Ben did it!!

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Here's how I picture the 911 call to the Salem PD about the thug in Doug's Place:

Chloe: Come to the club, quick, there was a guy trying to kill me.

Hope: It was Ben, I just know it. I'll be there to arrest him.

Chloe: No, it wasn't Ben, it was some guy out to avenge Mateo's death.

Hope: Yes, I know it's Ben and I'll be there immediately to arrest him.

Chloe: You're not listening to me! It's NOT Ben!

Hope: I'm on my way to arrest Ben for attacking you.
Here's how I picture the 911 call to the Salem PD about the thug in Doug's Place:

Chloe: Come to the club, quick, there was a guy trying to kill me.

Hope: It was Ben, I just know it. I'll be there to arrest him.

Chloe: No, it wasn't Ben, it was some guy out to avenge Matteo's death.

Hope: Yes, I know it's Ben and I'll be there immediately to arrest him.

Chloe: You're not listening to me! It's NOT Ben!

Hope: I'm on my way to arrest Ben for attacking you.
Great stuff, JS. Here are a few other Hope-Ben scenarios.

St. Luke's Academy Secretary: Somebody just chalked "Father Louis Is a Doodyhead" on the sidewalk right outside the school.
Hope: It must be Ben. He has no respect for anything or anybody. I'm on the case.

Little Old Lady: Please help. My cat, Mr. Whiskers, is missing. I'll bet somebody catnapped him.
Hope: It's Ben again. I always knew he was anti-pet. I'll get right on this.

Salem Laundromat Attendant: We've had a theft. A customer's laundry bag has been stolen. Her husband's best boxer shorts were in it.
Hope: That's Ben. He must be looking for some clean clothes. I'll start a search for him right away.

Salem Inn Desk Clerk: Something's fishy. I just saw creepy Leo Stark go up to a room.
Hope: He's meeting Ben. The two of them are up to no good. I'm on my way to make an arrest.
Soon, Hope will start rewriting Salem history:

Ted: I was reading up on some Salem history. What a tragedy when Jake Kositchek murdered Marlena's twin sister, Samantha.
Hope: No, that was Ben.
Ted: But wasn't that decades before he was born?
Hope: Nope, it was Ben.

Ted: Poor Maggie Horton. I read that Jack Deveraux's adoptive father, Harper, murdered Maggie's foster daughter, Janice.
Hope: No, that was Ben.
Ted: He hadn't even been born yet.
Hope: It was him, I remember.

Ted: Oh my, Chad and Stefan's older sister was killed by their brother Andre? That's ghastly.
Hope: I'm telling you, it was Ben Weston. He killed Renee DiMera.
Ted: But he wasn't yet a twinkle in his daddy's eye at that point.
Hope: Why don't you believe me?? It WAS Ben!

Ted: So wait, your first husband, Larry Welch, killed Stefano's other daughter, Megan Hathaway??
Hope: How many times do I have to tell you?? IT WAS BEN!
Ted: I think you're too focused on Ben.
Hope: Just wait, I'll show you, it's always Ben's fault.
Days breaks the fourth wall for a Q&A with Commissioner Brady-Hernandez:
Fans: Whose idea was it to murder half the cast, in favour of characters like Rex and Mimi? I heard it was James Reilly.
Hope: Nope, that was Ben's idea.

Critics: Who is responsible for this abhorrent miscast of Diana Colville?
Hope: Ron Carlivati.
Critics: Really?
Hope: Of course not, it was Ben!
Hope is now rewriting her own personal history.

Ted: Hope, is it true that you once mugged most of the leading men in Salem?
Hope: Ben hypnotized me and made me do it.

Ted: Hope, I've also heard that you poured gasoline all over your husband, Bo Brady, and were about to incinerate him.
Hope: I was just going to freshen him up with his favorite after-shave, but Ben showed up with a gas can and made me do it.

Ted: Hope, did you ever figure out what happened to Stefano DiMera?
Hope: You bet. Ben shot him to death at the mansion and then dumped the body in an abandoned warehouse.

Ted: One of the cops told me that instead of arresting a DiMera flunky named Arnold Finnegar, you and Bo held him prisoner in a warehouse and assaulted him in an illegal effort to get information. That can't be true, can it?
Hope: Of course not. Ben was holding Finnegar captive in a cabin. Bo and I rescued him and took him to jail. It wasn't our fault that another inmate then murdered him on Ben's orders.

Ted: I've been told that you fatally shot the accused murderer of Mayor Marino at University Hospital, which endangered bystanders and prevented the police from getting key information from the suspect.
Hope: Ben ordered the assassination. He then used his hypnotic powers to force me to silence the assassin so he wouldn't be implicated.
Reporter: Who really killed Ford Decker?
Hope: Ben Weston, of course.

Reporter: Wasn't your stepdaughter, Chelsea Brady, responsible for the hit and run accident that took the life of your son, Zack?
Hope: No, Ben Weston was driving that car and plowed down my baby.

Reporter: Who was responsible for the tunnel explosions that killed many, including cosmetics queen, Madison James?
Hope: Ben Weston was lurking in those tunnels right before the explosion so I can say with 100% certainty the explosion and Madison's death are his fault.

Reporter: Who kidnapped your daughter-in-law, Belle Black Brady, when she was an infant? Wasn't it really your niece, Samantha Brady?
Hope: While I don't care for my husband's ex-wife, Sami, she was completely innocent in the case of Belle's kidnapping. Ben kidnapped Belle and tried to sell her on the black market.
Reporter: Wasn't your stepdaughter, Chelsea Brady, responsible for the hit and run accident that took the life of your son, Zack?
Hope: No, Ben Weston was driving that car and plowed down my baby

Hahaha, you took mine.

Carly Manning: I was buried alive, Hope. It was Vivian Alamain. She's crazy and out to get me.

Hope: So is Ben Weston. He is crazy and it had to have been him.

Carly: But Hope, I just told you. It was Vivian!!!!!

(Hope puts a finger up to Carly's lips)
Hope: shh, shh shh shh shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! (Nods her head) it was Ben.
Hope: (trapped in cage hanging over hot lava or something) Help!! Help!! Ben is going to kill me.

Julie: Who???

Hope: Ben!! Ben Weston!!

Julie: Darling....who is Ben Weston?

Hope: Dammit Julie, it doesn't matter right now. He's right there. Stop wasting time and help me.

(In walks Ben, who Hope, with the help of Dr. Rolf has implanted memories of Ben Weston instead of Ernesto Toscano as having captured her and deceiving everyone she was dead)
Ted: Tell me about your mother.

Hope: Her name was Addie and she was very beautiful. But I never really knew her. She was killed by a car that went out of control and hit her, right before she pushed my baby carriage out of the way.

Ted: Oh my, that's so tragic. I'm sorry you lost your mother so young.

Hope: Ben Weston is the one who should be sorry. He's the one who was driving that car. I'm **this close** to proving it and arresting him.
Ted queries Hope about cop crime.

Ted: Hasn't Ciara been kidnapped before, including once by a disgruntled cop?
Hope: No way. No Salem P.D. officer would commit a crime. It was Ben who kidnapped Ciara when she was a small child.

Ted: But didn't a Salem cop once shoot up the Pub in an effort to murder John Black?
Hope: Of course not. It was Ben who was afraid that John would get the goods on his criminal father, Clyde Weston.

Ted: Wait, wasn't it a cop who wanted to "fix" Rafe Hernandez, but was instead shot by Sami Brady?
Hope: You're not listening. No Salem cop breaks the law. It was Ben who was going to attack Rafe and who pushed the poor detective into the line of fire.

Ted: Really? But hasn't the Salem P.D. always been riddled with spies who are on the DiMera payroll?
Hope: Gee you're dense. No Salem cop ever commits crimes!!! Never, ever!! Any spying was done by Ben who lurked outside open windows, eavesdropped in the Town Square, or tapped our phones.
Kimberly: I understand your worry, Hope. I know how it feels when your baby is kidnapped. I remember when Andrew...
Hope: Oh, right! That horrible Ben Weston kidnapped Andrew!
Kimberly: But...
Hope: And I can't believe Ben managed to make you sick. So sorry. He will pay, I tell you, he will pay.
Kimberly: :eek:

Hope: Remember when Ben kidnapped you?
Marlena: Oh, I've been kidnapped all right. But never by Ben Weston.
Hope: Poor Marlena. Ever since Ben had the Devil take control of your mind and body, you've never been the same.
Marlena: :eek:
Hope: I remember when Ben was the Salem Stalker and killed Jack, Abe, Maggie, Caroline, Daddy, Cassie, Roman and Gran.

Kayla: Uhhhh, Hope, that was Andre using mind control to make Marlena think she did the killings.

Hope: No, I remember Ben wearing the mask and black hoodie when he killed all of them.

Kayla: Hope, honey, remember, they were all alive and well on the island, Melaswen.

Hope: Oh Kay, he's brainwashed you, too.