Another actor leaving?

I suppose they can't keep everyone and bring back other favorites with budget constraints. Nor can they write for everyone. Lucas has always been underused and more a part of B stories than A stories. I can't say as I'm surprised. However, I fail to understand why characters like Bo, Steve, Lucas, and many others get the boot or contract negotiations fall through and we still have Kate. Year after year. Plot after plot. If I could use a break from anyone, it's her! Is she really that popular with viewers? I've been over her for years. But, that's just me.

We know (or think we know) that Nicole, Mimi and Samantha Gene (or is she baaack for good) are short returns. Do we know if Jack (I'm still riding a high, lol), Shawn/Belle, Abigail (Kate Mansi) and whomever Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady) will play are short arcs or contract roles??

Active week at DOOL (or at least for DOOL viewers) for sure!

Well, I guess that means Chloe's free again in case Brady gets down to his last two or three "true loves"!

If that's the case I would have to insist that Kyle Lowder play Brady again!!! I like Eric Martsolf (current Brady), so I'd find something else for him to do on the show. Haha! Just dreaming.
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Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) is recurring, not on contract. He gets paid only when he appears. It could be he was offered a contract gig somewhere else.

He is one of my favs..and agree about him being having little story or scenes.

I don't know who Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady) will be playing, but have thought whoever it is, probably will get paired with Chloe. Could be wrong, but if that is the case, it would mean Lucas is minus another girlfriend, thus, no airtime?????
Nope as far as liking Kate. She and Sami are given WAAAYYY to much airtime. Budget constraints seem to not allow for fan favorites to stay on contract. What good is it to be renewed for another year and be stuck with the likes of bland Lani and overdone Kate?

People complained here a lot about Daniel. I didn't get that but these are my own personal feelings. For me Nicole is an asset. Hope re-written to be spunkier and not such a milquetoast would help. Rafe paired with someone else. GET GABI OUT OF JAIL NOW!!!! Stop wasting her air time. Use her or lose her.

Lucas could have been saved with better writers who think outside the towel draping of all people answering a door. No one seems to have a peephole to check before opening a door. They just fling it open seemingly unaware of their lack of attire. Most people would cautiously open a door for anyone, even those they knew, if wearing a towel.
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Not happy to hear he's gone but I hope they have him a good exit story. I wouldn't mind him leaving with Sami. I used to love them as a couple but even if they leave as friends I'm ok with that. As long as he can be closer to Allie. The writers haven't given Lucas the time and attention he deserved for a very long time.

Lucas has always been underused and more a part of B stories than A stories. I can't say as I'm surprised. However, I fail to understand why characters like Bo, Steve, Lucas, and many others get the boot or contract negotiations fall through and we still have Kate. Year after year. Plot after plot. If I could use a break from anyone, it's her! Is she really that popular with viewers? I've been over her for years. But, that's just me.

Completely agree, I'm so over Kate.
Evidently, Kate is a fav of the higher ups...the suits, etc. Of course, she may have a contract guaranteeing her 3 episodes per week.......who knows? She just gets into too many stories where she doesn't belong. Like Leo, his framing Sonny, etc.
we still have Kate. Year after year. Plot after plot. If I could use a break from anyone, it's her! Is she really that popular with viewers? I've been over her for years.
Me too. And you forgot criminal lover after criminal lover.

Also - GRRRRRRRR this makes me so mad. Unless he goes off to be with Allie and/or leaves happily with Chloe, this is aggravating.
I've got a question about another actor. Does anyone know what Stephen Nichols' (Steve) status is? Has Jason47 confirmed that he is done?

Thank you for any information you may have.
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Losing Lucas is too disappointing. Pretty soon there's going to be nobody left that I care to watch.

The timing may not work out right but what if they recast Lucas with Kyle Lowder (ex-Brady)? Then the two actors that used to play Brady and Chloe would be together. Not saying that would be a good idea, Just a thought that crossed my mind.