may just go to Hollywood with Nicole. Thanks for the chapter kpatch.
I agree with DJM, can't see how they won't stay together.. Perhaps Brady can manage the new Titan offices in Hollywood...:wink:
Oh I'm so glad that Brady apologized to Nicole for the nasty things he said to her and that he stopped drinking. Good for him. I'm wondering too if he will go to LA with Nicole. Hmmmm....inquiring minds want to know! :toe tapping: :D
Chapter 36


Philip pulls into a parking spot next to Nicole’s Mazda. He and Chloe and Parker get out of their car and see Nicole tightening the bolts in the wheel’s hubcap.
Philip: What happened? Another flat?
Brady: No. I’m just teaching Nicole how to change a tire.
Nicole: Just in case something happens on the long drive to California.
Chloe: But Brady is going with you.
Nicole: True. But it’s one of those things I wanted to learn.
Chloe: Look at your dress. It’s filthy.
Nicole: Oh well, who cares? It’s just the four of us today, right?
The baby starts to whine.
Nicole: Sorry kiddo, I mean the five of us.
Chloe: Yes, but you’re holdling the baby during the ceremony.
Nicole holds up a bottle of Purell Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer.
Nicole: My dress may be dirty, but my hands will be clean.
Philip: Come on. It’s 1:00 o’clock.
The group walks into the park toward where a priest is standing.
Chloe: Father Matt! I didn’t know you’d be here.
Father Matt: Philip contacted me and asked if I’d do the honors.
Chloe: And you said yes!
Father Matt: The good lord told me it was the right thing to do. I understand you want to Christen your child with a new name.
Chloe: That’s right.
Father Matt: What name have you given the child?
Chloe: Wesley. Wesley Lane Kiriakis.

After the Christening, the group walks to the tree with the carving “P&C 4 Ever.”
Philip: It’s time for Wesley’s parents to make it official.
Chloe is smiling one of her patented ear-to-ear smiles. Nicole is holding the baby.
Nicole: Did you hear that, Wes? Your Mommy and Daddy are getting married.

To be continued. Tune in tomorrow for the finale.
Oh Boy a wedding a wedding. I will be wearing my nursing scrubs. Just loved the name that they gave Parker. So cool they are getting married by their tree. So happy that Brady and Nicole are going off to Hollywood together. Thanks for the chapter kpatch.
Wesley! I love it! Such a great name for that kid. Ooohhh, can't wait for the wedding...I bet it's going to be very romantic. Better stock up on the tissues now so I'm ready. :smile:
Excellent story...a little disappointed though


I know there is one more chapter to go, but I was really hoping for a Sami / Lucas reunion in this story and since he is "out of town" and there is only one chapter left, I'm kind of bummed.

However, I have loved this story and all the drama and romance...I love all of your stories!! :clap::hug:

I know there is one more chapter to go, but I was really hoping for a Sami / Lucas reunion in this story and since he is "out of town" and there is only one chapter left, I'm kind of bummed.

However, I have loved this story and all the drama and romance...I love all of your stories!! :clap::hug:

Don't give up hope yet...

I love the name! It is perfect! Still can't picture Nicole changing a tire :smile:
ahhh.....what a great name Wesley Lane Kiriakis! I really enjoy your stories KPatch, I hate to see this one end. Thank you again for the love story!
Ah, so the Lord is a Philip/Chloe fan too. I'm in great company :wink: