Beating the blues


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
This time of year can be difficult for some. Some of us struggle with SAD and some have a hard time dealing with the holidays for various reasons. And for some, we aren't quite sure what brings on the blues. Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me, and I have no idea what brought it on. So, I thought I would start a thread to invite all to share what ways they have found especially helpful in dealing with the blues.
Walking helps me -- weather permitting. This is especially good if I can walk in a very scenic area.
Staying well hydrated helps a lot! It took me a LONG time to discover this one!!!
Playing my favorite music is good. I can sing and dance with it.

Please share any tips. I look forward to hearing.
Just read an interview with and about Dick Van Dyck, 94 years old, who is appearing in the Mary Poppins sequel briefly, and dancing. In his real life, he exercises a lot, mostly by dancing! He and his wife (46 yrs. his junior) go dancing frequently, but when he hears music, he dances. Nothing wrong with that.....sounds good to me. He says it limbers the bones.
Up here, the weather is lousy for being outside in the colder months, so that is out. There is no family even remotely close, and none want to "go north" during these months. I know I try watching comedies, and sort of uplifting movies, even if a repeat.
Am sorry you had a bad day, Lil0, hopefully it won't last. Those "Bah, Humbug" days are hard to overcome, for sure. If there is a mall nearby, even a small one, take a ride over, just sit in the middle, and people watch. Seeing kids, little ones, no matter what they are doing, always makes me smile. (No mall here, but, tiny town, America. WalMart just is not the same. LOL)
Rain does it to me. I can't stand when it goes on for days.

When home, it is easier because I can put on loud upbeat music to sing along with (a lot of Rolling Stones and early Beatles) or a good happy sappy movie. It also helps if I can bake at the same time.

I'm stuck when at work since I can only play the radio very softly. It helps when I have to go to a preschool. The kids usually lift me up.
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Hey there Lil0, sorry to hear you have the blues.

For me, I find making myself get out of the house and outside works the best for me or going to the gym, playing volleyball. It is difficult to do especially when you mind and body is telling you, you don't wan to but every single time I just make myself do it when I'm feeling like I really don't, I always feel better.

It is especially more difficult in winter but it makes for a break in the day, does wonders for your mental health and gives you that bit of energy you need to tackle things that have been put off.

Good luck and hope you find what changes these feelings you're having.

RS - Rain definitely does it for me too. I hate the rain and is why I could never live out in Vancouver.
Cloudy days and winter bother me a lot. It's gotten worse as I get older and
being alone. I'm better when I'm outside and do yard work. I need to drink
more water, but I forget.

Holiday season is the worst. The commercials showing families and you
no longer have one
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The endless summer and high temps with dust storms give me the blues. I fight it every year here. Volunteer duties helping others always fills my heart with joy. That includes helping people and animals.

So sorry you have the blues Lilo, but starting this thread has helped your online friends. I hope that good deed lifts your heart and puts a smile on your sweet face.:love:
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Hugs. I'm usually the optimistic, smiley person. I have been told I'm annoyingly positive and cheerful. But this Christmas, I'm in tears almost daily. I cried reading this thread. my point...even the most annoyingly positive person gets the blues sometimes.

it's been a hard year. I'm still heartbroken over my cousin Greg's unexpected death. Seeing his wife and little girls first Christmas photos without daddy broke me the other day. He is supposed to be in those pictures. He is supposed to be here. And NO. not everything happens for a reason- sometimes life just sucks. period. There's no reason for Greg to have died. He.Should.Be.Here. Same with Will, who committed suicide in his truck after saying goodbye to my husband and I. We had no idea what he was planning to do when he left our home. Let's just say 2018, though filled with some smiles and good times, had some really terrible times that just flat out- sucked. And I've only shared with you 2 of the "things".

Anyway...moving on. When I'm feeling down... I have found that finding things that I know will make me laugh until my stomach hurts - not only makes me feel better emotionally but also physically. And one of those "things that make me laugh" is Tony Baker Comedy on YouTube. Go ahead- go to YouTube, and search for Tony Baker Comedy (specifically his Voice Over Animal videos). And I hope you smile/laugh as much as I do at his humor. Tony Baker is a life saver sometimes, and I love him. Sometimes, the language is a bit bad, but I don't think it's too bad. But comedy is one of my go-to things to help. Another hilarious comedian is Tom Segura... my favorite video of his is The First 48. Definitely check out that one on YouTube also!!!

Thanks for the drinking water and staying hydrated tip..I'm going to drink some more water now. and dancing is good for the soul, too..I totally agree with that.
Ahh, comedy I love......and I also look for the light things...which is why I don't watch horror movies, sci-fi, sad ones. Life gives us enough misery, so silly stuff works great. Which reminds me, Courtesy of Readers Digest......In re: car commercials...they grossly overestimate the amount of time I spend driving around in the desert! Then there was this farmer who was helping one of his cows give birth, his 4 yr. old son standing by the fence, was watching. Farmer figured good time to talk "birds and bees", so asked the boy if he had any questions. Just one, gasped the wide-eyed boy - how fast was that calf going when he hit the cow?
:rotfl::rotfl: Ah yes. laughter is good. Reminds me how much I love that "dentist" routine by Harvey Korman and Tim Conway. Cracks me up every time I watch it.

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Oh my word, Lil0, I don't know when I've laughed that hard.

Poirot, you said it perfectly, about avoiding the dark things and going for the silly stuff. That's what I do. I am limited on how much I can watch of videos on my computer but I do watch some of the short clips, especially of entertaining things animals do, and find them good distractions.

DaysLady, I'm so sorry for the tragic losses you've endured this year. The untimely ones are the hardest. Wishing you comfort to get through the Christmas season.
This time of year is hard for me too. I don't have kids and am slowly coming to the realization that my time to have them is probably gone. My family is also now spread out and my grandparents are gone so things just aren't the same as they were when I was little.

Anyway, I would travel somewhere for the holidays if it were cost effective but it tends to not be. So, I may just try to take in a few Broadway shows via lottery or day of rush tickets once work winds down. I do find the theater to be very uplifting so I know there are some great theaters around the country and many Broadway shows tour as well. Movies are fun too. I'm looking forward to Mary Poppins Returns.

I like to watch Hallmark Christmas movies this time of year. I watch the other channels too but there is just something about Hallmark that's magical.

Fuller House Season 4 is dropping on Netflix later this week so that should be fun. I'm eagerly awaiting an announcement on The Crown Season 3. I wonder if Netflix may just drop it without advance warning.

My Zumba classes help as many of us have become friends outside of class too. I also need to start training for my next Disney 10K in February.

Shopping always makes me feel better too but unfortunately it doesn't help my wallet. I do like to get out and walk around malls though.

Reading has always made me feel good too but life seems to get in the way too much. I'm going to make this a goal in 2019.
To begin my story remember this I have been unemployed for 17 years.

In June I began having Vertigo. I had my ears cleaned out. Didn't like that one bit. My head started to bother me (not a headache type). My ear started making a pulse sound (tinnitius). In August I was in the ER twice because of blood pressure so now I'm on BP medication. In Sept- Got on health insurance, food stamps, and got application sent in for Social Security Disability (I have had a learning disability since pre-school.) Saw ENT doctor about my ear, he freaked me out the visit didn't go very well. Have filled out some so much paperwork. In Oct-I had a CT scan and came back negative. In November I saw a neuro-psychologist and did some testing but after I couldn't handle it anymore and left. It was supposed to be a 3-4 hour testing process. And they wouldn't let me break it up into sessions. (I have a trait of having a short attention span).

For my sleep issues-I have been taking Melatonin and using Melatonin sleep cream, music putting me to sleep.

So I guess I have been through a lot. I just hate this waiting to see I get approved for Disability or not. We have talked with my case manager and she said the most important thing is my "Intellectual Ability " is.

That's I have been talking with the pastor about 3 times and hoping to make another one before end of the year. I can tell he is concerned about me. He was the one that encouraged me to go to my doctor about the way I was feeling and was encouraging me to go on medication. Don't get me wrong but I do have the most wonderful parents who I live with. I feel better talking with someone is not family.

So I guess all of this waiting has made me a little depressed. I wish I had started on this medication sooner but I was afraid to go on anything I was afraid of the side effects.
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Some years ago, I was having vertigo episodes. Heck, room spinning, without a single drop of alcohol. (just being funny here). I went thru an entire battery of testing...and the upshot inbalance of the inner ear. Took over 6 mos. to finally clear up. I have a friend who currently is bothered with this.....and back, at the time, my son-in-law also had it. He would not go to a doctor, since he knew what I went thru, and it eventually went away. There is nothing that can be done for it, except time. I don't have any idea if that might be your problem, rk, but just letting you know that others have experienced similar things.
As to SSD...that DOES take a while , several months if I remember (family member).And, by the way, I am losing some hearing, esp. in one ear. Got tested last spring, not enough for hearing aid, but in the course of the testing, I was asked about the "noise" I hear. Yep, sounds like the furnace blower running (I don't have a furnace, but used to) and asked why I hear that. Brain is making up for the hearing loss, or something. sounded odd, but it is only apparent at certain times. I usually have a radio or TV on, or am involved in paperwork so don't pay attention. If you read here, you will see many of us have a problem sleeping at times. Heck, I was suddenly awake at 5:00 this a.m. and don't know why. Still dark, no noises, and could not get back to sleep, tho I tried for some time. Oh, well.
rknudson, I hope the medication starts helping soon. I'm glad you have family who
can help you and you can talk to your pastor.

Cloudy days bother me a lot. I have lights on in every room when I'm
awake. When I'm not watching TV, I have music playing.

I laugh watching old TV comedies