BEWARE: ads at top of my Spectator


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Wayne has explained elsewhere about how we get our individualized ads at the top of our Spectator pages. (It goes by your online browsing history)

A while ago, I posted in the donuts thread about my brother's facebook profile picture being stolen. I had to work with him over the phone to change his picture and lock down his facebook privacy issues.

It was a beautiful picture of my brother and sister-in-law in the desert near where they live. My s-i-l happens to be originally from the Philippines, and that is what I think is behind these ads. You see, the site that stole their picture is one for caucasian men looking for asian women. They were just annoying in the beginning. Now they're starting to be disgusting (offering services).

I've tried clearing my browsing history, cache, cookies, etc. Nothing worked. I've finally come up with a plan that seems to be working. Before coming on to the Spectator each time, I'm now spending time visiting dog rescue sites to have pictures of cute little furry creatures appear at the top of my Spectator page instead of the junk. So far, so good.

I hope nobody has this same problem. If you do, remember what I did to try to fool the ad program.
I haven't had any problems with the ads yet, but I have noticed they tend to be centered around my husband's searches and not mine. So I'm seeing ads for tires, trailers, and heavy equipment. :confused:
LOL, well, I certainly do get get tons of ads for "girls" . When it started I had asked Wayne if there was anything we could do.....nope. About a month ago I googled and visited the Equifax site, and sure do get ads for them a lot, too. But the "girls" just is mind boggling. Don't know why they appear. Maybe they are the "we can't think of anything else, so lookie here. I even had one for a pretty blond gal "who lives only 2.8 miles from me" Hahahahaha. 2.8 miles in any direction from where I live is either in deep woods or the middle of the lake.
Ha ha, Rocky, if anyone had a husband who wanted to be naughty on the internet, this would be a way to get a clue. Good thing yours is interested in farm equipment.

I've mostly been seeing stuff I've been looking at on Amazon but Squirrel, it's good to know a way to intervene if something undesirable comes up.
I looked up somthing for a friend re: foot problem she was having I now have a FOOT FUNGUS medicene as my ad!:eek:
Um...Poirot. Errr.... What have you been searching?? Tee hee... JK. That is so weird. Wouldn't a firewall help block some of this? I am a little green on how this all works as far as security goes...
no offense...i love you all...but if we had to pay for the site, my hubby wouldn't let me. we're just so tight with money these way would he approve a monthly budget for a soap opera forum.

my ads are mostly for the guess i must spend most of my time on here. hahaha... although, someone must have googled the jeep website on my comp- cause I get that one sometimes too. (this is my work computer)... so sometimes I see Konica Minolta or Ricoh ads too.

then- at home- i see spectator a lot too, and facebook... maybe a craigslist ad once in a while.
the ads don't bother me- if they keep the site free, I'm ok with a few flashy ads at the top of my screen.
LOL, well I guarantee you I don't go looking for girls or guys ads, and I get them a lot, even "Christian singles"....and tho I visit web md, soap sites, wikipedia, IMDB, geneology, snopes, ....nope, I don't get any of that, and I amthe only one who uses this computer. Ha.
My son has used it once or twice when visiting but just to visit his dog sites, field trials. None of that appears either. Tooo funny. I have erased all my fact. My hard drive was completely erased in december, and my Firefox browser newly downloaded, as was the Spectator....and I still get them.
Wow...too funny. The only ads I see are for credit cards. UGH. Noo, the only prob I had was when the ads were overtaking space on my avatar. Nothing major, it was just kind of annoying. :)
I noticed the same thing recently. I now get choice hotels - I was planning a trip and an ad for amazon with the exact thing that I had been looking at. Creepy.
I feel so blessed. I use my phone and don't get any ads at all!!!
Ha ha, Sunny, I guess you've got the best deal after all. Anyway, it's the best if it makes you happy!

So far, the ads haven't bothered me. I'm just always a little surprised when one pops up.
There are ads for scanners at the moment I've been looking for a certain kind...scary ain't it. I have noticed that my virus protector has been blocking some of the images/ads here .

LOL Swamp Girl is interested in Poirot:p:rotfl:
I get ads for the brand of tires my hubby makes. And just now I got a location-specific ad for a new store at the mall in Wichita Falls. OC, wonder if you'll see that one too?